ada lovelace school catchment area

Leaders have made sure that safeguarding procedures are thorough and are understood by staff. ? We looked at how well leaders are working together to address the second recommendation from the previous inspection. ? By working together to create a more inclusive and equitable digital landscape, we can help to achieve a world where all women and girls can reach their full potential. Who Was Ada Lovelace? In Aberdeen, the catchment areas are a patchwork of lines, each relating to a different type of school. This Assessment Day will be held at William Perkin Church of England High School after schoolon Tuesday4th October 2022. We also have a well-developed approach to Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance which closely aligns with the Pastoral Programme designed to deliver PSHEwithin the context of the strongly articulated Christian values of the school (see Ethos and Vision tab above). Due to number of reforms to GSCE reporting introduced by the government in 2014, such as the exclusion of iGCSE examination results, the official school performance data may not accurately report a schools full results. Our heat maps use groups of postcodes, not individual postcodes, and have naturally soft edges. Bolton, BL6 4SG However, it is important to ensure that the development and deployment of AI is done in an ethical and responsible manner, so that it does not perpetuate existing inequalities or create new ones. Most big cities in Australia use "catchment areas" for assigning students to public schools. We had informal conversations with some parents when they were dropping their children at school at the start of the day. Lovelace became interested in Babbages machines as early as 1833 when she was introduced to Babbage by their mutual friend, author Mary Somerville, and, most notably, in 1843 came to translate and annotate an article written by the Italian mathematician and engineer Luigi Federico Menabrea, Notions sur la machine analytique de Charles Babbage (1842; Elements of Charles Babbages Analytical Machine). Full 2022 GCSE and A-Level results are now available. We are some time away from all of this happening though. The key focus on subject-specific vocabulary provides a strong basis for discussions regarding a range of topics across the curriculum. Finally, we considered the actions that leaders are taking to raise attainment in reading at key stage one. I reviewed feedback from the staff survey. This school responds well to any concerns I raise, 11. It is a visualisation of where pupils lived at the time of the annual School Census. She was a major figure in setting standards for a large proportion of the work in natural language processing (NPL) in the US and other countries. The closing deadline forExternalapplications isThursday 15th December 2022and the closing deadline forInternalapplications isMonday 23rdJanuary 2023. Ofsted: Good. ? We respect your privacy and never share your email address with the reviewed school or any third parties. More details on this event will be released on my LinkedIn channel, so stay tuned! Corrections? She attended Xavier University where she majored in pharmacy for around 2 years. Lovingly built in the UK | privacy policy | terms of use I am copying this letter to the chair of the governing body and the director of education for the local authority of Kingston. Please be advisedAda LovelaceSixth Form Application is now open and can be accessed here. Leavitt studied stars to determine their brightness and distance from earth. What inspired you to March the Quantum Track as you have? A member of the School Guide team will verify your details within 2 working days and provide further detailed instructions for setting up your School Noticeboard. Finally, we considered the actions that leaders are taking to raise attainment in reading at key stage one. For example, a group experimenting with water to move a ball down a drainpipe showed delight and fascination and were able to sustain their concentration while learning. In 1957, her division developed the first English language data processing complier. If you are a member, you can access dedicated support via our members' helpdesk which operates 7 days a week. Moreover, digital technologies can be designed with a gender-responsive approach, which takes into consideration the specific needs and experiences of women and girls. Ada Lovelace was born in 1815 and died in 1852, she was born in London and was homeschooled by her mother and had several tutors. This can include digital literacy and coding skills, which can help to close the digital gender gap and ensure that women have equal opportunities to participate in the technology sector. Lynstock Way Rubin was a student of the unknown and showed that every galaxy is surrounded by a mass of dark matter that to this day, we don't know what it is. My child is taught well at this school, 6. We met with middle leaders and reviewed pupils' work. Show this to the girls and women and parents in your world! The launch of the Soviet satellite sputnik change history along with Kathrine Johnsons life as she was the one who manually ran the same equations through her desktop that the machine used to ensure that they were safe to go before take-off. Where can parents find help to choose a school? Children are confident to ask and answer questions, often in full sentences. Parent(s)/carer(s) details and contact information, 3. Leaders have implemented a culture of safeguarding that protects all members of the school community. There are mighty powerful cultural barriers around the world, including the U.S. With consistent movement in the empowering direction, this must shift. The early programming language Ada was named for her, and the second Tuesday in October has become Ada Lovelace Day, on which the contributions of women to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are honoured. Welcome to my Women in Technology newsletter, brought to you in recognition of International Women's Day on March 8th, 2023. Grace Hopper was born in 1906 and died in 1992, she was born in New York and attended Yale University in 1930 and eventually received a PH. Lostock The Ada Lovelace Day Education Pack is a series of resources for teachersand parents, focused on students aged 11-14, ie Key Stage 3 in the UK or US Grades6-8. I believe that digital tools and technology have the potential to be powerful drivers of change in the fight against