As soon as spring arrived, the scratching and paw licking began. She did not tell me the dangerous side effects, she did not give me a print out of this information. Her itching is in full force but were having some success with tea tree oil massages. This was not like her. As another poster mentioned she was panting, in pain and suffering. She has NEVER done this, she wont even puke on the floor she runs to her crate she is the most courteous dog when it comes to messing anything up. Apoquel can be given with or without food. Bloods came back as normal and vet said it wasnt the Apoquel that caused the fits. You have to understand one thingPeatie has a laundry list of ailmentsarthritis (all limbs and back, heart murmur (diagnosed at first vet visit), cataracts (90% blind) and close to 100% deaf. I am trying the drug today onwards for my baby and Im hoping for good results and hopefully no side effects will let you know. It has been launched with much fanfarefrom Zoetis.. FDA Approves APOQUEL (oclacitinib tablet) to Control Itch and Inflammation in Allergic Dogs, Zoetis Offers a Targeted New Approach to Rapidly and Safely Stop the Cycle of Itch and Inflammation Associated with Allergic Skin Disease in Dogs. Itching and licking had gotten worse. Our vet ran several tests trying to figure out what was wrong and couldnt. You can check for more research and info. If they react in any way be ready to take them off the drug immediately. Apoquel is the culprit. What are the side effects of hydroxyzine in dogs? Background. According to the manufacturer's dosage chart, a large breed weighing between 130 and 175lbs should take two Apoquel 16mg daily. The Prozac after three weeks did nothing, his shaking and breathing became worse. In the summer when his allergic signs are more common, I am bathing him twice a week. Apoquel wont work for my pin , her itching decreased, but never stopped, and it has side effects. Apoquel suppressed her immune system and allowed a serious infection to start that has resulted in severe diskospondylitis. But, sometimes this is the desired outcome. She was done with the medication on Oct 31 and her hair was falling out and She started developing lymph nodes in her chest area. Still itching and the straw that broke the camels back was seizures. She has had none of the issues above. Something has to be done about this! But the principle is to think simple, minimal ingredients, avoid artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. Im convinced its from this med!!! WBC elevated, slight temperature, abdomen tender to touch and very dehydrated. No more seizures so do yourself a favor and stay very far away from this medication. After tapering off the prednisone as prescribed, she was off to the races again. He stares blankly without focusing. I do not blame the drug company or the sales reps that are making a living selling this drug. I am still waiting for a call back. My little girl now has ringworm, extremely high levels of protein and blood in her urine, low albumin. Because of these problems I wouldnt suggest anyone take the risk and use this drug. I called the largest vet hospital in the area where they had a neurologist and got her in thru the ER. Antihistamines work by blocking the action of histamines. Our otherwise healthy 4 year old Airedale Terrier has been on and off Apoquel for the last year to help her skin allergies. Treating dogs with antihistamines can take some trial and error as each animal reacts very differently. GoFundMe: wrongful death of my dog from Apoquel, My German Shepard Healthy and had blood work that was totally clear and healthy and had blood work that was totally clear and was on this medicine for 11/2 yes and started feeling bad and within 2 days. I used it for a month. You can continue to treat your dog with APOQUEL for as long as your veterinarian recommends. Great! He was going to go back onto Apoquel after being off it for a short time. I chose to start frequent washing with 3% BPO shampoo to deal with the yeast infections from allergies, (at least thats what the vet told me was causing this). About two weeks ago I went to bed on the Friday night and he was fine. I took both of my dogs off of Apoquell on 01/02/17 and they are both functioning normally. But, we are seeing improvementfinally. Every side effect that could happen from this drug did, and in the end he died on 8-24-2017 after the vet did blood work 4 times, ex rays, untrasounds, and swore up and down that the meds had nothing to do with it. We have 4 dogs, 2 cats and birds so we have used many drugs. If one person can try this and it helps your dog, I would be so happy for you and your dog. with her vet for a nail clipping. this medication is good for a short period of time, but the side affects are far more dangerous, Hello, I have 2 dogs, 45 kg and 8 kg. My question is whether there is any relationship between the Apoquel and tremors. We always recommend that you follow your vets advice when it comes to canine medication. But it is not the only antihistamine that vets use. Have an exit plan in place with you vet before you begin and dont question you own gut feelings. (2023), Are Catalpa Trees Poisonous to Dogs? However, after only 5 days on the drug, he became lame with a painful right paw and a painful back leg. Early this morning he got out of bed, I thought he was getting a drink, he has always drank a lot of water. 