naboo and alderaan

[49], All remaining systems will bow to the First Order, and will remember this as the last day of the Republic!Armitage Hux, During the Cold War nearly thirty years later between the First Order and the Resistance, Senator Thadl Berenko represented Naboo in the reconstituted New Republic Senate. Gungans live in beautiful submerged . [1] He was an early supporter, and funder, of the nascent Rebel Alliance against the empire. The buildings of Naboo were based on the Hagia Sophia, a cathedral turned mosque then turned museum located in Istanbul, Turkey. They were unable to prevent Darth Vader from breaching the tomb. [24], At the time of Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail Organa, the royal family also possessed a ranch where they grew emerald grapes used to make high-quality emerald wine, which was greatly liked by Hiram Zataire,[25] and a penthouse suite on Coruscant called Cantham House that was considered relatively modest by either royal or senatorial standards,[1] though the former handmaiden Sab noted that the Alderaanian plants and pieces of art that incorporated wind or water that were on the roof of Cantham House must have cost a fortune. [60] The wealthy San Tekka clan was based on Naboo. Terrestrial[9] There also would have been an hour dedicated to the bell service, three different traditional meals with guests of rank and more. Today of all days, you must look your best. Despite his origins on the planet, Palpatine did not care at all for his homeworld and, following his death, Naboo was named a priority target for Operation: Cinder, a protocol that the Sith Lord had put in place to destroy Imperial worlds should they fail to protect their Emperor. [13], During the High Republic Era, the former Jedi Padawan Kantam Sy found the Force-sensitive Lula Talisola amongst the children cared for at an orphanage on Naboo. The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi? [72], By 35 ABY,[74] Naboo's skies were being patrolled by Star Destroyers from the First Order as part of its expansive efforts to establish galactic dominance. Upon fulfilling those challenges, he or she was invested with the Heir's Crown during a coronation ceremony. Cerean Jedi Master and general on the High Council with a large head. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Aldera (capital)[11]Crevasse City[7]Sanctuary Coast[7]Unidentified city[25] The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film, The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. 364 standard days[8] Les romans Star Wars ont t dits en franais ds 1977 avec la parution en grand format du roman La Guerre des toiles par les ditions Presses de la Cit. However, the Naboo and Gungans were forced to release Grievous after Dooku took Skywalker hostage. [49] Nevertheless, the people of Naboo resented the fact that it was their world that brought forth a man like Palpatine. [9] The swamps acted as a gateway to the world's seas, where legendary creatures dwelt. [1], Despite the lyrics of the traditional Alderaanian lullaby "Mirrorbright" referencing a moon, the planet never possessed any natural satellites. If I grew up here, I don't think I'd ever leave.Anakin Skywalker, about Naboo. [10] However, Crown Princess Leia Organa, who was on a secret mission to Tatooine, survived the destruction of her homeworld. The heir must prove herself worthy in body, heart, and mind. Naboo was a bountiful planet in the Chommell sector of the Mid Rim, in the Trailing Sectors and close to the border of the Outer Rim Territories. It must be earned. Standards are even higher for special occasions!Princess Leia Organa and WA-2V, preparing for her Day of Demand, An emblem used by the royals was the Crest of Alderaan, an upside-down triangle made of interlacing curves. In fact, Alderaan was one of the earliest supporters of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, though its officials prudently kept all ties to the Rebellion secret. Ithor is a world where its native species took to the skies and stars to let the world heal and florish without their harmful technological influence. A member of Alderaan's royal family and the planet's representative to the Republic Senate since the time of the Clone Wars, Bail Organa earned respect on Coruscant for his honesty and his commitment to justice. The exact number of moons in Naboo is currently unknown. Why the hell was Naboo not Alderaan? 8. "[21] Alderaanians were very artistic and lived for this beauty, but the planet still hid treacherous cliffs and forgotten crevasses. Elder Houses[22]House of Organa[3]Galactic Republic[9]Galactic Empire[3][9]Alliance to Restore the Republic[3] Her state wardrobe also included a dress of bronze silk, which she wore with her hair piled high atop her head in braids woven through with strings of beads, a green dress with wide skirts, and a deep red silk robe. Palpatine subsequently rose to the office of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, with Amidala eventually taking his place as the planet's senatorial representative. [45], Naboo first appeared in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the first installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Alderaanian wolf-cat[18]Manka cat[19]Nerf[20]Snow owl[11]Thranta[21]Unidentified bird[22] [43], In 0 BBY,[46] shortly before the Battle of Scarif, and three weeks prior to the equinox festivities,[4] Senator Bail Organa headed towards Alderaan to tell their people that there would "be no peace,"[47] after the plans for the Death Star, a planet-killing Imperial superlaser, were discovered. Baby Luke was brought to his father's planet of Tattooine, and baby Leia brought to her mom's. In that movie, the planet was only seen from space during the scene depicting its destruction. The princess survived but ended up having to have her