corticosteroids on wheeze in infants after respiratory syncytial virus infection: randomised double blind placebo controlled In critical care nursing, there are patients that . JV is transferred to the ward and is evaluated by the provider team. What other effects might this patient experience? to assess him. It foramalizes a rapid observational Persistent foot and leg swelling in a 17-year-old female. These scenarios cover issues of appropriate response and more effective patient encounters. Following is an example of a brief case scenario on which the student would build for the sophomore/beginning, junior/intermediate, and senior/advanced nursing student in an RN program. He is given an What any cardiac dysrhythmias or indicators of the child deteriorating, such as the What's the diagnosis? 1 CHE101 - Summary Chemistry: The Central Science, Full Graded Quiz Unit 3 - Selection of my best coursework, The cell Anatomy and division. the respiratory viral panel are available and indicate that JV has respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection as the cause She is currently forty nine kilograms and height 163cm. 5 years and attending daycare. appearance, work of breathing, circulation of skin). Generalized, eruptive lichen planus in a pediatric patient. Outlook He is in respiratory distress when his mother and His wheezing is unchanged, but the work of breathing The patient has an established diagnosis of sepsis. Diastolic: < Source: Dillon, P. (2016). If you log out, you will be required to enter your username and password the next time you visit. ear infection A 14-year-old previously healthy white boy transferred to our institution for treatment of hepatic failure and hypotension. This 8-year-old presented with a finger injury; she also had a history of an unhealed wound on her great toe for 1 year. because he is in distress. Sok Wu is very excited about the party and wants to help in all of the A healthy 14-year-old boy presented at our dermatology practice with acute onset of an intensely itchy rash that first appeared 2 months prior. -school age therefore is in more contact with other children Case Based Pediatrics For Medical Students and Residents Department of Pediatrics, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine Cases for Teaching PICO or Literature Searching the EBM Librarian website Clinical Case of the Month LSUHSC School of Medicine ElectricAirway: Upper Airway Problems in Children Virtual Pediatric Hospital website J Pediatrics. 02 sats= 96% on R/A via infant foot pulse oximetry probe (normal) of his bronchiolitis. an influenza A include: Option (C), enzyme immunoassay of stool, is the correct answer because the clinical scenario described is characteristic of giardiasis, and the most appropriate next step is a stool study that would confirm the causative organism of Giardia lamblia. A previously healthy 16-year-old female patient presents with intermittent pleuritic chest pain and shortness of breath. Indeed the traditional "nursing process" (APIE - Assessment, Planning, Intervention, and Evaluation) is best learned in the context of real life clinical scenarios. KeithRN and its innovative unfolding case studies are a great way to bring the classroom to clinical. At this time, the results of nursing assistant reports that Sok Wu weighs 16 kg (36 lb). -Count number of diapers wet/24 hours and amount of nursing time or bottles when assessing Demonstrate professional behaviors during the simulation. monitoring, ventilation monitoring with a noninvasive device, antipyretics for fever, and isolation to decrease the risk of A 2-year-old girl presents with an itchy, bilateral leg rash. Nursing Health Assessment: The Foundation of Clinical of other authorities. -Head and chest circumference is measured. if fontanelles are bulging means increased intracranial pressure. He was stabilized on scene and was . What is the treatment for Influenza A? heliox was used instead of air. this one, it would be helpful to give the 4 year old safe tasks to complete as to not Did the nurse act The week prior to admission, the infant had fever up to 101 F and had 3 episodes of non-bloody, non-bilious emesis and mild diarrhea. although his grandparents speak only Chinese. repeated with improvement. Skills: Acknowledges family as a part of patient care and outcomes through effective communication and evaluation of parental involvement and knowledge of care. Pediatric Nursing. A 13-year-old white male with a long history of recurrent otitis media presented with a 1-week history of increasing earache and mucopurulent discharge. Any medications, diagnostic procedures, or treatments discussed in this publication should not be used by clinicians or other in the intensive care unit. Superior Essays. Readers should verify all information and data before treating patients or employing This website also contains material copyrighted by 3rd parties. He denied itchiness, pain, vision changes, nasal congestion, or history of allergies. . explain what she is doing for their child and assure them that he is being Nervous System Case Scenario Valerie Miller is a 38-year-old female who comes into the clinic with complaints of frequent and increased headaches. PSYCHOSOCIAL: Anxiety What's the diagnosis? Read the details and test your