hawaiian ali'i genealogy

The Hanai system, where families give their children to a relative to raise, is an educative device. [1] [2] The alii consisted of the higher and lesser chiefs of the various levels on the islands. She was considered to be the co-ruler of the island of Hawaii with her half-brother, Keawekekahialiiokamoku, the 21st King of Hawaii. The pedigrees that we have are often collapsed, and unfortunately, are often missing the stories that go with them. She, along with professional genealogist Ami Mulligan, led a series of genealogy workshops at the Waiwai Collective earlier this year. The Ali'i Probate Records, Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes containing Court Records (1848-1915) and Probate, Wills (1852-1916); Land Indexes; and the Mahele 'Aina Index are especially useful in searching for land court records. 5. Who has the authority to lead and make decisions in your classroom? She was The Knowledge Well is designed for cross-searching and advance-compilation searches of this LCA database. This shows a firm connection betweenRarotonga and Hawaii. I think a lot of people get really angry towards their kpuna that they didnt record information, says Sarah Tamashiro, who has been a professional researcher since 2014. See more here:www.hawaiian-roots.com/researchproblems2.htm. It went back to the ancestor Kauauanui Amahi. Provides a genealogy chart and alphabetical listing of each individual with brief biographical data: other names, dates and places of birth and death. Old Kingdom of O'ahu - Kuali'i (Lili'uokalani).She was Pukaoa Nui Kamehameha, ali ao onui wahini,which means an esteemed companion.. In the 1920s he went around the islands and took pictures of the islanders. Koolaupoko, Kona, Ewa, Waianae, Waialua, and Koolauloa are the six moku of Oahu Island. Its also one of the many things that make Hawaiian genealogy unique. How to find various kinds of court records, https://guides.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/hawaiicourts, Public Access to Waihona 'Aina (fee-based), government documents federal united nations intergovernmental organizations, equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. In order to show the relationship of the Hidden Alii, Kalawainui Kaluhikai, and the family of Queen Emma, we shall recapitulate their genealogy and include the names of alii who were not mentioned in the story. In your school? I do this so I can remember which film it was taken from. The chart starts with Keawe II, King of Hawaii, and his wife, Lonomaikanaka just like the Queen's. But if your family was the best sweet-potato farmer in rural east side Molokai, thats awesome. Honolulu Star Bulletin - Clarice B. Taylor's. Based on genealogies gathered by Hawaiian assistants who for three years, gathered legends, chants, prayers, history and culture of Hawaiians. severe that religious protocols required she during the day she must She put out a couple of books. The Solomon Islanders mixed in with the Fijians. Lot Kamehameha becomes Kamehameha V.1865 Arrival of South Sea Islander immigrants in Hawaii. Hereditary line of Liloa is broken by the usurping rule of Alapainui. Born was the land, born were the chiefs, born were the common people. Queen Lili'uokalani was really named Kamaka eha,which means sore Eyes. The people in the palace had Pink Eye at the time she was born. He was the son of King Kihanuilulumoku, 11th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii and Waoilea. People would commonly migrate from the mountains to the beach and back during the year, so villages were not permanent nor central to life. You can also browse the indexes. islands in the late 1700's and early 1800's. mana and ritual purity of the offspring. Her niece Keopualani and sister Keku'iapoiwanui Liliha fared better as the mother the Hawaiian Islands. Also, prior to 1911, many people didnt have birth certificates and didnt file for one, until it was a requirement for jobs, government benefits, and so on. 1125-1155) Kukohou, 2 nd Alii Aimoku of Hawaii (ca. Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes Welcome to the Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes Information from these indexes can be retrieved by the word search above. 1850 Businessmen begin to arrive in Hawaii.1852 Arrival of Chinese immigrants to Hawaii.1853 A smallpox epidemic kill 5,000 to 6,000 Hawaiians.1854King Kamehameha dies. In There are a few types of Hawaiian adoptions to consider: hookama (adopting another persons child, usually by the desire of the child and older adult, looked negatively upon by the biological parents), hookne or hoowahine (an adoptive platonic marital relationship between persons of opposite sex), and hnai (a child reared in another household as their own). Hawai'i has two systems for recording real property documents, the Regular System and the Land Court System, or both, depending which system was originally used for the property. The chart starts with Keawe II, King of Hawaii, and his wife, Lonomaikanaka just like the Queen's. . [11] During the monarchy some of these chiefs were elevated to positions within the primary political bodies of the Hawaiian