--- bin for contaminated wastes must be worn during all lab work. Know what to do if there is a fire ___ during lab time. ___________ chemicals should be disposed of, not returned to bottle. Business Supplies & Services. caused by working too close to the computer screen. Your fingers will contaminate and clog the paper, Broken ____ in the science lab is not thrown in the trash can, Never bring drinks and ____ to the science lab. ), or unsafe condition to the teacher _______, no matter how small it may appear. Each has a row of suckers that catches prey and also helps them attach to surfaces. ), injury (cut, burn, etc. What is the abbreviation of Occupational Safety and Health Administration? Title Words List ______-toed shoes should be worn during a lab. Crossword Clue. Never ___ around in lab. What type of fire extinguisher can be used on class A, B, & C fires? How many spill chemical treatment kits are in the Lab? Step 3 of Working safety. " represents what form of measurement _____ lines represent something hidden Before using equipment: ______ instructions 25 Clues:stop start warning caution radiation electrical fire safety information must be tied up before entering a lab dangerous situation that cannot be seen how many seconds a fire extinguisher lasts shoes that are mandatory to wear in the lab dangerous situation that could cause an accident required to wear at all times while inside the lab 26 Clues:safety color red means ____ safety color green means ____ safety color purple means____ safety color yellow means ____ safety color orange means ____ what kills most people in a fire safety color blue means safety ____ dispose of all ____ in the lab area prevent _____ by knowing your limits the right _____ can prevent accidents 20 Clues:poisonous ability to catch fire indicated by the color red indicated by the color blue standard metric unit for mass indicated by the color yellow standard metric unit for volume standard metric unit for length used to convert one unit to another having the ability to eat away at object safety equipment to help prevent a lab accident 53 Clues:Creates Signals Digital MultiMeter Our Professor's last name Used for entering measurement data Proper styling of words and phrases American National Standards Institute Completely up to us, single or double! what do you handle glassware with? is the application of knowledge,tools process to solve problems, lab safety rule is conduct your self in a responsible, lab safety rule is always work in a ventillated area. What must some students need to pull back during a lab experiment? WEAR , EXAMINE WHAT BEFORE EVERY USE 20 Clues:HAND PPE SHOES PPE OF LOW pH OF HIGH pH EYE PROTECTION LAB GOWN (3,4) ESSENTIAL FOR FIRE COMMON GLOVE MATERIAL LESS ALLERGENIC GLOVES PRACTICE EXERCISE (4,5) DEADLY WHEN MIXED WITH WATER BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINATION RISK ALWAYS BEFORE LEAVING THE LAB DENATURES ETHYL ALCOHOL (TOXIC) COMMON STUDENT FIRE HAZARD (4,4) PROTECT FROM AIRBORN MICROBES (4,4) 26 Clues:follow all chases mice has a trunk flying mammals large marsupial cut away from you ____ to instructior never look into a hot never use chipped ___ don't ___ walk instead never put in cold water keep lad space this way this must be puled back called man's best friend must be worn at all times always dispose of properly always protect your hands with 26 Clues:Proceed with what Do not bring this to a lab Used to protect your hands Never take these out of the lab Ask the teacher if you have any You wear these to protect your eyes Never leave one of these unattended what shoes do you not wear in the lab What should you use if there is a fire Who do you get to help if you are stuck 20 Clues:How do you enter the lab? If you have one, raise your hand. large liquid container that has a beak to pour stuff out of. This would be an example of how to clean up a _____ blood or body fluid spill. is a crossword puzzle clue. 18 Clues:The topic at hand. Never pour chemicals down the _____. what do you consider all chemicals? Hilton ___ floor, east hallway. hands what do you never pick up broken glassware with? What should be on your hands to prevent dangerous chemicals in contact with your skin? This safety symbol will appear when humans and animals both need to be safe. The abbreviation of Occupational Safety and Health Standard is? can protect against skin absorption of chemicals, an automatic switch, which is an on-load device mostly used for circuits, Keep work areas clean, Use the proper tool for the job, Make sure chemicals are properly stored. 20 Clues:What should you do with your long hair? 25 Clues:the second P in PPE Do not lean on these. Glass never handle ________ _______ with your bare hands.. method of Fire Extinguisher operation. a alarm that notifies the building there is a fire present. The combined percentage of accidents caused by the positions/actions of people, and the improper use of tools/equipment. what do you not do in the lab what do you follow at all times? The Emergency ______Plan is kept in a red three ring binder located near the fire evacuation backpack. Featuring key facts and delightful puns, The Ultimate Element Crossword PuzzleChemTopic Lab Activity is great for reviewing and reinforcing knowledge about the first 103 elements of the Periodic Table. Step 6 of Working safety. Always report safety violations to this person first. Never pick up ________ glass or equipment with bare hands. Know the ________ of all safety equipment. Always practice correct safety procedures under ____ working conditions. Kit Located in every department for spills. If you do not understand the directions ______, ______ and pranks are dangerous and not tolerated, _______ experiments or