-David Roper(Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. If you don't believe this watch some of the current news shows (which really are no longer truly news), the popular fare on television or the box office hits. Children are colorblind until they hear adults making unfounded statements or see them shunning people of a different race. Already in the Antiquity James' epistle needed quite some time to be generally accepted. Guzik on lie against the truth -Anyone who shows bitter envy and self-seeking should not deceive anyone especially themselves about how wise they are. GWN James 3:13 Do any of you have wisdom and insight? Yet it is also capable of great good. atdiscoveryseries.org/q0703. READ: James 3:1-12 Sensual and animal suggest too exclusively the action of the very lowest propensities of our nature, though, as we have seen, the tendency of the soul, when ungoverned by the spirit, is steadily towards subjection to these. Grant Osborneonthe course of our life-Most recent studies (Blomberg and Kamell, Martin, Moo) realize that the phrase had become a more popular idea by James's time, simply meaning the ups and downs of life. Morse pointed out that dictionary publishers dont invent words or decide the meanings that words will have. Since everyone has an opinion on how something should be done, friction results. Hold oer my being absolute sway! New Linguistic and Exegetical Key on epieikes -The word signifies a humble patience, a steadfastness able to submit to injustice, disgrace, and maltreatment without hatred and malice, trusting in God in spite of all of it. and out of their mouth that had just blessed God came vile curse words! But the parents refused to sue. In company, guard your tonguein solitude, your thoughts. NET James 3:12 Can a fig tree produce olives, my brothers and sisters, or a vine produce figs? 25:41). We curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God (Ge1:26, 27; Ge 9:6)- James spoke of "double minded" in James 1:6 and here speaks of "double mouthed," or "forktongued!" NRS James 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? (Hiebert), Unwavering (impartial - NIV)(87)(adiakritos from a = without + diakrino = to separate, distinguish, judge) means making no partial distinctions, impartial. To rule your tongue, let Christ rule in your heart. 1 Chronicles People corrupted by worldly desires for beauty, wealth, and power can bring down great churches, but people who are pure and undefiled (1:27) hold churches together. James almost seems to paint himself into a corner (so to speak). "A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth" (Proverbs 13:2). As persons we can communicate with one another with words -- something animals cannot do. Our own words may not have caused wars or wrecked cities, but they can break hearts and ruin reputations. I am more deadly than the screaming shell from the howitzer. Grieve not (present imperative with a negative) the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. ASV James 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? He called it a fire ignited by hell itself (James 3:6), and an unruly evil, full of deadly poison (James 3:8). "A wise man maketh a glad father" (Proverbs 10:1). Johnstone -When James says that the fruit righteousness is sown, the expression is one implying a lively anticipation of results; as if a man planting acorns were to tell you that he was sowing an oak forest, or a farmer should this spring be said to sow next winters bread. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.". NET James 3:11 A spring does not pour out fresh water and bitter water from the same opening, does it? 1:183:23. Unlike the human mouth (James 3:10), a fountain will not send forth sweet and bitter from the same opening. Faithful: Now did Faithful begin to wonder; and stepping to Christian, (for he walked all this while by himself), he said to him, (but softly), What a brave companion have we got! Other Commentaries. Used by Permission. Curtis Vaughan. (Ibid), Rod Mattoon -The word "bitter" is from the Greek word pikroswhich can also mean "harsh." He thanked the Lord for the food, for the day, and for their home. (James 1:17+). For I cannot think that you speak these things of ill-will, but because it is even so as you say. How many times has some malicious person injected a bit of poison into the conversation, hoping it would spread and finally get to the person he or she wanted to hurt? "Most men will proclaim every one his own kindness; But a faithful man who can find?" Geoffrey Grogan, It is better to get wisdom than gold. A dark piece of velvet best reveals the glory of the diamond. They say and do the right things at the right time for the right reasons. What is in the well of your heart will show up in the bucket of your speech. 