The second team will focus directly with school interrelationships and drugs such as fentanyl. The residents of Douglas County will find Darren Weekly to bring the right balance of a strong defense against crime and empathetic respect for citizens. As sheriff, it is my legal duty to effect service of process of court documents. Law enforcement should absolutely be held to a higher standard. He has firsthand experience in nearly I will exercise every means to protect our community from individuals who are a threat without using the Red Flag law unless they are suffering from severe mental health issues or are an imminent threat. Im an honest, ethical, and transparent leader who truly cares. Salaries, retirement and benefits are key to help with supporting their families. Nobody knows DCSO like me, and I appreciate the work the amazing staff do there every day. As commissioner, I have worked to improve the compensation of DCSO personnel, including pay increases, tier realignment and increased retirement benefits. The IAFF Local 2086 endorsed Darren Weekly to be the next Sheriff of Douglas County., International Association of Firefighters, As DA for El Paso and Teller So, I drove the dog over there, thinking I could at least leave him inside the fenced area until after the funeral when I could figure out what to do with him. ", District Attorney 18th Judicial District & Candidate for Attorney General, "As our state is awash in a historic crime tsunami, Douglas County--my family's county--needs an experienced, determined, fearless fighter for justice. On Feb. 18, more than 50 people were present for the , The Commerce City and Brighton police departments sexual assault task force is trying to find 47-year-old Jason Mickel Brigham. and leadership. Wayne Hudson, Greg Gonzalez, Aaron Hanson, and George Merithew. As the primary election for the next sheriff of Douglas County draws near, Colorado Community Media has asked each of the four Republican candidates to answer questions about how, if elected, they would run the office. If we fail to do that, employees will go to an agency that will be more accommodating to their personal lives. I will increase access to very valuable resources our military veterans of all generations and most importantly our deputies who patrol our streets daily and know the problems and can identify effective solutions. I have served in the Sheriffs Office for the last 28 years in critical decision-making leadership roles. I would make recommendations to the people of Douglas County and our school board: I will create a team of deputies who will have direct communications with teachers and teachers with them so that no information is lost or delayed. Historical data and artifacts housed in the British Museum of London show that in ancient times, this place was a place of worship of Asclepius. Darren has effectively and wisely assisted me in addressing local constituent issues. The revenue we receive from our advertisers helps make this site possible. As chair of the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police Legislative Committee, I participated in the stakeholder process for this bill. Kluth: As an elected sheriff I will be in a position of authority to make a difference for citizens, as well as employees. Lastly, he is a respected law enforcement officer throughout Douglas County and Colorado. What are your plans for enforcing the Red Flag law? At 21 years old I was blessed to have been hired by DCSO. Additionally, I support well-trained armed staff and School Resource Officers. Horizon olive oil is produced in the traditional way in the village of Kalamafka, in Lasithi, Crete. Currently, there are over 500 firefighters at South Metro Fire Rescue. He has worked in many areas of the agency and appreciates the importance of every position to the entire law enforcement mission. A complete staffing analysis needs to be conducted at the sheriff's office. The most important thing that must be done is the systemic change in the culture of leadership at DCSO. I have brought that same philosophy to just about every leadership position I have ever held, and I believe my unmatched record speaks for itself. Experience matters. As your sheriff, I will ensure these partnerships with other agencies continue and we will aggressively file cases on drug dealers. Profession: Chief of police. Anderson: Red Flag is a violation of our United States Constitution. During his career, Darren has exhibited the highest level of ethics, integrity, and professionalism. One was delusional, firing shots inside his home. I have served on the board of the NCR and fully supported the multi-jurisdiction approach it offers for major public safety events like active harmers. We have never had trouble recruiting. We have never had trouble recruiting. Im an honest, ethical, and transparent leader who truly cares. Only hiring highly moral and ethical people from diverse backgrounds, who genuinely want to serve and protect their community is also critical. I will also be an active partner in legislation that holds criminals accountable, appropriately holds law enforcement accountable, and protects victims of crime in our community. The current Red Flag law violates rights and denies basic constitutional guarantees, denies the accused a defense, has nothing to do with mental health and does nothing to help someone alleged to have a mental health issue. Biography: Im a Colorado native. This law is about mental health and community safety, not gun rights. My leadership style is to lead by example, and I have earned the trust not only within our community but also within the Sheriffs Office. I hold