heart and lungs replaced with pulmonodes. Under the contract, Naboo took advantage of every other planet in the Chommell sector from time to time. The palace also housed the Rhindon Sword[1] and a landscape painting of Appenza Peak. Even when the Republic . Both sides refused to acknowledge their responsibilities in the rift, and the two groups ostracized each other for the longest time. [14], On Chandrila in 5 ABY,[15] former princess of Alderaan Leia Organa gave birth to her son, Ben Solo. So I submit that the theory is still good because George Lukus is a dumbass. [1] In the distant past, belligerence did exist on Alderaan,[4] and princes and princesses who made their claim to the crown sometimes had to fight their way to the throne room on their Day of Demand. [3] In the treatment, rough draft, second draft, and third draft of what would become A New Hope, the name of Alderaan was used for the capital of the "New Galactic Empire." [9] Leia's adoption was announced on her Name Day three or four days after her birth and was publicly celebrated on Alderaan.[11]. Leia learns that her parents' ally Saw Gerrera, the leader of an . Amidala and Binks, with the help of the Jedi Order and the Gungan Peppi Bow, discovered the Separatist scientist Nuvo Vindi's secret laboratory in the Eastern swamps. Their society was ruled by the House of Organa,[24] in conjunction with an individual bearing the titles of Viceroy and First Chairman. Plus, when Alderaan is destroyed, its obviously an atrocity and really sad, but weve never really seen Alderaan or what makes it special beyond that Leia and Bail are from there. Many heirs of Alderaan would give up their keepsake chest before their investiture as crown prince or princess though the ritual didn't demand it. "[19] However, the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Complete Locations states that Naboo has only one moon. Help us, Core Worlds, Colonies, Inner Rim, and Expansion Region, Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series Episode I, Princess Leia vs. Darth Vader - A Fearless Leader, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Episode IV: A New Hope Read-Along Storybook and CD, Star Wars: The Original Trilogy A Graphic Novel, Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure, The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure. Her viceroy and consort Bail Organa was addressed simply as "Viceroy." [51], Alderaan also had a number of traditions involving braids such as who wore them, when and why that varied from continent to continent and age to age. [53] The female child of the royal couple was referred to as a princess. Diameter The High Republic at New York Comic Con, Phase II Begins Now, and More. So in episode I, Palpatine is the senator from Alderaan and after hes elected as chancellor, there are no senators to take his place so he allows both Padme and Bail to serve in his place (I dunno. [1] Naboo's interior was rich with plasma, a naturally-occurring energy unique to the planet, and this coupled with its lack of molten core gave Naboo a reputation as an enigma to astrophysicists, who regarded the world's structure as an extremely rare phenomenon in the galaxy. [11], Every child of Alderaan owned a keepsake chest whose designs would be carved by the child's parents and grandparents though the child themselves choose what went inside. [28] Famous natural landmarks of Alderaan included the Cloudshape Falls,[12] the Glarus Lagoons,[11] and the Isatabith rain forest. The Name Day ceremony usually took place of the day of the child's birth but in the case of adoption it usually took place a few days after at which point they would officially be considered a prince or princess and member of the royal family. [13] Initially, the Gungans retreated underwater and avoided the colonists[3] and new interlopers. [64], Later, the Gungan Boss Lyonie came under the influence of the pro-Separatist minister Rish Loo. 847 years ago, Naboo joined the Republic. [12], Although Alderaan no longer existed, some surviving Alderaanians like Evaan Verlaine, a former pupil of Breha Organa, considered Princess Leia Organa to be their new queen. That year, the then-Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Finis Valorum, was ousted from office, and Antilles was nominated for the position in the resulting election. As a result, Breha's lungs and heart had to be replaced with pulmonodes, though she chose not to go through the bacta sessions necessary to grow new flesh and skin around them later, telling her daughter that it reminded her that she lived and that she cannot be stopped so easily. The pride I feel for this planet cannot be put into words. Aquilae, Utapau, and Ophuchi were also considered as names for worlds partially corresponding to Alderaan. [40], The Clone Wars saw a change in Alderaan. With the help of the crew of the Ghost and the former Governor Ryder Azadi, Leia managed to deliver the three Hammerhead corvettes to the Phoenix rebels following a skirmish at the Imperial depot. Demonym The Empire had set up a climate disruption array in orbit, as ordered by the late Emperor Palpatine. former queen of Naboo Senator Padm Amidala and her entourage were invited to Alderaan by Queen Breha and stayed at the royal palace for a week before returning home to Naboo. RT @Magna_Tolvan: Seeing @GermainLussier's tweet about #RicOli reminded me of one of my favorite headcanons: That #Naboo Starfighter Pilot from #ThePhantomMenace, #DineEllberger, survived to age into the "Granny" A-wing pilot who was (sadly) cut from #ReturnOfTheJedi! In the royal palace's throne room, Organa met the then-Queen of Naboo, Sosha Soruna, and asked for Naboo's support in the establishment of a New Republic and the restoration of the Senate. The rebels went as far as baiting a Sando aqua monster into fighting the Dark Lord of the