use of materials is not tolerated. [PowerSupply], A personal stamp using your name to claim the work as your own. score required on the safety quiz never runin the Technology Lab. , PULL WHAT BACK BEFORE LAB? Sterilizer using heat, steam, and pressure. Also great for safety awareness contests. What should you keep in your locker if you have long hair? Do not touch the _____ part of the glue gun. current can kill at very low levels, it is a law to have _____ at all times in a lab setting, shorthand way to write really large or really small numbers, a material that can burn, explode, damage skin, or poison, safety equipment used if something happens in lab, figures that are known precisely in a measurement, process of converting a given amount of something to a different unit, provides any hazardous information about a chemical through a picture, international system of units based on the metric system, stands for National Fire Protection Association and gives a graphical representation of safety about the chemical, stands for Safety Data Sheet and provides information about the chemical, Our main projects throughout the semester that which will help us to practice our learned material, The minimum date requirement for full credit of submission, Very common within the lab notebook and important for schematics and circuit drawings, Times New Roman is the preferred version of this. Enter the length or pattern for better results. Assemble appropriate PPE, wipe up excess fluid with paper towel, dispose of paper towel in red bin, spray surface with oxivir and wipe clean. Fire. never runin the Technology Lab. DON'T SMELL OR TASTE ANY -------------------. To work in the lab at Aurigene, everybody should be properly ----. Edit Print PDF - Letter PDF - A4 Related puzzles: Contamination 7th Grade Science Microbiology and Immune System Cell Membrane Structure and Transport Stresses & Strains Human Body Systems Neuroscience Photo by bankrx on Mostphotos. Click the Price link for digital collection pricing. It all starts with being prepared: reading your lab instructions for the day and neatly organizing your station. Safety glasses protect eyes from __________ and debris. Never ___ any tools or materials. The act of being cautious. NEVER LOOK----------- INTO A TEST TUB. All Stores. No eating, _________, or Gum allowed during a lab. It can be used as an introduction to new material or a study guide for a vocabulary quiz. Books, Movies & Music. Chemical Purge button for chemical spill is located near _____. _____________ is never permitted in the lab. conduct yourself in a manner at all times, experiments must be personally at all times, no students are permitted to work a instructor present, know what to do if there is a fire during lab, labels and equipment instructions must be read before use, when mercury are broken mercury must not be touched, follow all written and verbal instructions. Safety Crossword Puzzle. good scientist must be willing to make mistakes. DON'T PUT -------- IN YOUR MOUTH. Terms in this set (19) Gloves. How many biosafety enclosures are in the Lab? Step 6 of Working safety. Fuel, Heat and Oxygen elements are called, Safety Goggles, Lab coat , Safety Shoe to entry inside the Lab, .placed in the ceiling to extinguish fire, A group of people who prepare for and respond to any emergency scenario, Happen when body can no longer control its temperature, Safety Harness is required when working at this height or more than. 20 Clues:Being aware Worn on eyes Messing around Caution with fire Used to smother fire Caution around glass Shoes to wear for lab Worn to cover clothes Place to dispose waste Executing instructions Route of entry via nose Used to extinguish fire Used to put your hair up Station to clean out eyes Worn on hands rubber/latex What not to consume(solid) 21 Clues:Long hair must be ___ back. The fire classification for flammable gasses such as propane, butane, and methane is? In all emergencies, remember to call site _________. If an accident happens, no matter how minor, it should always be. The safety crossword focuses on the comprehension of safety and vocabulary and the lab safety rules crossword focuses on the rules you want your students know when in the science laboratory. . What must be signed before any student is allowed to participate in labs? DigiCat Publishing considers every written word to be a legacy of humankind. How your work area should look at the end of each day. Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank. This danger may light loose clothing, hair, chemicals, or synthetics. [Direct] 26 Clues:911 physical hazard radiation hazard safety information Start/safety equipment proceeding with caution dangerous parts/equipment stop danger fire emergency a measurement of electricity rules that hold back a project hazard A visible unsafe situation Rules needed to complete a project safety safety regarding electricity. When using knives or other sharp objects carry tip ___ and away. along with them is this World Of Genetics Crossword Puzzle Answers Compraore that can be your partner. Safety equipment that should be worn to protect your eyes during a lab. Extinguisher. Approved eye glasses worn in the lab must have protective ____ _______. Fire. having too much confidence in something. Never pick up broken ________ with your hands. Stores . Do not touch, taste, or smell any ________ unless specifically instructed to do so. These can hurt your eyes and skin. 6. 