gender inequality. Supporting statements or additional documentation canbe submitted via the appeal form (in PDF and/or JPEG format). Foundation school Southall. Details for both of these can be found below. In 1965 Mary earned her Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Michigan. It's so very powerful to see the pioneering women - Where We Have Been since Before the Beginning, the many contributions that moved the field forward, and now looking toward the future with new technologies. This pupil heat map shows where pupils currently attending the school live. Places are offered to students whose needs can be met. Applications for the Specialist Language Scholarship Places are now closed. These include New York City (which began in 2003), Boston (2005), New Orleans (2012), Denver (2012), Washington DC (2013) and Newark (2014). This school is well led and managed. In many affected cases, the Average Point Score will also display LOW SCORE as points for iGCSEs and resits are not included. This was to increase opportunities for language development and number skills in the early years. Digital education can also play a crucial role in promoting gender equality by providing women and girls with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the digital economy. The primary school offers guidance. By using AI to analyse data and identify patterns, we can gain valuable insights into how to reduce gender inequality in areas such as the workplace, education, and healthcare. nurseries A-Z | find all nurseries near me | find all nurseries by postcode | local authorities. If a place becomes available the oversubscription criteria for the current academic year are reapplied to all those on the waiting list and a subsequent reordering of the waiting list may take place. This was linked to a recommendation from the previous inspection report regarding the presentation of work in non-core subjects. Ada Lovelace is an 11-18 Comprehensive school, which will reach a roll of approximately 1350 students in the academic year 2024/25." Read Full Message For more information, please see About and refer to the section, Why does a school show0% on its GSCE data dial? The school is named after the Victorian pioneer of computing; it has a . This could be that the school in their catchment is full or they need specialised education which is not available in their catchment school. I totally agree that technology can be a powerful tool for promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls, but it also presents the severe risk of perpetuating systemic inequalities. This school deals effectively with bullying, 10. These arrangements and the admissionscriteria are reviewed annually by the governing body and should not be regarded as binding in future years. These opportunities could be implementing mentorship programmes, coding workshops, and leadership training in your organisation to support women when it comes to their development. At Ada Lovelace, we have formed our unique identity using Ada Lovelaces legacy as the first computer programmer, as a brilliant, agile thinker and problem solver. We believe that there are three Core Values in our 10:10 Ethic: The 10:10 Ethic is also often articulated as having the following positive disciplines: Copyright 20212023 Ada Lovelace C of E High School, All individuals have God-given gifts which they can develop for the good of others, All individuals do bad things sometimes but that it is not acceptable to believe that anyone has to stay in a bad place, All individuals can find their valued place within community. This system effectively limits public school enrolment to where people can afford to live. For example, if you are more lenient on a man coming in late because of traffic and not a woman because of childcare then you need to evaluate your policies to ensure gender bias isnt taking place. As I discovered after moving my family to the United States, the quality of public education is far better than anything we have experienced in Australia. She was one of 3 black students to attend West Virginias graduate college. In Australia, local public schools enrol about 60 per cent of all students. Updates? This Lovelace Leap is where our motto Make the Leap has its origins and will inspire Ada Lovelace students present and future to do and be great. own admission authority for the current admission arrangements. The school has 200 places for entry in Year 7 (from September 2020). From 1st September 2022, In-Year Admissions will be openfor Year 7, Year 8,Year 9,Year 10 and Year 11students onlyand will be subject to the Admissions Policy for September 2022entry which can be found below. Be sure to include everyone during meetings and dont let the loudest voices be the only ones that are heard. Our new building provides an incredible environment for learning, full of light and airy classrooms, equipped with modern technology and with huge spaces where we join as one community. Details will be verified. This enhanced learning environment is academically uplifting, motivating students to do and be the best that they can be. 5 The Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School. I also evaluated school documents such as the school improvement plan and your school self-evaluation. Senior leaders accompanied us on visits to classrooms.I talked to pupils about their learning. Inspection findings The first key line of enquiry was to review the quality of teaching in subjects other than English and mathematics to ensure that it is of an equal standard. This was linked to a recommendation from the previous inspection report regarding the presentation of work in non-core subjects. They work tirelessly to ensure that all pupils receive memorable learning opportunities. She went on to become the first female head of astronomy at Harvard University. Parents/carers wishing to make an in year application should complete the relevant in year online application form below. It will just take some time. If you wish to make an appeal following the unsuccessful outcome of your in-year application, you will need to submit the Application to Appeal Form directly to Ealing's Committee Section - the address is included on the form. Always check with the schools The People Like Me pack is also targeted at girls aged 11-14, and includes: Support the work of Ada Lovelace Day with a monthly pledge from just $1 (66p) via Patreon.

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