2.Adequate flea control- ensure that you are not dealing with fleas as a problem. Prednisone is a steroid and Apoquel is an immune modulator drug that specifically targets the receptors on your pets skin that cause itching. There are 384 drugs known to interact with zonisamide, along with 11 disease interactions, and 1 alcohol/food interaction. After reading some other comments above, I think Im going to discontinue use of this drug. Just like an earlier person wrote my dog was howling during the seizure. I have found that a commercial diet of fish and sweet potato work very well, and with this there is less itching, and licking. The treatment can be very effective. I have put her on a probiotic to see if that gives her some relief. She has bumps down her back and you cannot touch her or brush without her lowering herself like it hurts. We brought him back to the vet on July 11, 2017 to evaluate at which time an antibiotic was prescribed and again a new prescription for 70 Apoquel 5.4mg tablets at a cost of $126.00 for the Apoquel. the only side effects i have noticed is she is happy again. My dog (a 12 year old shepherd mix) is about a month or so in on this medication, which has miraculously stopped most, if not all of her itching (which she has had her whole life, is indoors, and was previously on prednisone for). It's a synthetic monoclonal antibody . Some of the horror stories above are frightening. which is causing more messes to clean up. This past year he was expieriencing anal gland infections almost every weekwe were constantly going to the vet for reliefhe was iching his butt, gland would fill up quickly, he was always uncomfortable and couldnt sit still due to the discomfort kept us up all night most nights. In fact, antihistamines are quite often used to treat skin allergies in dogs. I hadnt associated the bed wetting with the Apoquel but based on others statements I think their is a connection. This is because your vet will be able to advise you on the best course of action for your dog based on their individual health and medical history. These drugs were first discovered in the 1930s. So, does Apoquel stop itching? Was told her prognosis is poor. can respond inappropriately, and may begin attacking the I called the vet and they did blood work and checked him. I am so pleased to have Apoquel that keeps him happy and well. But what is hydroxyzine for dogs? Any advice????? We went to the vet because she was quite lethargic. We stopped this medication as soon as we learned that she never should have been prescribed this in the first place as she had a previous cancerous tumour and also that it should not be given to a dog with a serious infection. While still within reference ranges, mean serum globulin and mean white blood cell, It makes him miserable! For the past month or so he just wasnt right; lethargic, increased ear infections and two weeks ago while chasing a ball it looked as though a linebacker took the legs out from under him, but only on his right side. Vet Dermatol 2013;24:587-597.). He is nibbling them constantly. I took her off Apoquel a few days ago.. And had blood work done.. eye check revealed an ulcer on one eye, and she had Valley Fever test All came back negative, with the exception of high thyroid, but not high enough for alarm! Fortunately many other pet owners think otherwise. I dont trust drugs and I dont trust doctors, or car sales men, or lawyers for that matter. After one week on BID dosing he had a 5min seizure, I just chalked it up to stress. A. lethargic, depressed, doesnt want to drink out of water bowl (to scary), peeing in the house, cant see, everything is scary because of vision issues, and I suppose the greeting people is a result of just not seeing who or what it is! This is for Denise Cunningham. For us, Apoquel is a bad drug. I have to give her water from a bottle or syringe. I knew all the side effects and finally was relieved to try the apoquel against my better judgement. Took her to my vet who did all of the blood work etc. I have to say that this vet was like a car salesman with his selling of the Apoquel saying that the results would be better than any negative effects of the drug, on and on. We were writing down anything different that has been given to her and Apoquel was it. It contains essential fatty acids, probiotics, and colostrum, but more importantly it has helped thousands of dogs. For the most part hes back to being our happy, playful puppy. I have many questions, and was wondering does anyone who has had similar issues with apoquel know how long this nightmare of a drug stays in a dogs system. Apoquel scares me with with how quickly my frenchie started getting infections, instability, diarrhea and was still mildly itchy (probably from the yeast infections she was getting). His nose is cold and his behavior is normal, but we are very worried. She never did the digging thing