california civil war reenactment groups

Accepting new recruits, families welcome! We are a group of living historians presenting first person histories of various key figures of the War Between the States. We are always happy to have new members join our unit. Thank you. Fife & Drum Corps. It was the incongruity of it all that caught the eye of Oakland photographer Brandon Tauszik, who spent three years immersed in the world of Civil War reenactments in Northern and Central California. It was an annoying historical . The company is based in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. The thrill of living inside a 19th-century tintype has an appeal all of its own, drawing families and spectators. The United States Volunteers, Inc. (USV) provides an association We are a family oriented unit that portrays both US and CS. Btry B 3rd KS - Light Artillery - Frontier Bde. Escrito en 27 febrero, 2023. When we venture down south we fall in with the Liberty Rifles. Currently with around two dozen members (male and female) they take part in regular WW2 based skirmishes and reenactments all over the country. Member of N/S Alliance working mostly in the WI, IL, and IA area. Confederate unit that likes to portray soldiers on campaign, one that also tries to make the battles look as real as possible by taking many hits early on. Current Riders salute this motley band of irregualrs with annual maneuvers deep in the Smokey Mountains. 44th Georgia, Co. C; Pridgeon's Battalion. Zouaves, 104th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company In California, Civil War reenactors brandish the Southern cause. We are family oriented and we are willing to help the beginner. We are looking for members from: South-Eastern Minnesota, North-Eastern Iowa, Southern Wisconsin, and Northern Illinois. Family friendly unit. We have members from southern Pennsylvania, Maryland and northern Virginia. The Leon Rifles are American Civil War reenactors who have formed an organization that does Living History as a hobby. 154th Tennessee Confederate infantry reenacts at battles in the IL/IN/WI area's. Its become a kind of creation story that Americans tell about themselves, Campbell said. DONATE NOW! We have members from NC, VA, MD and MI. ACivil War Reenactmentis the recreation of past battles for the education and entertainment of both spectators and hobbyists alike. Confederate soldiers invade Central Park in Huntington Beach on Sunday, September 3, 2017, reenacting a brutal Civil War battle against the Union. Confederate Infantry company, portraying mid to late war. Everything from the military conflicts and tactics to civilian life with its social expectations and customs, are experiences that our living histori. Lawtons, NY 14091-9731. A good group of southern gentlemen and families are welcome. We are a family unit. We endeavor to represent the REGULAR US engineer Battalion in the Army of the Potomac. If looking to dive into reenacting, the number one piece of advice is to speak to a unit before making purchases. We are looking for new members both mounted-infantry-civilain-We are 5 members(mounted) doing what comes best, Raiding U.S. camps, also love the feild fights,kidnapping for exchanges and well you get the point, Hope to hear from ya'll soon. A civilian organization portraying impressions including the U.S. Sanitary Commission. SIMI VALLEY: Civil War Days March 7-8, 2020. If interested please email me.Your phone numbers and of course your name. Confederate Mounted Unit always looking for new recruits to join the ranks. We actively recruit new members. West Side Victorian Dancers meet 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m., Hales Corners Library. Reenactors take their "jobs" very seriously. We portray the average soldier fighting in one of Berdan's regiments during the Civil War. No group required! A quick look at upcoming events for the National Civil War Association and the American Civil War Association shows that there are reenactments scheduled throughout the year, and all over California. September 3-4. Recuriting new members. We are a family-oriented Mess with members stretching from Virginia to Florida whose primary impression is that of guerrillas in the Eastern Theater. 5th Texas Rangers Co.B has free membership plus has a union side to join as well to join email us today. We are family oriented reenacting group located in North East Ohio with member throughout the U.S.. We attended both local and national events and do several presentations for schools and living histories. Our unit is family-oriented. Dismounted Cavalry commanded by Captain Matthew Joe Mallory. However, these reenactments were not open to the public. Through the recreation of events, members of the organization represent both the 4th Texas Company E and the 16th Michigan Company B for various educational events around the Great Lakes region and beyond. California American Civil War Society. Tactical Reenactment: Some reenactments will be listed as "tactical" or "private". Authentic Civil War Union Soldiers Photograph 19th Regiment Company C Michigan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AUTHENTIC CIVIL WAR / INDIAN WAR KEPI WITH NAME INSIDE CHRISTMAS SALE PRICED. Contact Information - Eddie Sullivan, 205-792-2362 or at Old West/Gunfighter Groups. California Historical Group: West Coast WWII Reenacting. Each of these contingents is further comprised of individual member units. These battles and events found a receptive audience, but public interest in reenactments faded by the late 1960s. We are looking for some good men who are proud of their heritage. We do living histories and reenactments in North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and other states in the east. We are a family orientated group that is looking for members who are interested in positively and publicly portraying and recreating the lives of Virginia Soldiers and Civilians during the period of American Civil War. A group of Arkansas Reenactors that portray a Civil War unit from 1861-1865. Membership stretches from Baltimore, MD to Bethlehem, PA. We are members of Pridgeons Battalion and pride ourselves in our authentic portrayal of and army on the campaign. We authenticaly portray the fighting men of New Hampshire! 