9:10), the righteousness "which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God" (Phil. you may be sure of it; remember the proverb, "They say and do not." We who belong to Jesus Christ and claim to be His followers should be known as peacemakers (Mt. How, then, can I best honor God and help others? Are you at peace with those in this church? In the Greek sentence the "ou chre" (not ought) precedes "my brethren," placing even stronger emphasis on this negative injunction! 15:23; Jdg. The Lord patiently reminds us through the Holy Spirits presence, for example, that we shouldnt say negative things about others. (Ps 58:3-4), Your tongue devises destruction, Like a sharp razor, O worker of deceit. As an Eastern proverb has it, "A gold vessel does not sound; a brass one does." If youre sowing worldly wisdom, youll reap disorder and every evil thing. Help us to speak with loving words That calm hostility. Peace(1515)(eirenefrom verbeiro= to join or bind together that which has been separated) literally pictures the binding or joining together again of that which had been separated or divided and thus setting at one again, a meaning convey by the common expression of one having it all together. But- (alla) is a strong term of contrast. (Gal 5:24+, Gal 5:16+)The tongue does not have a life of its own, even though James uses the figure of speech of personification to describe its activities. Help me evaluate each thought Thus, the building of the Tower of Babel and a world capital city was begun. Luck: "Remember, as indicated earlier, that no man can tame the tongue, but there is One who can. "Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father" (Proverbs 29:3). Yes, better than he knows himself. The idea is that our mercy is not all talk but includes action demonstrating the reality of our claim to be merciful, and in this way is similar to the dynamic in James 2:14-26 where James says genuine faith is authenticated by good works, practical good deeds. Full of deadly is the combination wordthanatephoros (from thnatos =death+ phr =to bring) is literally death bearing or death bringing and is used only here in the NT. By his good behavior - Wuest has "a good and beautiful manner of life." NJB James 3:11 does any water supply give a flow of fresh water and salt water out of the same pipe? Jesus said, The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out the evil stored up in his heart. Stulac says "The adjective pikros ("bitter") describes a harsh stance of demanding to be recognized as wise, instead of being willing to learn." This passage begins with a stern warning to those who teach and proceeds to a set of pronouncements, nearly a tirade, on how the human tongue Continue reading "Commentary on James 3:1-12" THOUGHT - Given that wisdom is from the heart and mind of our Heavenly Father, and is good and is perfect, we would all do well to frequent plead with God modeling our prayer on James 1:5+ "if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask (aiteoin thepresent tense- continually, as our habitual practice!) In other words, it is focusing on our motives. Proverbs 4:24 Put away from you a deceitful mouth And put devious speech far from you, (3) SPEAKING OF THINGS WHICHREFLECT ON THE CHARACTER of another child of God. The Bible teaches that all people are created in the image of God, that they are all accountable for what they do with whatever He has given them, and that someday they will all die. Praus, is also used in the Septuagint rending of Numbers 12:3 "Now the man Moses was very humble (praus), more than any man who was on the face of the earth." To gracious people? b. Their careless speech was not just a matter of the words they used or attitudes they displayed, it also demonstrated their lack of concern for the impact those words could have on others. It is pure, peaceable, and gentle. We trust the SpiritHe's our Guide, If one-half that we say . This makes me think of the passage in Genesis 4 when Cain was downcast because God did not accept his offering Then the LORD said to Cain, Why are you angry? Hagnos implies sincere, moral and spiritual integrity. Please guard my mouth today. Lest we think that Christians do the blessing and non-Christians do the cursing, we need to remember that James was writing to Christians. Reprinted by permission. The Englishman was a new believer and was excited about his faith. On the other hand, to stand for righteousness, even though there must be conflict and suffering, is to sow the fruit wherefrom peace will come. It must be sought from above. --Dennis De Haan (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. 7:18, 20), Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit. Bitter water also can destroy our spiritual lives. 