previously. We had no choice but to euthanize him early this morning. Can you tell me a little more about the dog's situation? It was prescribed by his dermatologist. (Answered 2023). I took her home and she was ok for a few days. She had gained 17lbs since July. What is the lesser of the two evils? The only real side affects that weve noticed is that she is getting large skin tags and she has a couple of cysts on her head. He had never had a seizure in his life and had never behaved that way. She gave my dog Prince Si Miao Four Marvels Formula (can buy this online) I gave a 1/4 or less amount that a human would take for 4 months (herbs must be watched not to take for long periods of time so look for any side effects like blood in stool) . I blame the Apoquel although it seems the initial Lyme vaccine may have started a cascade of events. According She nearly died and has never been the same since. Finally the neurologist did and MRI and found no stroke, no tumor, her blood vessels looked good and she was over 6 yrs old. I was NOT told it suppresses the immune system, but it absolutely does. In addition, many kinds of research shows that CBD enhances the effects of chemo and fights cancer more efficiently! At this time he had a steroid injection to get him over the intiial itching. My vet has referred us to a vet specialist, which I hear is very expensive. The only thing the bw showed was that his body was basically starving. She was a stray and was having such allergies I finally decided to get her an allergy panel. She said he would sleep it off. As the day as worn on, he seems at times to be getting worse (displaying circling behavior) and then better (trotting a bit in a straight line, coming up steps without falling). Vet said it was not the Apoquil. In humans, hydroxyzine is sometimes prescribed to treat anxiety. How we found you. Can both be given for an extended car ride this weekend? Other than some itching she has always been healthy. Our dog will stand at the door if he needs to go out (he wasnt taught that). 7.The last increasingly used ingredient for allergies is colostrum. There is a NEW drug on the market to control itching in dogs from allergies, called Apoquel. Some medications may interact with . Not sure! He chews at his hind quarter, scratches at his paws and ears keeping me up at night. Benadryl wasnt working so Dr. prescribed Apoquel 6/9/2016. IV or liposomal? Youll also want to think about whether you want to give your dog a pill or liquid form of the medication, and how often youll need to give the medication. Thank you all for sharing. Other veterinarians may have their short comings, but at least they are more concerned about their patients and less about their wallets. She was on prednisone for almost 3 years while at the same time we tried immunotherapy. Within a day he had lost his appetite and was less playful than usual. is where I found all the horrible side effects of the drug and it was too late. This pill really worked for my dog. We stopped giving him the poison on the fifth day. The Vitamin C dose is 100mg per 10lbs twice daily. The itching and the lick granuloma healed. This drug should be taken off the market! Your article leads people like Lynn with the yorkie to jump to blaming Apoquel for her dogs health issues with nothing to substantiate her claim. See more at:, Revenue of nearly 5 billion dollarsa pretty heft marketing budget, along with an endless array of paid consultants/lobbyists to ensure that governing bodies dont over regulate and allow the company to keep on selling drugs, regardless of the occasional dead dog. When we took him in, the nurse noticed bumps on his back and the vet (a new one) decides that it is a skin infection and prescribes(without permission) Cefpodoxime and Apoquel. I thought I had found the magic drug. Ever since this move, my dog is itching & scratching often. I will never place another animal on a medication like this again. She has now had two seizures. Well I think you know how I feel about this drugIt happened yesterday, I tried chest compressions and CPR and she was gone. She was tired and started staring off so we took her to vet. This was very traumatic to witness in a 200 Metacam with known renal and liver side effects. What do we do to protect our fur babies? He cant come down the stairs or jump on the bed. Thank you for your generosity of spirit and your willingness to share your knowledge and information in an effort to help prevent harm to our innocent companion animals! Stopped giving it to her and in 48 hours, she is spunky again. Good luck. He could barely hold his head up and would not eat or drink. Your vet will determine which form will be the best way to treat your dog. At the beginning, our vet told us to give him the pill twice daily for the first week, and then once a day after that. In his 10 years he has never defecated in the house. I wish I had done my research and not taken the word of the vet, and I could have saved my family member from going thru this nightmare. I took him to my vet who then sent me to Emergency. Update on my westie. Tavist and chlortrimeton Gets up on the Saturday and couldnt