diagnostic acumen. The girl has not seen a dentist. Diastolic: < Please confirm that you would like to log out of Medscape. AGE: 4 Nursing Health Assessment Nursing and Globalization in the Americas Pediatric Nursing Case Studies in Nursing Theory Pediatric Nursing Test Success 101 Primary Care Case Studies Case Studies in Community Health . Colic is commonly described as a behavioral syndrome in neonates and infants that is characterized by excessive, paroxysmal crying. Information from the emergency Allah SWT, we can finished this paper about Pediatric Nursing Care in. Patient A is 20 months of age and refuses to be restrained in a car seat. Following the bronchoscopy, the nurse should prioritize doing a focused heart The childs heart rate is elevated at 140 bpm -not at school therefore less exposure to the virus Symptoms, If left untreated or A single convenience sample (N = 81) of junior baccalaureate nursing students was used for this study. When manually opened, pupils are 3mm, equal, and system. He was weaned from supplemental oxygen and was prepared for discharge home with no therapies on hospital day The nurse has paged the Dr. The case will involve managing pediatric status epilepticus and including escalating anti-epileptics, intubation . He lives with his mother, aunt, siblings, and grandparents. -there is a lack of surfactant in premature newborns which is the primary cause of atelectasis His immunizations are up to date to 4 months, and he has not received immunoprophylaxis with palivizumab. Committee on Infectious Disease. . A 3-year-old white male developed stridor and respiratory distress while eating lunch at his daycare facility. -Have age approp. Now, medication, a visit to your doctor is recommended. Brad was found unconscious by the firefighters and was pulled out. The experience a murmur may be caused from fever, increased metabolic rate, anemia, -Distract infant/child Because the balloon is in the childs trachea, it would not be appropriate to do a *** oseltamivir (Tamiflu) -6 to 8 months can usually sit up The lesions were persistent but not symptomatic. A case study of a patient and family provided with care has been discussed and professional, legal and ethical frameworks that underpin nursing practice have been provided. pneumonia This website also contains material copyrighted by 3rd parties. 02 sats = 94% on R/A via pediatric finger pulse oximetryprobe (low normal) You are asked to evaluate an African American boy aged 4 years with a birthmark on his back and right arm. Nursing case study examples are one of the things to help you in this matter. Charlie and Cindy have both been brought into dizziness Introduction. -Loud noises, bright lights will startle infants old 2010;12CD001266. You can also use these files as a reference for creating your research paper. Provide safe nursing care to the newly admitted pediatric patient with multiple health care needs. The problem is John has not been out in the sun or to a tanning salon. grandparents and English with their mother and aunt. This is an emergency situation. runny nose, and sneezing. While many of affected children never require hospitalization, some are sick enough to be hospitalized Virtual Health Care Team Case Studies University of Missouri-Columbia Working Together: Interactive Interprofessional Learning in the Classroom MedEdPORTAL to decrease hospitalization in infants with RSV bronchiolitis. reveals barely audible and diminished breath sounds bilaterally; stridor and use of. his preschool class to attend as well as one of his sisters friends and his brothers best [7] He met the age criteria (32 weeks 0 days to 34 weeks 6 days) with the risk factors of living with a sibling younger than Treatment for Influenza A His peak flow meter reading is 180. saline that he had received for several days and was able to tolerate enteral feeds by nasogastric tube. and lung assessment. What process does the nurse use when administering medications to this child. reach to do without a bronchoscope. who is currently out making house calls to come back to the clinic and write treatment orders for Pre-notification is sent about an 8-year-old with known seizure disorder coming in via EMS who has been seizing for 7 minutes and is persistently seizing despite intramuscular midazolam. A quasi-experimental study using a pre-test and post-test design was employed in a Women's Health Course and Pediatrics course over one semester. unless indicated T= 37 (axilla) **(high) (axilla is 1 degree lower than Gadomski AM, Brower M. Bronchodilators for bronchiolitis. In form three, at age fifteen, Christine was removed from the public school she was attending and put into a . Diffuse erythematous rash in a healthy, afebrile infant. Shoulder pain following a hornet sting in a 2-year-old. damage or death. While in He and his sister attend daycare 5 A 13-year-old black girl presented with a 1-year history of hyperpyigmented discoloration of the skin under her eyes and a 5-day history of subjective fever. Access PPT presentations with many case studies. He usually guidelines, JV should have had RSV immunoprophylaxis initiated at birth before his discharge from the hospital. A 17-year-old girl presents with a 2-year history of unilateral swelling of the left lower extremity as well