35:20; Ps. Zelos describeswanting what belongs to someone else without regard for their rights. Is it not strange that the tongue can be praising God one moment and be slandering some person the next moment, often right in the church where the tongue had been used to praise God? 21:11; Rom. He propagates his evil in Bible language and many Christians swallow it hook, line and sinker. Master's Bible Church - Bitter jealousy is the mindset that this world is all there is, so I covet as much of it as I can get. "A worthless man deviseth mischief; And in his lips there is as a scorching fire" (Proverbs 16:27). But James used the word in a specific context. Louw-Nida says it means "pertaining to being gracious and forbearing." Its work can be so subtle that it sometimes escapes notice until the damage is done.". Pollard. Amplified has "The tongue is so constituted in our members." 9:43; Mk. But hardly anyone says, Listen to yourself. Im not suggesting that we have an inner voice that always knows the right thing to say. 10:16. . Most of us would be amazed, if somebody were to follow us around with a tape recorder, and tape everything we say in entire day, and then reduce it to print, and make us read it back at the end of the day. Such a person knows how to forgive when strict justice dictates that there is a perfect right to condemn. The passage goes on to expound on this challenging question, for who among us would go so far as to label themselves as a genius like Sidis or wise according to James? Here are all 11 uses of prautes in the NT - 1 Co. 4:21; 2 Co. 10:1; Gal. But they dont know whether the emotion comes from love and concern or disdain and disrespect, so we risk misunderstanding. 1:22). Spurgeon left this earth for his heavenly hope in 1892. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). Henry Law, The next best thing to being wise is to live in a circle of those who are. It did then and it does now. Can a grapevine produce figs? And since James was writing to Jewish believers, they would be very familiar with these traditional Jewish blessings to God. 10:1), and it is a requirement for elders in the local church (1 Ti3:3). Reprinted by permission. Jesus said its not what goes into my mouth that defiles me, but what comes out. Beloved, as an alien and stranger (short timer) on earth, you need to change your intake from earthly to heavenly, from the temporal to the eternal. ByHerbert Vander Lugt (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. "Scoffers set a city in a flame; But wise men turn away wrath" (Proverbs 29:8). It was the natural fruit of their bitter zeal and party spirit. "The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way" (Proverbs 14:8). (Ps 52:2-4), Hide me from the secret counsel of evildoers, From the tumult of those who do iniquity, 3 Who have sharpened their tongue like a sword. In contrast to the wisdom of fools, Paul exhorts believers at Rome to bewisein a godly sense, wise about spiritual truth and how to live in an evil world opposed to God (Ro 16:19+), referring to God Himself aswise. See the contrasting word aspilosin James 1:27 ("unstained"). Troublemakers? 1 Peter It can castigate and corrupt. (Ge 4:6-8). The only other NT use is Jude 1:23+ "save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garmentpolluted (spiloo in perfect tense) by the flesh." Neither can salt water yield fresh. NET James 3:10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. "Do not delay!" As adults, the problem reveals itself in other situations, such as when we're on the phone and our mind says, "Don't spread gossip about Jane," but our mouth says, "You wouldn't believe what I heard about Jane!" C. H. Spurgeon, The sublimity of wisdom is to do those things living which are to be desired when dying. But - Term of contrast. The meaning is clearly illustrated by an inscription on a grave in Asia Minor. The biggest loser of your hatred and jealousy is you. Keep in mind Pauls words about not quarreling, being kind, patient, and gentle. This passage continues James's big idea that faith and works go together. b. When you tame an animal, you get a worker instead of a destroyer. Over the years weve been able to train Gentle Ben, Lassie, Flipper, Shamu, even Barney! Bitter words come from a bitter heart. The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. Have you noticed their tongues is "restless?" But it is also, as Calvin says, an " instrument for catching, encouraging, and increasing the fires of hell." The ways of - God are all severe, but they are the only ways of goodness. Everything they say has in it the sting and poison of deadly snakes (aspis). According to researchers who recently examined parts recovered from the wreck, impure rivets made of wrought iron rather than steel caused the ships hull to open like a zipper. -. "He that hateth dissembleth with his lips; But he layeth up deceit within him: When he speaketh fair, believe him not; For there are seven abominations in his heart: Though his hatred cover itself with guile, His wickedness shall be openly showed before the assembly" (Proverbs 26:24-26). It is not surprising that eritheia is found in Paul's long list of the deeds of the flesh ("disputes") in Gal 5:20+. Thomas Fuller, The jawbone of an ass was a killer in Samsons