find him. Does anyone else experience these symptoms? What brand of hepaticlear do you use and and do you give the chewable form?,,,,, I just had my 14 year old westie Flo on Apoquel for 26 days. Allergies2 months ago prescribed Apoquel. That is when I found all the other comments with the other symptoms she had. This medication is not worth your puppys life. The most common side effect is drowsiness. My 15 year old Cairn developed environmental allergies when she moved to CT from FL. This medicine stopped the itch and it had wonderful results UNTIL recently she had 2 seizures!!!! We thought we were going to lose her. Now we will take her to Neurologist. The rest of your rant is not deserving of a reply: I chose to resign based on my personal beliefs, and I have enough guts to actually be public about it, including using my real name. Apnea means that the patient stops breathing temporarily. I dont know what the answer is with severe allergies, but I would urge you all to find a holistic provider for your allergic dog instead of using this drug. Zyrtec is safe for dogs as long as you follow the direction of your vet and a few safety guidelines. Now, just do the rest of the world a favor and drop off the face of it and stop trying to scare people into doing what you want and believing what you think is correct. Her itching is down 75% over three weeks and her coat is beatiful and shiny, she has tons of energy. This is how hydroxyzine is used on humans. and irritable. He is still dealing with the side effects of this medication. Ive taken her to the vet 4 times in less than 2 weeks. I brought her home and gave her 1 dose of 16 mg around 4PM. I have read your comments about your pets having side effects. Another prescription for Apoquel 5.4mg 70 tablets were dispensed to us for $126.00 More serious side effects can include coma and apnea. Our friend was aware of the allergy and per her normal vet was doing a process of elimination with his food, treats, shampoo, etc. I guess I need to do some more research. Ill try it too. isnt dying! Im wondering If the medicine comes out of his system will he return to his normal form or is the insulin the only option at this point? Zoetis has made a fortune on this drug, it is time to stop the suffering. There he had a second seizure which left him drooling,crying and incapable of any movement.I had no choice,I chose to relieve his pain. It comes in tablet form and is given daily, providing relief for 24 hours. On June 21st, he was trembling uncontrollably as if cold or nervous(not sure which) and would stay to himself under my dining table. Apoquel is safe to use in dogs one year and older. my newfie takes 1 1/2 tabs. Total bill for this visit was $309.95 of which $126 was for another Rx for 70 Apoquel 5.4mg, Over the following months, we started to see these growths appearing all over his body that appeared to be papillomas (warts) in addition to having interdigital cysts between his toenails causing him to constantly chew/lick them to the point of becoming scabbed. Further information. The only thing different in his life has been the apoquel! Our present vet had him on prednisone off and on and it seemed to work but we were all worried about long term effects. These beneficial bacteria play a role in normalizing the overactive immune system. We rescued our Min Pin Buddy 8 yrs ago. I wouldnt take our dogs almost considered human to a vet i didnt trust. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Veterinarian, author, advocate for alternative, natural solutions for dog and cat health, Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM He was on it for 24 days and because of a loss of energy and frequent drinking and peeing, we decided to take him off it. Just not for any on this wall including mine. Pruritus is not a disease in itself. Even when it was off the market, I had a doctor who had a source for me to continue getting the drug. Karen. I dont care what my vet says. I have documented this story on my blog at My English bulldogs vet (different vet from Philippe) also prescribed Apoquel and it works for her. i have a newfie who was poisoned by our landlord with outdated illegal weedkiller- at 8mos we almost lost her since that episoed she had become a chronic alergic dog, and not to fleas -environmental stuff -mildew,mold,pine needles .etc. They wont mind! We had tried everything, including allergy shots. It works perfectly, but it takes a little while before it knocks everything out. I have read some of the negative comments here and all I can say is He has been on it for over a year now with wonderful results. The vet prescribed Apoquel and after 2 weeks she never itches. By then I had seen this and I pulled him off the apoquel and started him on benadryl. I came on the web to find if there might be a correlation as to what I am seeing with my dog and the drug Apoquel. Peatie had made a few accidents on the floor we just attributed to senility and a new home. Can you give dogs Benadryl and Apoquel together? He has now lost hair all over his body. I should have switched him to the prednisone after his ACL surgery but didnt think about it