a bachelor degree in criminal justice, a master's in psychology and attended the FBI National Academy. ", "Ive worked as a Reserve Deputy at Douglas County Sheriffs Office for nearly 29 years. When you get your voting ballot, my website will assist you with information, so you know who not to vote for, I will fight for stronger laws and constitutional rights at the state legislation. We have noticed you are using an ad blocking plugin in your browser. Select from list. The Town of Elizabeth has held two meetings with residents to discuss the possibility of building a local community and senior activity center. With his years of service working through the ranks Darren has the knowledge, experience and dedication to assure the men and women protecting you are on guard and prepared. law enforcement experience. Serving 32 years as a deputy, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, chief and undersheriff, I worked for four sheriffs. Nationally the borders need to be controlled and drugs and drug cartels intercepted and prosecuted. One who looks to protect individual liberties. Paid for by the Committee to Elect Darren Weekly for Sheriff. It takes action, leadership and partnerships. WebCandidates | Douglas County Dems Election 2022 Candidates Protecting our personal rights, our community, our safety, and our democracy Many Great Results for Dems in 750 W. Hampden Ave., Suite 225Englewood, CO 80110 I would never ask employees to do anything Im unwilling to do myself. Reached via text on Friday, Thomas said she had attended one FEC United meeting where she did not recall talk of violence. Darren has excelled as a leader in every division that he has worked in his DCSO career. Republican candidates for Douglas County sheriff answer Q&As | Republican candidates for Douglas County sheriff answer Q&As Candidates will face off in June 28 primary Posted Friday, June 10, 2022 4:18 pm Elliott Wenzler In nearly all cases where DCSO has invoked Red Flag, the same result could have been obtained by merely bringing the matter into the criminal justice system, where proper process can be afforded. We request you whitelist our site. It has connected people who have mental illness with services who may do harm to others. ", Former Undersheriff, Douglas County Sheriff's Office, "I worked for and with Darren for years. Several years ago, after seeing him at church everySunday, Isatwith Darren at his office to get to know him better. Last year I was appointed to a subpanel to make recommendations to the legislature on spending $450 million on behavioral health bills this session. This was all achieved through Darrens leadership. Our residents rely on the Douglas County Sheriffs Department to be their primary law enforcement agency To be a hard blue line protecting them from the rising crime, drug use and vehicle thefts taking place in Denver. I have known him to be a conscientious and capable law enforcement professional and leader. Darren is in public service because he truly has an interest in protecting our freedoms and quality of life. Thomas said she viewed the FEC United pledge, which was signed by a number of Republican candidates and elected officials, to be a boilerplate outline of conservative values. My Property Valuation . I also have already been consulted on potential legislation for 2023. As a sheriff I swear to uphold constitutional rights for all citizens. Darren I was the County Sheriffs of Colorado representative on the Public Safety Communications Subcommittee for the state which ensured collaborative efforts and steering of legislation affecting public safety communications, but I lacked the authority to stand on my own position. Evaluate the feasibility of sworn positions and focus on redeployment of deputies into our communities for increased public safety and law enforcement safety, Establish community policing in all of Douglas County by assigning take home sheriff vehicles for higher visibility and faster emergency responses and establishing a prisoner transport vehicle that responds to every community, to also include municipalities to take custody of prisoners. As sheriff, I will work with the legislature to reform it and protect the Constitution. Jared Polis. Douglas County Commissioner Lora Thomas is a third Republican candidate for sheriff. I have known Darren since we were both in High School and have worked side by side with him as a law enforcement officer. John Anderson: Im Commander John Anderson. I will ensure that DCSO becomes one of those agencies where people will want to come and work. Public safety and officer safety are first. The job of the sheriff is to enforce the law. I dont agree with the Red Flag law. I strongly endorse Darren Weekly to be the next Douglas County Sheriff., Darren Weekly will be a unifying sheriff who supports the Second Amendment, deeply understands the public safety issues impacting our community, such as homelessness, human trafficking, and school security, As the largest law enforcement organization in Colorado and the Nation, representing over 8,000 of our States sworn law enforcement officers, the Colorado Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) is proud to announce its support and endorsement of Darren Weekly for Douglas County Sheriff., There is only one candidate in the Douglas County Sheriff's race that knows the office inside and out and can provide proper leadership and 1-303-566-4100. On Friday morning, Marinelli had 54.15% of the vote and Brady had 45.85%. On Feb. 18, more than 50 people were present for the , The Commerce City and Brighton police departments sexual assault task force is trying to find 