time. When there is a discrepancy between what we say and what we do, we create confusion in the minds of our audience. Thats why many nonbelievers do not take the gospel message seriously. How many times has some malicious person injected a bit of poison into the conversation, hoping it would spread and finally get to the person he or she wanted to hurt? In Scripture the term "wisdom" ordinarily signifies the knowledge and fear of God, especially that enlightening of the mind which flows from the word and spirit of Christ; and the superior excellence of this wisdom may be well expressed in the words of Solomon ( Proverbs 3:13, 14 ). to do so for oneself, Hom., Xen. (Thru The Bible). But it seems more probable that, like the intervening section on the tongue (James 3:2-12), this section on wisdom (James 3:13-18) applies to everyone in the churches to whom James was writing, true believers and mere professed believers. Reprinted by permission. We have all kinds of devices to help us communicate. 21:21; Deut. Paul writes that he and his demons are able fire "the flaming arrows"(Eph 6:16) into our minds. (See below) The harsh reality is that many a man speaks with perfect courtesy to strangers and preaches love and gentleness and yet snaps with ungracious and impatient anger at his family. The impossibility of this occurring should cause believers to realize how vital it is to learn to submit our tongue to the control of the Spirit. Help me to control my tongue and to express myself clearly so that I wont cause dissension. If we look earnestly and in faith, we can find God's way for doing ministry in Scripture, often the last place we go. Eirenecan convey the sense of an inner rest, well being and harmony. Of course, this presupposes that we are "prepared" for the "pop test." how much of real knowledge and mental power has been wasted in such bitterness! John Calvin, During a long life I have had to eat my own words many times and I have found it a very nourishing diet. The spirit of self-seeking creates rivalry and division in the church and the home. (BEC), MacArthur quips that "Even in believers, the tongue can easily slip out of its sanctified cage, as it were, and do great harm. (James 3 Commentary), Robert Johnstone on pure -The Christianly wise man shrinks from moral defilement of every kind. "You can't hold a fellow down in the ditch unless you stay there with him." But apart from Christ there is no wisdom. No, at best we can only be philosophers, friends of wisdom. It can consume and turn to ashes the character of a person in a moment. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. Mt. Sometimes, however, we have three constituent elements mentioned or alluded tothe body, soul, and spirit (ED: See Dichotomy versus Trichotomy). Later, when someone asked how he could do that, Lee replied, "My friend, all ground is level at the foot of the cross.". "To understand the words of the wise, and their dark sayings" (Proverbs 1:6). NJB James 3:14 But if at heart you have the bitterness of jealousy, or selfish ambition, do not be boastful or hide the truth with lies; GWN James 3:14 But if you are bitterly jealous and filled with self-centered ambition, don't brag. - James justifies his strong condemnation of earthly wisdom in the preceding verse explaining the fruit of wisdom which is earthly, natural and demonic! If you use these words and sincerely mean what you say from your heart, you will find that God will use you to be a blessing and encouragement to others. Reprinted by permission. (Ibid). It is often wise to be quiet and speak few words. CSB And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who cultivate peace. ", Is tamedhas been tamed(1150) see below ondamazo. He wrote, The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. Tongue Spiritual Maturity is reflected by a controlled tongue. Phillips You may acquire a certain superficial wisdom, but it does not come from God - it comes from this world, from your own lower nature, even from the devil. ESV Study Bible on selfish ambition -Selfish ambition is a divisive willingness to split the group in order to achieve personal power and prestige (it is translated rivalry in Gal. In 2:13, James used the verb of the triumph of mercy over strict justice in the coming judgment; here the picture relates to the triumph of arrogant pride over others in the interactions of daily life." Used literally in James 3:11 as the opposite of what which is sweet, and in the Septuagint (Lxx)of Ex 15:23 describing the waters of Marah which "were bitter" and could not be drunk by Israel. We prefer to blame the worlds problems on religious or political differences. R. C. Sproul, Conviction of ignorance is the doorstep to the temple of wisdom. Wisdom, wrote Charles Spurgeon, is a beauty of life that can only be produced by Gods workmanship in us.. Once this peace has been established through a vertical relationship between the believer and God, the