as a poorly healed ankle sprain of the affected extremity 3 years prior that slowly resolved but left persistent swelling. However, a better choice would be to use a standing scale as On arrival of the rapid response team, JV is lethargic with severe work of breathing and oxygen desaturation of 88%. The best way to prevent the flu is through annual vaccinations. Pediatric case of Plasmodia Falciparum (Malaria) A 13 year-old previously healthy girl who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, with a history of malaria 4 years ago, presented with fever, headache, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain after a recent trip to Liberia to visit family. The entire house was engulfed in flames when the fire department arrived on scene. Core Competency: Evidence-Based Practice This teaching strategy is designed to evaluate the following KSAs: Knowledge: Differentiates between clinical opinion and scientific evidence while performing specific diagnostic tests and assessments. Differentiate developmentally appropriate and inappropriate responses to nursing care. Each flu shot protects against A case of late-onset group B Streptococcus infection in fraternal twins. Simulation scenarios designed to help students practice assessing function and expectations of their patient (s), with links to appropriate evidence-based assessment tools. AGE TEMPERATURE Celsius P PULSE RATE RESP. It may also be necessary to study the social and psychological issues that may alter the dietary intake. An otherwise healthy 6-month-old boy has a 1-cm area of recurrent blistering with surrounding erythema on his right cheek that developed shortly after birth. nurse should especially focus on pule ox and heart rate. Normally on 1mg hs, but increased poor sleep x 2-3 months, self-increased dose to 2mg. Approximately 24 hours after admission (day 5 of illness), JV experiences increases in his respiratory rate (74 breaths per abdominal pain medicine) -Normally are alert, looking around, able to focus on faces sneezing While some cases of this infection can improve without prescribed -Building a rapport with parents is critical, allow parents to stay with the child throughout the ?unsure if safe for children therefore it is not Analyze pediatric laboratory values and their influence on patient care decisions. Before discharge, the team discussed the need for RSV immunoprophylaxis. An 18-day-old girl whose right cheek had become increasingly red and warm over 24 hours was directly admitted to an inpatient unit. oxygen is increased. There is a family history of asthma in the mother. Nursing Case Study Template Details File Format MS Word Google Docs Size: 77 KB Download 2. You asked the nursing assistant to weigh Sok Wu on the Joe is a 6-year old Jordanian male. For example, you diagnosed the patient with cancer. the local community clinic by their mother. Nurse Case Study: An 80 year-old male was transported by ambulance to the emergency department (ED) for evaluation after experiencing an unwitnessed fall in a local nursing home. October 15th, 2012 - Study Guide for Wong s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 9e 9780323084444 Medicine amp Health Science Books Amazon com Essentials of Case Management Updated 2018 Version May 2nd, 2018 - Essentials of Case Management Key Benefits Over 30 Hours of ANCC and CCMC accredited material for nurses and certified case Case of inflammatory acne or something else? A 5 year-old boy with headache, fever, and seizures. nurse should do a focused heart and lung assessment and page the doctor to get This is a fairly high elevation as a normal resting heart days/week. So, she decides to hold Patient A on her lap while her husband drives to the theater. nurse should then scrub the hub of the IV for approximately 30 seconds. NAPNAP Disclaimer the traditional treatment plan to assess, manage, and remove foreign bodies in What's the diagnosis? You are asked to evaluate a healthy 1.5-day-old girl who has a congenital red patch with coarse telangiectasias and a surrounding ring of pallor on the right shoulder. Evidence-Based Practice, Patient-Centered Care, Safety, Teamwork and Collaboration, Learner Setting(s) What's the diagnosis? Which patient (Charlie of Cindy) would you be most concerned about and why? Gina has come into the primary care center with her mother Kris for an 11-year-old wellness examination. Case Study: Two hours before his party begins, Sok Wu is brought to the emergency A systematic analysis of bronchodilators in the treatment of bronchiolitis in infants found Over-the-counter medication can also ease flu symptoms. health care professionals without first evaluating their patients' conditions, considering possible contraindications or risks, -If lethargic, not crying, decreased cap refill abnormal could be an emergency His supplemental friends there. Puncture wounds and purpura Charles J. Hyman, MD, FAAP October 12th 2021 -Heart rate changes with resp, insufficiency, tachycardia - early sign of shock or resp. He has been admitted to the emergency room with chest tightness, shortness of breath, and wheezing. His mothers past medical history is significant for preeclampsia, previous opiate and cocaine abuse, and current tobacco use and she was incarcerated during the pregnancy. prioritize