47-year-old Jason Mickel Brigham. Darren Weekly is this. ", South Metro Fire Rescue firefighters are represented by the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Local 2086. WebDOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFF. ", Former Commander, Greenwood Village Police Department 11/19/2021, "Darren Weekly is highly respected by law enforcement officials throughout the State of Colorado. I have been entrusted by four different sheriffs to perform in key roles to make DCSO what it is today. I initiated our employee wellness program and supervised it for the first few years. My philosophy will never allow me to bend on our beautiful Constitution. He has my highest endorsement and full support. Anderson: I served 32 years of my 40 years as a commanding officer. Red Flag also violates our First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and 14th Amendments. Raised $341,000.00 at the Broadmoor to disseminate Bibles worldwide, Partnered with the cast of Duck Dynasty for charity, National Western Stock Show Board for Childrens Catch-a-Calf fundraiser. Candidate Q&A Douglas County Sheriff - Michael Phibbs SHUTTERSTOCK Posted Sunday, October 9, 2022 8:01 am Name: Michael Phibbs Profession: Chief of police Website: Biography: Mike Phibbs is a third-generation Coloradan and seasoned law enforcement leader with 30 years of experience. Darren is the ONLY candidate that can successfully manage DCSOs large staffing needs. Paid for by the Committee to Elect Darren Weekly for Sheriff. Douglas County, Colorado,is searching for an enthusiastic individual seeking a paid internship for theDepartment of Public Works - Resources and plenty of them are key to fighting this dangerous problem. The entire foundation of our criminal justice system is based on those rights. She holds an associate arts degree in criminal justice, a bachelors of science in finance and an MBA. Prior to addressing the citizen concerns this week, Thomas had ignored several requests for comment about her ties to FEC United. Those who worked for me knew that my expectations would always be high, but that I would always make sure they had the tools and support they needed to succeed. I will be an active partner with both our legislators and district attorneys in order to fight against any legislation that infringes on our individual rights, decriminalizing criminal behavior and any bail reform legislation. I vehemently oppose Red Flag, this unconstitutional law. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. I have personally worked with Darren on hundreds of complex criminal cases and his work ethic and integrity are impeccable. The discussion came during a town hall meeting Feb. , Fort Lupton City Council talked trash during its Feb. 28 town hall meeting. What is the biggest challenge the sheriff's office is currently facing and how will you address it? I believe there are commissioned positions within the organization that do not require a commissioned deputy. Email I would like to expand the unit. Last year I was appointed to a subpanel to make recommendations to the legislature on spending $450 million on behavioral health bills this session. I will be transparent with the commissioners and provide an annual staffing analysis to justify any future requests. I will not enforce Unconstitutional Red Flag. Thomas: In addition to working with the County Sheriffs of Colorado on important legislation, I look forward to bringing many years of experience in working directly with members of the general assembly on all matters that impact public safety in Douglas County. I also want to expand partnerships with programs like the Douglas County Mental Health Initiative, which emphasize treatment rather than incarceration. DCSO also trains our staff on active threat response to ensure we react quickly to stop an active killer. Darren Weekly for Sheriff!, Local business leader, law enforcement veteran, "It is my privilege and honor to endorse Darren Weekly and support him to become the next Sheriff of Douglas County. More boots on the ground. Holly Kluth: Starting as a patrolwoman in 1989, my husband and I moved here and raised our family. I will evaluate salaries, benefits, and retirement for improvements and increase training from the current 50 annual hours up to the targeted goal of 135 annual hours. Kluth: The rise in crime is due to lessening of penalties for violations, policies that fail to hold criminals accountable, lack of secure borders keeping drugs and drug cartels out of our nation, an attitude of condoning those that are using drugs and committing crimes to obtain them, lack of robust abstinence and deterrence education and legalization of prior criminal conduct. Your Law Enforcement Leader of Choice: Third Generation Coloradan, Seasoned Law Enforcement Leader, Community Leader, and dedicated Family Man #Phibbs4Sheriff Contact Feel free to contact us with any questions. It was evident how thoroughly experienced and highly respected he is within the Douglas County Sheriffs office. He is passionate about responsible law enforcement and his career is a testament to that dedication. It offers competitive salaries and benefits compared with other agencies in our area. It offers competitive salaries and benefits compared with other agencies in our area. A bad leader within the chain of command can create stress, roadblocks and inefficiency. Darren is the ONLY candidate that can successfully operate the jail division. Over the years, various positions have been pulled from patrol as well as the detention division and re-allocated to other assignments. I will focus on Constitutional laws and stronger jail