Sith. [11] In the distant past, a cultural misunderstanding resulted in a serious quarrel between the Gungan and the human colonists. [7] Beside its natural features, Naboo was considered a world of classical beauty due to the aesthetics of its population centers. Powerful Jedi Master with a purple lightsaber and general during the Clone Wars. Padme's Palace Was Shot In Italy . So in episode I, Palpatine is the senator from Alderaan and after he's elected as chancellor, there are no senators to take his place so he allows both Padme and Bail to serve in his place (I . I liked Naboo, and I liked that Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker's wife were political allies from the same planet. [1], The crown of Alderaan is not merely inherited. [1], I've studied the palaceeven wrote a paper on it once. [13], It is an honor to be here for this momentous occasion. Bail and Breha met their end together on Alderaan at the hands of the Death Star. [57], In the 2018 reference book Star Wars: The Rebel Files, Alderaan was mistakenly depicted as being in the Colonies instead of the Core Worlds.[44]. [50], Under the orders of Vader, the Imperial Military was to "complete" the destruction of Alderaan by hunting any remaining Alderaanians. [3] They subsequently resolved to separate and live apart from that point on. Alderaan Refugee Conference during the Clone Wars. 12,500 kilometers[8] As a result, Naboo lacked any combat-trained pilots by the time of the Battle of Endor. Rish Loo and Dooku's plot was foiled by the combined efforts of Senator Amidala, Representative Binks, the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and General Roos Tarpals. Amidala guided her home planet through the invasion and sealed a new friendship with the Gungans. Bail Organa was a senator who represented the Alderaan system in the Galactic Senate of the Republic. we celebrate that union.Sheev Palpatine, Meanwhile, the Naboo had fallen prey to a long period of brutal infighting among the large city-states of humans that inhabited the planet. System From Nal Hutta to Alderaan to Moraband, we pick out some other fascinating worlds the franchise should be exploring instead of Luke Skywalker's sandy home. Eventually, the Elders vanished as mysteriously as they arrived, leaving only stone statues behind. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Naboo, like Alderaan, is a planet that prides itself on peace and diplomacy. [13] He became King Jafan, ruler of all the Naboo,[9] and ushered in the Great Time of Peace. It doesn't matter whether or not Guyngans came from there, but keep in mind, we had conceptual art of Alderaan LONG ago. [22] The palace embodied the whole history and evolution of Alderaanian architecture,[1] as well as the opulence of royalty,[23] with ancient rooms made of stone in a large labyrinth alongside more modern rooms such as data centers and holochambers. The same notes also described the planet as being the capital of its star system and possessing its own Senate. [9] Despite this, certain Gungan navigators utilized time-honored trade routes through the planet's structure, which served as the most expedient avenues to reach other areas of the planet. [9] The 2018 novel Thrawn: Alliances confirms that Naboo has three moons. [8], Yes, Your Highnessness?Han Solo, mocking Leia Organa's royal title, Despite being a hereditary monarchy, the Alderaanian monarchy was less formal than the elective Naboo monarchy, something that greatly shocked Padm Amidala when she first visited Alderaan. However during her Challenge of the Body Breha fell from the famous Alderaaian mountain Appenza Peak and would have died had it not been for the quick action of the guards watching from a distance. [13], In 867 BBY, Naboo joined the Galactic Republic,[58] the democratic union that sought to govern the galaxy. Privacy Policy. Black Tile, Modified 4 x 4 with Studs on Edge with Lego Star Wars Logo and Royal N-1 Starfighter Naboo Pilot Naboo Pattern. Monarchy[9] Galactic Basic Standard[3][9] For more information, please see our In exchange, the colonies became legally obligated to provide Naboo with any supplies it deemed were necessary if called upon in times of emergency. [11], Alderaan first appeared in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the seminal movie of the Star Wars saga. Maybe Palpatine also put something in the suit to amplify that effect. In ancient times, Alderaanian heirs who partook in their Day of Demand had to fight their way into the palace throne room. The last and easiest thing would be redubbing any instance of Naboo and rewriting the crawl. Naboo is as idyllic as Alderaan, yet here an undercurrent of later Imperial traits can be felt. Their heiress Princess Leia was variously addressed as "Your Highness," "Princess Leia (Organa) of Alderaan," "Princess Leia," or just "Princess." That pulls. Reasons why Naboo = Alderaan improves the story: 1) Gives more importance to the planet in the prequels (and puts a face to the planet destroyed in ANH) 2) Nice symmetry. The planet also featured a shipbuilding industry, using ore imported from the nearby planet Kreeling. [10], Naboo recovered quickly from the invasion under Amidala's remaining years, managing to almost completely restore its harvests and crop yields by the end of her final term. Ostensibly done in protest over proposed taxation of formerly free trade routes, the Federation's invasion led to an outpouring of support from the Senate for both Palpatine and the newly-elected Queen of Naboo, Padm Amidala. [48] Almost immediately after the Death Star's destruction, Leia Organa would embark on a mission to rescue the survivors of Alderaan from Imperial reprisals. Imported from the nearby planet Kreeling located in Istanbul, Turkey ] as a result, Naboo took of... 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