legislature and the king's Privy Council. Certain names pop up. blazing hereditary kapus were intertwined and magnified through This page was last edited on 24 June 2022, at 13:57. You can also browse the indexes. I have a file folder for family names that are organized and another folder with the family names that just arent organized or verified yet. I organized them by film number and kept track of the item number of the record on the film. Kalanikauleleiaiwi was a Chiefess on the island of Hawaii in the late 17th century and early 18th century. She buried in a Christian way.1824 King Kamehameha II dies of measles in England. Below are various publications the UHM's Hawaiian Collection has that contains Hawaiian genealogies. Congregationalist ministers would make a note of the persons they thought would make good members of their church. The alii directed large-scale projects that benefited the community, like the building of loko ia (fishponds), auwai (water channels), and heiau (places of worship). The third consort of Kekaulike was the Princess Haalou of both Hawaii and Maui. This is the first political task a new alii nui would perform. They burn the heiau and idols and abolish the kapu system.1820 Joseph Smiths first vision. Supplements manuscript genealogies at Hawaii State Archives. I did the temple work for them in 1972. Kamehameha Paiea's biological father was Kahekili, I was raised by my grandmother. genealogical culmination was the birth of our ancestors, the Upon the death of Kalanipuu, Kkilimoku was given to Kamehameha through kauoha (verbal order). In this case, the tu tu pronunciation is used more because in English, Coo-coo meanscrazy, so we avoid it. Kamehameha III becomes king.Kapuna Nui Hewahewa tours islands teaching people to read, observe the Christian Sabbath, refrain from immoral acts, turn to God, to love and obey Him.1829 Some Hawaiians are baptized into the Catholic church.1831 Lahianaluna seminary is founded on Maui, with a printing press. This chart corrects common errors in the current Mookauhau Research Guide and Worksheets. Keoni Ana was John Young, who was secretary to Kamehameha. Under the provision of the Kuleana Act, commoners were allowed to petition for title to land that they cultivated and lived on (kuleana), equivalent to a homestead. individual islands were deposed. was eventually discovered and involuntarily brought to live at Kamehameha's court The stone was famous down to the time of Kamehameha I. Liloa was a religious chief who kept the peace in his kingdom and his people contented and prosperous. family to the Kamehameha Dynasty. All men and women of the parental generation are called Makua kane (men) or Makua wahine (women), which is a respectful name given to all men and women in our mothers generation. Loli was his father. 808-956-7203 (Circulation), Library Digital Collections Disclaimer and Copyright information. 808-956-7214 (Reference) Kumulipo. The alii were the akua on earth. hereditary rank was so high and whose kapus were so numerous and genealogical relationship of the Kekoolani Ancestry is a useful website. What are some other places that are associated with rulers of the past? Many Hawaiian families are Some alii even had a personal god that they inherited to care for. Before Keawepoepoe, this Two were killed in battle. The database is free for public use, but requires users to create a login and password. Oral histories speak of people sailing from Kahiki (usually understood to be Tahiti). Husband of Pineakalani / Pinea 1, Chiefess of Maui and Akahiakuleana High Chiefess of Waipio Akahi-a-Kuleana Looking at documentation through a lens of social and cultural practices of that time period also helps make sense of what you find. The Ancestors of King Kamehameha the Great. An ahupua'a is a pie-shaped district, with the apex in the mountains and spreading out to the seashore. under his control, he created a unified Hawaiian Kingdom. Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, For Kelis Kaleopaa, Surfing Waikk Means Being a Servant of the Sea, Redirecting the Lens: Meet Filmmaker Scott W. Kekama, In Collaboration with Creative Industries Division, A Hawaii Island Practitioner Is Weaving New Legacies, Recalling Hawaiian Place Names, an Act of Honor and Resistance, In Hawaiis Forests, Silence Signals Threats to Hawaiian Honeycreepers, At EP Bar and Nami Kaze, Vintage Charms Abound, At The Plantation Inn, Mauis Sun-Drenched Charm Abounds, How the Nostalgic Ritual of Merienda Satiated My Inner Child, He Kaua Kuanaike Kia: E K Ana ma n Llani Mua Loa me Kalehua Krug, To Stop Anti-Asian Violence, We Must Address the Long Legacy of US Imperialism, The Pandemic Diaries: Hawaii Writers Reflect on Covid-19, Inside Konas Manago Hotel, Where Time Stands Still. The place where the couple was married gives us a clue of where our ancestors lived. They married each other in the last traditional pio (royal interfamily) marriage recorded in The histories that accompany the pedigrees give the context of time and place for the persons in the pedigrees. Keawepoepoe's twin brothers, Alii nui were ruling chiefs (in Hawaiian, nui means grand, great, or supreme.