sentences. Red Flag also violates our First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and 14th Amendments. WebDarren will be an excellent Sheriff for Douglas County. The next sheriff should be selected based on experience and qualifications, not party affiliation. Patrol deputies tell me that coverage on shifts is minimal, and there can be long waits for community members needing services. If Darren says hes going to do something, you can take it to the bank. DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. Douglas County Commissioner Lora Thomas, a Republican candidate for sheriff, stood by a pledge she gave to the conservative group FEC United after its founder called for the mass hanging of political opponents. As sheriff, I will continue to work at maintaining excellent compensation while bringing a new day of pride, professionalism and integrity to the working environment. His life has been about service. DCSO does not stop until all leads on the threat have been exhausted. I am the only candidate who has worked and led in nearly every position within the sheriff's office. LORA THOMAS patrolled the roads of Douglas County every day for seven of her 26 years as a Colorado State Trooper. Web2022 Douglas County General Election unofficial results. What is the biggest challenge the sheriff's office is currently facing and how will you address it? I will bring a new day of pride, professionalism and integrity to DCSO it will become a place where people are enthusiastic to work and where dedicated law enforcement personnel throughout the state will want to join. Communication and iInformation are effective and when streamlined directly to a small sheriffs investigative team, this is very powerful. Holly Kluth, candidate for Douglas County sheriff and the former undersheriff, is denying allegations that she ordered another employee to alter her County needs to be someone with experience and someone that the law enforcement and community trust. As a former patrol and detention division captain, I thoroughly understand the workload our staff endures. WebCounty office candidates, including Assessor, Clerk, Commissioner, Coroner, Sheriff, and Surveyor must meet qualifications outlined in General Qualifications for County Office. John Anderson, one of four GOP candidates vying to be elected Douglas County Sheriff, announced his support on social media for a model of law enforcement They need to trust that the Sheriff has their back. better suited for Sheriff. Lora Thomas is a Colorado native and 30-year resident of Douglas County. As Sheriff, I know he will continue to provide a strong law enforcement agency that also has sensitivity for victims of crime and all citizens of Douglas County. Candidate Q&A Douglas County Sheriff - Darren Weekly Posted Sunday, October 9, 2022 8:02 am Name: Darren Weekly Profession: Captain - Douglas County I will advocate for school security and sheriffs office personnel to train together annually on critical incident response and unified critical incident management. Kluth: First pay and benefits must be comparable to other local agencies to attract the best staff. She came to know the towns, neighborhoods and countryside. From 2017-2021, crime in our service area increased 9%. I want leaders in place that have a connection to Douglas County and are committed to fair and effective leadership, mentoring, motivating, supporting employees and being accountable, accessible and approachable to citizens. Starting a volunteer advocacy group to help individuals fearful of law enforcement can help build trust. The internal morale and reputation of the office and its leadership is second. They aggressively pursue all information on any fentanyl cases to identify both the dealers and users. If elected I would partner with other conservative sheriffs to take stands against anti-police legislation, government overreach, increasing control of law-abiding citizens and infringement of our guaranteed Constitutional rights. I believe that mentorship of new leaders, sharing wisdom and successes and developing others to take your place creates motivated and professional employees that aspire to go above the call of duty. I want someone who truly has my husbands back and will do everything to protect him and our community while keeping the morale high for all who rightfully enforce the law. I have always supported school resource officers and have approved millions for additional SROs. It is up to those in the general assembly to give law enforcement, including our prosecutors, the legal tools to help get dangerous drugs off our streets. Cronyism, nepotism and authoritarianism permeate the structured leadership in DCSO. I am a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment. There were many occasions when I was the head of Douglas County Republicans we needed law enforcement support. There are Constitutional laws that currently exist that authorize law enforcement to take immediate custody of the suspected mentally disturbed person through due process and not our guns as red flag allows, based on a phone call and preponderance of the evidence. Im happily married and have one daughter. She holds an associate arts degree in criminal justice, a bachelors of science in finance and an MBA. Evident how thoroughly experienced and highly respected he is within the sheriff office... Be conducted at the sheriff is to enforce the law Greg Gonzalez, Aaron douglas county colorado sheriff candidates, i! County sheriff 's office building a local community and senior activity center lieutenant, captain, i worked for Sheriffs... 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