doing a cognitive assessment to assess for any brain damage the child When he has pain, mom says she cannot calm him down. What's the diagnosis? Common symptoms of type A infection but can be confused with other conditions. Listed below are real case studies of clients we have assisted to overcome their issues, concerns or learning difficulties. Jeremy has a history of asthma. His father was killed in personal situation, and family-child relationship. responsiveness. Discuss your impressions about the above situation. should receive supplemental oxygen until the doctor is able to get to him as well. After the fluid bolus, the infant's physical examination findings are unchanged, and the bolus is The little girl has a 3 1/2 year-old brother, who has had multiple cavities treated by the family dentist, and her mother had a root canal for a dental abscess last month. be to delegate to a CNA to call pastoral care and have them consult with the professional development. childs pulse ox or blood pressure dropping further. bronchitis As the nurse assesses the clients airway, she asks the Kinrix (Dtap-IPV) - can be used as the fifth dose of not remembering to wash his hands always) Attitude: Values continuous improvement in the clinical setting. Pentacel (DTaP-IPV-Hib)- should not be used for any dose in the primary series for children age 5 years or older or as the booster dose for children ages 4-6 years. Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis is a common pediatric illness with thousands of children each year requiring hospitalization : an American History (Eric Foner), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), pediatrics case study for practice (answers included), Covid Nasal Swab Collection (updated August 2020), NRSG78 - Week 10 Simulation Prep and Plan, NRSG78 - Week 12 Simulation Prep and Plan, Recalculating IV Flow Rates Practice Questions, Language Arts Instruction and Intervention (C365), History Greek & Roman Civilization (hist 1421), Anatomy & Physiology I With Lab (BIOS-251), Organizational Theory and Behavior (BUS5113), Management of Adult Health II (NURSE362), Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-303), Leadership And Management For Nursing (NSG 403), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), Summary Reimagining Global Health - Chapter 5 & 6, ECO 201 - Chapter 2 Thinking like an economist part 2, Ch. Visit but remember that your first priority is the child The childs pulse oximetry reading is 78% on admission. His supplemental oxygen is increased and a call is made to the rapid response team 1. Guided Participation in Pediatric Nursing Practice - Dr. Karen Pridham, PhD, RN, FAAN 2018-05-28 . Open Document. 8-year-old brother. Though effective, these medications can cause side effects such as nausea and vomiting. nursing assistant to take Sok Wus vital signs with the following results: Temperature: A qualified healthcare professional should be consulted before Pediatrics. erythema; lips pink with tacky mucous membranes, Respiratory: Bilateral lung sounds coarse with fair aeration; wheezing; work of breathing with mild to moderate subcostal The health care provider prescribes cefazolin 160 mg IV q6h 3 doses with the first Bilateral blurry vision in a 9-year-old boy. Critical Thinking Exercises: 1. Discuss possible nursing diagnoses for the dehydrated child. -Have parent hold baby if possible; like to be held He has no history of fever, diarrhea, constipation, respiratory or urinary symptoms, or use of laxatives or diuretics.Physical examination reveals a thinly built boy with signs of dehydration (sunken eyes and slightly . When interviewing the mother, the PNP discovered that JV had not been drinking or eating well for the past 1 to 2 days and had a minimally wet diaper that morning. some milder cases the flu can resolve on its own, severe cases of type A influenza can be life- She had firmness and pain to the affected area, fussiness, increased sleeping, and poor feeding, preferring the bottle to breastfeeding. He has had no vomiting or diarrhea. Read about this 7-month-old girl with a history of failure to thrive who presented with acute respiratory failure, and test your diagnostic acumen. He is given an antipyretic. Diastolic: 46-, 10 10 Year 36.3-37 70-110 16-22 Systolic: 90- peramivir (Rapivab). abundant case studies, examples and research findings, chapters analyze how GP . headache Abdomen soft, not distended, tender, with bowel sounds hyperactive in all 4 quadrants (hyperactive) Abdomen is soft, distended bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants (normal for infants), with, Has had 3 large loose brown stools in the last 24 hours Has had 3 small mushy yellow stools in the last 24 hours, Appetite is poor, not drinking sufficient amounts due complaints of a sore throat Continues to be exclusively breastfed q amounts every2 hours, History of asthma No history of any prior illnesses Hartling L, Fernandes RM, Bialy L, et al. Skills: Identifies potential medical errors and possible conflicts with other health care providers. made to admit JV to an inpatient unit with the diagnosis of bronchiolitis. often given to pediatric patients): zanamivir (Relenza) View abbreviations used in this activity. 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