[9]). Finally, the ancestral lands passed on to Native Hawaiian descendants from our ali'i, the monarchy, and our kupuna are integral to the health and well-being of Native Hawaiians as a people. The ancient hereditary kings of the The alii nui were in charge of overseeing the alii ai moku. The different ranks of alii depended on their genealogy and skills in governance. This chart shows the intensification Kalaniopuu kills Keaweopala at Puako, Kohala, to become king of Hawaii.1774 Hewahewa is born in Kohala, Island of Hawaii. If that information is RED, click on it to view the record. III. Useful bibliography and research process. They could memorize their genealogy back 13 or more generations. It was created by Jessica Kalika EnYuck Wong as part of her Hawaiian Studies Plan B thesis . For instance, prior to 1860, when the Hawaiian kingdom passed the surname law, Hawaiians used singular names. An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. Historical Land Court Records: the Waihona 'Aina, Papakilo and Ava Konohiki websites provide information for historical land documents in Hawai'i. Kiwalao in hand-to-hand combat. Arrival of Negro immigrants to Hawaii.1903Arrival of Korean immigrants to Hawaii.1906 Arrival of Filipino immigrants to Hawaii.1907 Arrival of Spanish immigrants to Hawaii.1909 Arrival of Russian immigrants to Hawaii.1920 Genealogy of Kamehameha printed in Abraham Fornanders Polynesian History and Ethnology. Report verifying genealogical linkage of manuscript, "Na Mo'i o Kaho'olawe" to the main body of genealogical records. The usurping line of rule ends with Keaweopala who is killed in battle while his son and heir, Kalaimanokahoowaha, did survive to greet Captain James Cook. 1255-1285) . You would find her on childhood documents by this name. Most of the All trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners. 1736 or 1756 Kamehameha the I is born at Kokoiki, Kohala Island of Hawaii 1752 Kalaniopuu claims power over districts of Kau and Puna from Alapainui a Kauaua. "Completes a trilogy based on a series of articles Kamakau wrote in 1868 and 1870 for the Hawaiian-language newspaper Ke Au Okoa." His lineage is also popularly known as that of King Kekaulike, the King of Maui and the father of Kamehameha Nui 'Ai Lu'au, his 6th generation great grandfather. Here, "Hawaii" refers to the island of Hawaii, also called "the Big Island". Also, the island district is critically important for family history records and research. Hawaiian names cannot be directly translated. However, Kaumualii, the alii of Kauai and Niihau, was allowed to remain the ruler of his island kingdom until his death years after Kamehameha united the islands. 1185-1215) Kanipahu, 4 th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii (ca. royal chiefs Kalaniulumoku I and Kalaniulumoku II Uncertified copies of documents recorded as of January 1992 can be downloaded immediately after purchase. The Kumulipo ("Beginning in deep darkness") is the sacred creation chant of a family of Hawaiian ali'i, or ruling chiefs. How do leaders in todays society differ from alii of the past? A productive ina could feed a larger community. As with researching ancestry for any other ethnicity, Hawaiian genealogy has its own sets of challenges, and determining adoptive relationships is one of the most complicated. Alii had to ensure that the makainana were protected. It is also essential to keep an open mind when researching. Because of his mother, Keawepoepoe was Before this, the Hawaiian Islands was ruled by a network of independent the end of their thousand year dynasty. The hereditary line of Liloa resumes through the grandson of Keawekekahialiiokamoku, Kalanipuu. It was in the books at theBishop Museum. They establish the land a family owned. He kept his court at Waipio. The types of books we have about Hawaiian history is largely about alii. The government of Hawaii asked the Protestant pastors to send in their mission books to the government. voluntarily disguised and substituted herself for Kalanikauiokikilo The generation of our grandparents is the ku ku or tu tugeneration. With blood-quantum requirements to apply for Hawaiian Home Lands and documented proof of Native Hawaiian ancestry needed for admission to Kamehameha Schools, scholarships, and financial aid, Hawaiian families are trying their best to gather information and create their own genealogical charts. You may search the Land Commission Awards (LCA's) by Book (Volume) and page number. He becomes the Kahuna nui, or high priest.1775 Kaahumanu becomes the wife to Kamehameha I. They tried to keep the ali`i lines pure to acquire land and keep power. The capital city of Hawaii is Honolulu. I ike ia n ke alii i ka nui o n makainana.A chief is known by his many followers. 1785 Trading ship lands while en route to China. If you would like to cross-search multiple LCA documents, it is recommended to use the "Knowledge Well" database (link located on bottom of 'Hawai'i Land Documents' page). There were two other groups that helped to govern: the House of Nobles and the House of Representatives. 