grandfather clock middle weight dropping faster

Grandfather Clock Pendulum Changing the speed of time keeping is accomplished by moving the pendulum disk up or down. What is causing this? .wsite-button-large .wsite-button-inner {font-size:11px !important;} 7016 North 27th Avenue. This means your hour count is not completing its cycle. For BYU: The 5-5 Cougars snapped a four-game losing skid with a rousing 31-28 upset of Boise State two weeks ago, and were idle last weekend. . The problem here is that every single part looks brand new. //-->. initEvt.initEvent('customerAccountsModelsInitialized', true, false); Thanks guys!) {} This box contains: a) a key to fit your clock door, b) a crank which will be used to wind your clock and, c) weights which operate the clock movement. } else if(document.documentElement.initCustomerAccountsModels === 0){ Could also be that the pin on the gathering pallet is not securely catching the rack teeth and allowing misses, or that the stop function is not functioning properly, allowing an extra turn. I can't figure out why sometimes the weight on the left drops about 5cm after slipping somewhere. 3. Conversely, for most grandfather clock movements, if one turns the screw beneath the pendulum bob counter-clockwise or left to lower the pendulum make, it will make the clock go slower. Hours. The strike is what calls out the hours after it is done with the chime song. .wsite-menu a {} } I'll cover all options to try. To slow the Grandfather Clock down, move the pendulum disk down by turning the adjustment nut to the left. Typically, what we find is that the grandfather clock has not been serviced and the oil has dried up in the movement and therefore the chiming side of the clock is hung up, or worst, worn out. _W.themePlugins = []; _W.recaptchaUrl = "";