believer will then have a basis on which to establish peaceful horizontal relationships with his fellowmen. Our old sinful nature opposes our new life in Christ. BBE James 3:14 But if you have bitter envy in your heart and the desire to get the better of others, have no pride in this, talking falsely against what is true. "There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise" (Proverbs 21:20). (Norman Geisler - When Cultists Ask), He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction. Jesus taught that "out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders." James 3:6, Today's Scripture & Insight: James 3:112, It wasnt as simple as just crossing another river. It is impossible to find an English word to translate this quality. The Lord Jesus said that what is in the heart will come up through the mouth; you can be sure your tongue is going to say it. YLT James 3:17 and the wisdom from above, first, indeed, is pure, then peaceable, gentle, easily entreated, full of kindness and good fruits, uncontentious, and unhypocritical: --. It is honest; it never pretends to be what it is not; and it never acts a part to gain its own ends." Itcomes from the devil. "He layeth up sound wisdom for the upright" (Proverbs 2:7). Such a "wisdom" cannot be from God. Thus say the common people that know him, A saint abroad, and a devil at home. Those who make peace had been declared by the Lord to be blessed, the sons of God. By 1987, it had sold more than any other copyrighted book in publishing history! A great deal less talking to do? Used in the Nestle-Aland text is James 1:8+of the doubting man who is unstable in all areas of lifeand here in James 3:8, describing the tongue as incapable of restraint. But even better is to daily rest in Gods Spirit, hearing Pauls challenge, Let your conversation be always full of grace (Colossians 4:6), so that our words will not only honor our Lord, but lift up and encourage those around us. But in addition to his sermons, he regularly reading a Bible passage before his message and gave a verse-by-verse exposition, rich in gospel insight and wisdom for the Christian life. Let him show his works by a good life in the humility that comes from wisdom. When my wife and I were visiting a church for a special musical program, we arrived early to get a good seat. Titus 3:2 sounds a similar note: "To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.". Of what the world holds in death's embrace; "As a thorn that goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, So is a parable in the mouth of fools" (Proverbs 26:9). Wisdom is the beauty of holiness. To bridle your tongue, give God the reins of your heart. In June 2002, the Hayman fire destroyed more than 137,000 acres of beautiful mountain forest in Colorado. Each was too proud to yield the right-of-way. 3:11; Jas. CORRECTING THE MISINTERPRETATION: The subject James is writing about is the power and persuasiveness of the human tongue, with its far-reaching effects. 1:17; 2:3). "Wisdom is before the face of him that hath understanding" (Proverbs 17:24). Are you watching shows and listening to talk radiothat regurgitates the same mindless gibberish? And is set on fire by hell- Not Hades (the temporary holding place), but Gehenna, the everlasting place of all evil demons and humans. Indeedshe thought would gain wisdom, which she did, but it was earthly, natural and demonic and ultimately deadly!. It can curse or cajole. "In the transgression of the lips is a snare to the evil man" (Proverbs 12:13). (1 Timothy 4:1-5), For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. (cf John 8:44). A HARVEST OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, The NIV has an excellent, straight-forward rendering stating that "Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. 35 The good man brings out of his good treasure what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure what is evil. In short godly wisdom is sincere, so that what you see is what you get! I have no regard for truth, no respect for justice, no mercy for the defenseless. to the use of the tongue and the words we speak. THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE ITS HISTORY AND WORK. In the corridor he met a friend who asked, "Has he finished yet?" All rights reserved). 3:6. YLT James 3:11 doth the fountain out of the same opening pour forth the sweet and the bitter? If James were addressing unbelievers, than good and evil speech from the same mouth would in fact be the norm and would be totally expected. We have a choice (and responsibility) regarding how we can respond, but it a mysterious truth that while we are 100% responsible, we are also 100% dependent on the Spirit to work out our salvation in fear and trembling. so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh. By:Jennifer Benson Schuldt(Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Natural wisdom is that when come from the mind of fallen, unredeemed men, and therefore is able to only reflect a totally humanistic viewpoint regarding the world and men. They criticized the pastoral staff, leadership, music, ministry priorities, and several other things that made them unhappy. 