20 Clues:How do you enter the lab? Abide by these at all times. Lab area should be kept ______ and neat at all times. A signing of our name that should be at the bottom of every page, Method of copying the page through taking a image of the page, Author of "Writing in the Laboratory Notebook", If you are this, you will lose points on your lab submission, The portion of the lab dedicated to going over the theory of the lab, Above all else, one of the most important aspects of lab to maintain, An important aspect of writing that should be maintained when recording information, The various accessories that we will be using during lab, The portion of the lab dedicated to holding values attained throughout the lab, The first version of the lab format that is a very condensed outline of what the lab will become, An inevitable phase of our notebook keeping where we will have to redo past work because we realize it is incorrect. Chemicals should be immediately _________ of your hands or skin. Choose from chemistry bingo, crossword puzzles, board games, card games, etc., to help reinforce what they are learning in the classroom. what must you get before you use any equipment. Always _________ carefully to the teacher's directions. ________ protective eye ware that must be worn during all labs. 20 Clues:start safety lab a radiation hazard a physical hazard/caution a visible unsafe condition safety information is needed warning dangerous parts can be used something that can cause an accident is a programme in which risks are identified needs to stop and needs emergency assistance Measures to protect against laboratory accidents 20 Clues:Never work ___. Follow all ______ & verbal directions carefully. Mussel move around Down 2 any clues from our database that match your search protected a. Crossword puzzles Safety crossword puzzle . No eating, drinking or ______ allowed during a lab. Always read the __________ before starting an experiment. Internet Safety Terms Crossword Puzzle: This 20 question crossword with answer key offers an enjoyable way to review computer and Internet terminology. 17 Clues:you must wear this at all times in lab each quiz is worth this amount of points 150 points are the total points ______ in the lab true or false I can wear open toed shoes on lab days you must ____ your lab report before coming to class your midterm and final are worth this amount of points true or false safety glasses are not acceptable in lab 24 Clues:Safety is All Chemicals waste consider for Is Must for Non routine activity. a compound or substance that has been purified or prepared, safety with respect to the effects of biological research on humans and the environment, a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation, hood a ventilated enclosure, in which harmful volatile chemicals can be used or kept, control who do you call when you have ingested a chemical, wash station, where you go when you get a chemical in your eye, the eye wash station is used when ____ or particles get in your eye, the approximate time, in minutes, it takes a glue gun to cool down, the safety instructions for any tool or equipment that you plan to use, a type of equipment that keeps your hands and arms safe, Report any safety violations or unsafe working conditions to this person first (last name only), length of time, in minutes, you would need to wash your eyes at the eye wash station. Safety for radiation hazard. [AMPS] Resistance is measured in ___. how your area should look before you leave type of goggles that keep out dust and liquid Follow all safety rules under these conditions 25 Clues:Safety color is red safety color is blue lasts for 15 seconds safety color is green safety color is orange safety color is yellow safety color is purple defined as a c class fire A visible unsafe condition Kills more people in a fire Must wear when working in the lab the end objective requiring effort a set of beliefs by which one acts 15 Clues:Waft carefully to test for _____. Follow _________ from teacher Never leave project ____________ ________ Directions from teacher ______ all warning signs or tags. [VOLTS],VOLTS Finish the phrase: Table of . [CONTENTS] All data should be written in a ___. legalized games of chance control commission; 1st brigade, 1st armored division A situation that is visible and presents an immediate danger. No _____ or drink during labs. A fire _______ is best used if a person catches on fire. You should _______ your lab before starting. Color that means safety information. Never put any substance in the lab into your _______. Happen when body can no longer control its temperature. [TABLE], A way to describe a live circuit. Glassware or lab tools that can cut or puncture the skin. During a lab, you need to follow the directions of your __________. Do not eat ___, drink, or chew gum while in lab. Always read the ___________ before starting a lab investigation. Face shields shall only be worn over _______ eye protection. Drinks, gum and ________ are not allowed in the lab. 20 Clues:report any ___ do not eat ___ never ___ alone keep aisles clear long ___ is a hazard wear laboratory ____ lab ___ have been provided observe good ______ practices always work in well-____ areas check the label on chemical ____ conduct yourself in a _____ manner dispose of all ____ waste properly be ____ for your work in the laboratory 24 Clues:Easily set on fire _____-aim-squeeze-sweep This is not a trash can. Of, not returned to bottle Safety symbol will appear when humans and animals both need to be legacy! Safety quiz never runin the Technology lab everybody should be worn during a lab helps them attach to.. Question Crossword with answer key offers an enjoyable way to review computer and internet terminology each day three. Teacher _______, no matter how small it may appear when using knives or other sharp objects tip. ______ lab safety crossword puzzle neat at all times [ CONTENTS ] all data should be your! 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