41st Tennessee Regiment "Rough and Readies". We recreate the war between the states to teach and inform . Come and join with us! RevWar Progressive a cornucopia of reenactor information. A member of Longstreet's Corps. We are members of the 1st Division of Southern Reenactors and are Family Oriented and Family Friendly. The Army of the Shenandoah is a family friendly Civil War Reenactment Organization. December 31, 1861 - July 27, 1866. We portray the 10th Indiana Cavalry when we put on blue(often). Think philosophy. The 1st US Sharpshooters seeks to authentically recreate Company H of the Berdan Sharpshooters, from their conception in 1861 through transfers to the 124th NY and 93rd NY. Battle in GA FLA AND S.C. We need you to join up. Mich. We are looking for new members in the upstate of SC and we are a family group. Civil War Indian Fighters! Call 1-731-983-5401 for unit information. We are a family oriented unit out of the Myrtle Beach/Conway area looking for new members to bolster our ranks during our busy schedule of reenactments and living histories. To submit a reenactment group for consideration please feel free to contact us here. San Benito County Historical Park 8300 Airline Highway, Tres Pinos CA (1 mile south of Tres Pinos on Hwy 25) Friday, September 16, 2022. One who has an itch and been thinking about becoming a part of a unit. The G.A.R. Civil War Reenactors Cleburnes Coleman's Civil War Theatrical Presentations Confederate Network Confederate States Marine Corps, 5th Batallion Department of Northern Virginia . The 1st Regiment Kentucky Vols, Co E CSA is a close knit unit composed of men, women and children who share mutual respect and a love of the War Between the States history. The imbalance in military might was reflected during the reenactment, which showed Californio solders struggling with muskets while a group of U.S. Marines loaded a 275-pound reproduction of a . We work closely with the other units in our region. Galvanize as 5th Kansas Cav. We are a family oriented reenacting group from NW Ohio - NE Indiana. All proceeds support the artillery horses of the California Historical Artillery Society. Dr. Binion at. Always looking for new people to fill our ranks. Historical reenactment groups and living history groups offer an insight into how men and women lived in past times. Kentucky Volunteers is a collection of reenactors who will work together with event hosts for more successful events. 3rd Tenn Cavalry Co. C "Forrest's Rangers". The vast fields and orchards of Riley's. Farm, in concert with our skilled staff of Civil War living historians, help your students and family imagine the contours of Civil War life in a way that motivates ongoing study. STATE COLLEGE The 148th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company C, Civil War Reenactment Group,will meet at 7:30 p.m. June 9 at Hoss's Steak & Sea House, 1450 N . We strive for authenticity while having fun learning history. Co E is located in western NC and attends Civil War reenactments scattered throughout western NC and the surrounding states. The 31st Wisconsin focused on a mid-war impression and are equipped as the original soldiers were. We are a family-oriented group that also does some living history. In the fall of 1862 3rd Minnesot Co.C Cavalry was Detached from the Minnesota Battalion a designated to Iowa's 5th Cavalry Company K. While serving with the 5th Regiment in Missouri Company K was used for many purposes, Provost, Security High Ranking Officers & Front Line Skirmishers. We are a mainstream, family-oriented, friendly and large infantry unit, and a member of the Tennessee Valley Battalion and First Confederate Division. We are always looking for new recruits. We are a family base Civil War reenactment group out of Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa. We are first in,last out on the battlefeild and simply southern everywhere else. 3rd California Infantry Regiment. J.R. Wyatt (901)355-0701 or 1st Lt. Paladen Harris (901)229-7774. Check out our web-site. Co. C was founded over 20 years ago and since that time the 69th has been a major influence in the development of Civil War reenacting and Living History events throughout Southern California. Visit website for more information. The earliest reenactments were carried out by Civil War veterans as a way to honor their fallen comrades and educate civilians about the events of the nation's deadliest conflict. Tauszik shared some of his photographs with the California Sun. non-profit donations for the USV AR. through the medium of living history and reenactments of military battles. Seeking recruits to fill the ranks. The Forty Ninth Regiment of Ohio Volunteers is a Civil War living history infantry unit in the greater Los Angeles area. Reenactments are typically held on battlefields or other historic sites, and they often include authentic period dress, weapons, and equipment. We also have an artillery branch led by one Lieutenant and one Sergeant. Your contributions support and sustain our public mission Members must be willing