and didnt know that he had this tumor. I love my dog way too much to simply take the risk. The vet recommended apoquel. And now me and my family have the heartache of thinking we was helping his allergy problem whenever this drug was killing him on the inside, please dont use this drug, no one wants there fur baby to die over a wrong decision a vet makes. After a few months the vet recommended Apoquel, we never thought to ask about side effects. Hi. I pray that there was no long term damage done. But it needs to be taken under the supervision of a professional. Trazodone and acepromazine can be used together in some cases for dogs who are very anxious or aggressive, but this needs to be done in close consultation with your veterinarian in terms of dosing.If your dog requires strict crate rest, ask your veterinarian to prescribe trazodone. Of the types administered, hydroxyzine was one of the most effective. However, his alk phos was literally off the chart and we could not get it down. Where do you find these complaints on the site? Auggie needs this medicine this medicine needs to be cheaper and safer for his liver and kidneys. The vet started him on Apoquel and his itching stopped immediatly. I am now convinced its the apoquel. However, he also developed skin growths right around that time and they will not go away. For the appropriate Apoquel dosage, your vet will determine that based on the weight of your dog. The chemical messengers which are being blocked by these drugs are involved in more processes than just controlling inflammationmost likely as yet undiscovered!!! Hydroxyzine hydrochloride is the most common treatment for pruritus in dogs. DO NOT GIVE THIS POISON TO YOUR PET. I have a 5 yr old Yorkie/Poodle. Unbelievable!!! Apoquel targets specific cytokines (proteins) that lead to itch and inflammation. Theyll be able to help you figure out the best course of action for your individual dog. No drug is totally safe. The et did not tell be the possible side effects. After 1 month she was reduced to 1 in the morning. Your opinion is to not alarm pet owners about an association with severe side effects- Mine is otherwise. The reports of the studies list everything that the animals in the studies had while in the study, but a causative relationship cannot be made, merely an association. I feel this is a very damaging drug with limited safety studies. petrified! Please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further. Nothing major, but different. Reading the experiences above, I now figure that his stomach is upset. Also she was not falling down for no reason. But because he was itching excessively, the Vet prescribed Apoquel. There are a few things to bear in mind when giving your dog antihistamines: We hope this has helped to answer your question. United States which showed that APOQUEL was effective in the treatment of pruritus I am going to take him back m to the vet but I think I will try antihistamines and other supplements. I put my Labrador retriever on Apoquel and within a day his severe seasonal allergies stopped. We are babysitting our favorite Scottie for our dear friends while they are on vacation and out of cell range for a couple of days. I at least know for sure 1 drug I would Never Try and that is this Apoquel !! I am using my supplement, Ultimate Canine Health Formula, which contains EFAs in the form of flax oil. I put him on Apoquel. They have only been on the drug for two weeks but when my husband petted Hamish he noticed a massive lump on his chest. Hes been to Cornell, and we have tried just about everything. Probably more concerned with the monthly sale of Apoquel to me rather than reporting this AE. My dog has severe allergies and I had tried everything to find him relief. It was told to us in private that the long term effects of the Apoquel could be the cause of her cancer. He also had diarrhea and itching. I took my 58# The neurologist started her on anti-seizure meds immediately. If Zoetis produces the vaccines that were usedwell that would truly answer a lot of questions. Gave this med to my 9 year old Rat Terrier.. now she is dead. Yes, you can. This itchiness is known as pruritus.. It may be given with or without food, but giving it with food may reduce the chances of GI side effects. Plus wipe those feet after being out. She would itch and get staph infections. Im going to take her off it and see if she calms down and gets back to her normal self. Her liver enzymes, glucose reading were off the charts. He now has lumps on his thighs and side under his skin. I rescued a red male lab/pit mix who was sick with kennel cough. Apoquel saved my Shitshu from horrible itchingbut seemed to cause lethargy and a loss of appetite. How to Report Apoquel Side Effects in Dogs Apoquel side effects in dogs can be reported directly to the manufacturing company. There are a lot of factors to consider when trying to determine which is better for dogs Benadryl or Zyrtec. We must consider what people are saying. Check with your vet before giving your dog any over-the-counter medication, even if it is safe for dogs.
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