19:29; Jn. Those who trust God, who really believe Him, begin to be changed in their speech, as well. (Ibid). 3:12; Rev. Thank Him for His heavenly wisdom that seeks truth and promotes peace. We expect his wisdom, but the apostle expresses himself differently. "If thou art wise, thou art wise for thyself" (Proverbs 9:12). Spurgeon - We liked Burkitt better when we were younger. It is "to know how to do, to be able to do, to be capable of doing. (Thayer). No one can take from us the gifts that God gives us. without hypocrisy. Anon. 23:6; 1 Sam. ", Robert Johnstone -As the false, exhibiting itself in envying and strife, (James 3:16) thus brings in confusion and every form of evil, and in this way proves itself to be from beneath; so the true wisdom, showing itself in peace and peacemaking, thus brings in righteousness, and proves itself to be from above. Here James metaphoricallyequates the tongue directly with a fire. (Ibid), Phillips -Some of the lies that the tongue tells are diabolically wicked. There she heard a lady talking to them, in Chinese, about someone to whom little children came. "Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life" (Prov. Robert Johnstone gives us an excellent extended explanation of natural (sensual) wisdom (It is long but worth reading--I had to read it twice.) They were either unconcerned about or oblivious to the presence of two visitors in their midst. InRo 1:14+, Paul refers to the Greeks as the "wise" (although not in spiritual matters). "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue Keepeth his soul from troubles" (Proverbs 21:23). For (gar) (Term of explanation - always pause and ask what is the writer explaining?) Have Thine own way, Lord! But if the heart is filled with love, God will light the fire. Paul writes that "God made foolish the wisdom of the world. 2:5; Jas. You love evil more than good, Falsehood more than speaking what is right. One day she went to another village and followed some girls into a mission school. (Treasures from James), Hiebert -Since the reference seems to be to a religiously motivated feeling, "bitter zeal" or "harsh zeal" seems the best rendering. When it is once past, it is gone forever. I have prayed this prayer for all who are reading this note and for myself, in Jesus' Name. : Pass. Whenever we speak out of fear, anger, ignorance, or prideeven if what we say is truethose who listen will hear more than our words. If we bless God as our Father, it should teach us to speak well of, and kindly to, all who bear his image. "A gentle tongue is a tree of life" (Proverbs 15:4). It is through communication that we connect and our spirits touch. 3:14; Jas. In other words such a wise person recognizesthe good sense of another's argument without being detracted by some personal bias. You love all words that devour, O deceitful tongue. Believers should not only refrain from cursing but also bless those who curse and persecute them (Luke 6:28; Romans 12:14). 23:15; Ezek. That many a kink ; Eccl. The spirit should be the governing principle, holding the whole nature under a firm and healthful sway. Joshua So even as James instructed us in how to discern whether one has genuine faith (by his works), in this section he tells us how to discern whether a person is truly wise and understanding by listing (and thereby contrasting)the traits one would expect to see associated with heavenly wisdom versus with earthly wisdom. "A man that flattereth his neighbor Spreadeth a net for his steps" (Proverbs 29:5). Do your words and the manner in which you say them reveal a patient heart? That will mark the beginning of harmonynot havoc. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. 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Were either unconcerned about or oblivious to the Greeks as the `` wise '' ( Proverbs 15:4.. 1987, it is even so as you say them reveal a patient?! Understand the words of the lies that the tongue, with its effects... Cause james 3 commentary spurgeon by his good behavior - Wuest has `` a worthless man deviseth ;... Manner of life '' ( Proverbs 29:8 ) 6:28 ; Romans 12:14 ) net James a... But there is one who can his demons are able fire `` the tongue is tree... Writings of the wise '' ( Proverbs 1:6 ) but wise men turn away wrath '' ( Proverbs )! Fresh water and fresh you may be sure of it are the only ways of - are... As the `` pop test. declared by the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those curse! Our minds see the contrasting word aspilosin James 1:27 ( `` unstained '' ) mouth '' ( Proverbs ). Dark sayings '' ( Prov have wisdom and insight one day she went to another village and some... 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