and able ride bareback. Members must dress in auth. The 20th is a family oriented Civil War re-enactment group. If you are interested in Old West reenacting, come back real soon and we'll . We are based out of Corinth but want members from northern Mississippi or southern Tennessee. This Family unit features Mounted, Dismounted, Medical Artillery(2 mountain howitzers)and Civilians,We are based and traval throughout Md,NJ,Pa,Va and are looking For "A FEW GOOD PEOPLE". Civil War reenactments first began during the Civil War itself, when both Union and Confederate soldiers would stage mock battles in order to train for actual combat. It entered service in 1862 and was discharged in 1865. Family friendly unit portraying mounted confederate cavalry and a period refugee camp. Civil War reenactments have drawn more attendees after the removal of statues. 1. 6th California Infantry Regiment. We strive for excellence in bot our appearance and our portrayal. We have some rules like no drinking or swearing. We are a Confederate Infantry unit of the Trans-Mississippi Theater. Family oriented rifle company with members in Pa,Del,NJ,Va,. These events are closed to the public and open to reenactors only. 9 Dec - 11 Dec. Past event. Rifles, 21st Michigan Volunteer Infantry, We are a family-oriented; we have something for everone. We portray mounted and dismounted cavalry from the American Civil War through World War II. This article is from the California Sun, a newsletter that delivers must-read stories to your inbox each morningfor free. Children are welcome, and parents or guardians of the children are expected to be responsible for their children at all times. Based in the Greater Buffalo area of Western New York. We do many Civil war events. A new & growing unit. We are apart of the 1st Confederate Brigade. 11232 Tidewater Trl, Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States. It wasn't until the early 20th century that reenactments became a . We mainly operate around the Houston area but you can live almost anywhere in the state to join. Infantry Co. G Tionesta Rangers. November 1861 - December 14, 1864. General Staff Corps Venture Crew 1861 BSA, Venture Crew B.S.A. We have members located all throughout the State of Alabama and are door is always open to those who would like to give the hobby a try and for those who seek a fun, Family Friendly atmosphere. Activities continue over the winter months, with unit and Regiment drills, musters, and socials. We travel beyond our states to go to national level events but also reenact locally. Our main goals are to educate the public on the true history of early 1860's in America and to honor our ancestor's and their heritage. Men of the Union enlist! Family oriented. The majority of our members hail from the Greater Boston, South Shore and Cape Cod areas. Battery B was one of the twelve companies of the 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery. We attend reenactments and living hisory in Arkansas and surrounding states. Missouri Reenactment Groups. Company is based out of Summerville S.C. while the Battalion is based out of New Bern, North Carolina. 1st Brigade Illinois Volunteers has units from centeral and northern Illinois which have formed an organization to over-see events and provide command of our membership during battles. We believe in having fun as well as doing a true representation of the 5th Virginia Infantry and are will, Based out of West Virginia and Southern Ohio, the 36th Virginia Infantry is a non-profit living history organization who prides itself with a progressive impression. We are currently a four gun battery and will be a six gun battery by Spring 2010. Donations and contributions are tax-deductible. The 28th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Co.C is a living history Civil War reenactment group located in the Philadelphia region. We operate in Virginia and bordering states and welcome families. This list is far from an exhaustive list. Our age range of participants is 16-56, though most are in their 20's. Please remember though that most organizations are regional in nature and travel great distances to attend events. Every year, thousands of Americans take part in reenactments of the Civil War. Civilians: In addition to soldiers, reenactments often feature civilian encampments, where people can learn about the day-to-day lives of those who lived through the Civil War. We pull our original 1862 3" Ordnance Rifle with our horse drawn team at Living Histories, Re-enactment & Cermonies. 1-540-662-5363, Levi's Barr's Battery, Virginia Light Artillery, CSA. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Perform most of events in the Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas area. The WW2 Airfost Re-enactors are a WW2 reenactment group based in the Republic Of Ireland, covering both the Axis and Allied sides. We strive for a well disciplined, sharp drilled and savvy field unit that upholds the highest traditions of the historical units that we portray. Our home base is Rose Creek, MN. Top Union unit based in East TN. The California Historical Group. WW2 A.R. Progressive Living Historian's who strive to present an accurate representation of life of a CS soldier. Battles and events found a receptive audience, but public interest in reenactments of military battles Alliance working mostly the... Of both spectators and hobbyists alike a kind of creation story that Americans tell about,! Does living history as a hobby as well to join up events in the WI IL... Md and MI please feel free to contact US here portray the 10th Indiana Cavalry we... 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