1779 Hawaiians celebrating the Makahiki, believe Cook to be the god Lono. Genealogy chants such as this one are revered in Hawaii as they affirm the connections between people and the land upon which they live. King Kahahana, the last King of Oahu. When I visited the Hawaii State Archives and pulled the two marriage licenses, my eyes could have lit up the room. daughter, being You may search by island/moku (district)/ahupuaa with pull-down menus. The story of Kalankauiokikilo ended sadly as her unending despair In your household. He was the son of King Kihanuilulumoku, 11th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii and Waoilea. showing Kekoolani descent from Kekaulike namesake of Kamehameha Paiea (born The place is important. Since our ancestors either did not have surnames yet, or they were taking on surnames in the 1850s rather arbitrarily and not in a uniform manner, it is a challenge to put families together. He spied a young woman, of whom he became deeply enamoured,and whom he seduced, and the fruit of which liaison was a son, whom the mother named Umi, and who afterwards played so great a role in the annals of Hawaii. Maui, permitted Kalanikauiokilio's sister The first protestant missionaries arrive in Hawaii. Composed and transmitted entirely in the oral tradition, its two thousand lines provide an extended genealogy proving the family's divine origin and tracing the family history from the beginning of the world. A chart Pihana heiau on the night of Koloa of the moon month. following the death of his brother. The older siblings are responsible for protecting their younger siblings. This chant speaks of the genealogy of the Hawaiian Islands themselves and includes references to the divine origins of early chiefs and kings. Liloa publicly acknowledged Umi as his son and he soon became the favourite of all. respect and privileges befitting their former station and royal lineage. Kamehameha became the m after he politically united the islands under one government. Island ruling chief). They are indexed by father, mother and child. It goes back to 1750. One of the great Hawaiian cosmogonic genealogies, the Kumulipo, was performed at the birth of Kauikeaouli, second born sacred son of Kamehameha I. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Source:https://familysearch.org/patron/v2/TH-300-43958-0-84/dist.pdf?ctx=ArtCtxPublic. Constitution is formed.1841 The Hawaiian Historical Association is formed, with Kamehameha elected as president.1842 The United States recognizes Hawaii as an independent kingdom.1847 TheGreat Mahele, a division of Hawaiis land among royalty, chiefs, commoners, and whites, is begun. The information provided here includes the book (volume), section, page, or case number of the original record. [3] [4] The noho alii were the ruling chiefs. She was the chiefess whose [11]:112[15], Social designations of noho alii (ruling line), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Alii&oldid=1116638669, This page was last edited on 17 October 2022, at 15:57. Her account details the events that led to the K petition drive in Fall 1897. Kalanikahimakaialii, sister of King Kekaulike of Maui. Research the (Ruling Chief of Hawai'i Island) family, South Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii, u.S.a, Waiolea Chiefess of Oahu, Chiefess of Oahu, Akahiakuleana High Chiefess of Waipio Akahi-a-Kuleana, Hakau-a-Liloa Hakau, 13th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii. Information from these indexes can be retrieved by the word search above. I just had to type in one name to get to information on my family. He was born in Makena, Maui, Hawaii in 1915. And I think that needs to be celebrated just as much as being able to claim an alii.. He joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and researched his wifes family. from the powerful 'I family of Hilo and also the Maui royal family If your ancestors lived there, there is a chance a record was made with their name on it. Postal Service that people had to have a last name in order to receive mail. Future scholars will write and translate ancient Hawaiian history into English.1832 Protestant missionaries complete the translation of the New Testament from Greek to Hawaiian.1834 First newspaper in the Hawaiian language Ke Kumu Hawaii, is printed in Honolulu1835 A Protestant minister, Sheldon Dibble, organizes the Hawaiian Historical Society at Lahainaluna, Maui. Paiea, Kamehameha Nui, Kamehameha the Great) conquered and subdued the people of all the Grandmass dad was Pekelo, which means Peter. birth and therefore produced a rare twice tabued chief, who was Klaiina means to carve the land. What to do when you have little information. Kamehameha is famous for conquering all the islands. after his conquest of Maui. Many of the resources and much of the documentation regarding genealogy only go back to the 1800s, and unless the family line has a link to an alii (chief) whose lines are preserved, the information stops there. These were three of the most important jobs of the alii: caring for the makainana, caring for the akua, and performing the klaiina. Nevertheless, the Hawaiians believe they are related to the American Indians, and that the American Indians are related to the Hebrews. His grandfather (Christian Olsen, Sr.) was Norwegian and his grandmother (Sophie Weber) was from Germany. Lineage (from King Kahahana). showing descent from King Kuali'i (Kualiilanipipililanioakaiakunuiakealuanuuokuiialiiikahalau) through his grandson In 1842, some people began to keep written Hawaiian language records, and many of these genealogies were recorded. Around 1850, people were told by the government to take a surname. I went onto the Internet at Ancestry.com and found a Kahele Uwekoolani. He was a ruling chief, a sacred high chief (ali'i nui kapu) who was noted for his good deeds. The alii made sure the heiau (temples) were built and cared for properly. Pupils numbered 52,000, approximately Two fifths of the population.1840 Over 42,000 Hawaiians have converted to Christianity. Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display. Its easy to put what your understanding of the current law is on the past and to just assume that its the same, but in reality, you really cant, says Mulligan, who owns Discover Your Ohana, which offers professional genealogical services. This makes the way to do research different from the way we do it for European ancestors, whose surname is a clue to follow for related people. The Alii Probate Records, Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes containing Court Records (1848-1915) and Probate, Wills (1852-1916); Land Indexes; and the Mahele Aina Index are especially useful in searching for land court records. Because of this, the name Moki means pigs head. I make a time line down the left margin of the paper and try to put names of people by the years when they lived. The m is the supreme ruler of the pae ina, or all of Hawaii. Pekelo Papa was his fathers name. The kuleana of the alii Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 USA It had all of her brothers and sisters listed. Families sent their children to live with a family who had the interest of the children as a trade. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) created the Papakilo Database, consisting of varied collections pertaining to significant places, events, and documents in Hawai'i's history. 1868 Arrival of Japanese immigrants in Hawaii.1872 King Kamehameha V dies. As you can see, the role of the alii changed over time; however, their kuleana to the makainana and the akua remained. Legends make no mention of any wars or contentions having occurred during Liloa's long reign to disturb the tranquillity of Hawaii. The anthropologists dont agree that Thor Hyerdahls theory of how the Polynesians migrated is true. 1527 Unverified contact with Spanish sailors in the time of Kealiiokaloa.1528 Unverified discovery of Hawaiian Islands by Juan de Gaylan. You have to go with the sources.. Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes Introduction Advanced search introduction Browse the Genealogy Indexes Marriages - Hawaii Island - 1832-1910 Marriages - Hawaii Island - 1911-1929 Marriages - Kauai Island - 1826-1910 Marriages - Kauai Island - 1910-1929 Marriages - Maui Island - 1842-1910 Marriages - Maui Island - 1911-1929 For most people, there will be one point where it is possible one of your lines may be ali`i (royal or noble people). All Hawaiian monarchs after Kamehameha III were the children of Kaukaualii fathers who married higher ranking wives. at the temple where law breaking chiefesses were by custom executed [10], One kaukaualii line descended from Moana Kne, son of Kekealanikne, became secondary alii to the Kamehameha rulers of the kingdom and were responsible for various hana lawelawe (service tasks). Understanding practices of the time also helps with knowing what to look for. Tamashiro thinks the desire to be linked to alii is the product of our historiography. Alii, or rulers, made up the chiefly class in traditional Hawaiian society. 7. I draw lines to show possible relationships between people. An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. The traditional birth site of the Lo Ali'i was the stone called Kukaniloko at Wahiawa. Each island had its matriarchal order, and land was inherited through it.1778 British Captain Cook anchors at Waimea, Kauai, having first seen Oahu. It is stuff I am working on. Full prostration in the presence of The old people are not pleased with the harsh things the young people are saying in Hawaiian when they learn it in school. Kamehameha is famous for conquering all the islands. There is a sense that all the parents are the parents of all the children, so some children do not know who their biological parents are. Kalaniwaiakua Kekumanomanookekapu, the chiefess of Maui "whose head This is very similar to the relationship between an older and younger sibling. from the Maui royal family through his grandmother, Her mother was Hattie Opealu Papa. I alii n ke alii i ke kanaka.A chief is a chief because of the people who serve him.This was often used as a reminder to a chief to consider his people. Keep track of the films you have used and the web sites you have gone to and what you found or didnt find on them. Use, but requires users to create a login and password last name order... 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