. Name of the drug, 20. The bachelor's (B.S.) (2) Analgesic Balms/Plasters. (i) Name of the proprietor/directors/partner(s) (v) licence to manufacture for experimental purposes. (7) The Central Licensing Board may authorise the Chairman to any of its members to perform any specific function of the Board for a specified period. Issuance of a drug-sales license or pharmacy license is a procedure given by the Pharmacy council of Pakistan (PCP). (12) The licensee shall on being informed by the Central Licensing Board or a Provincial Quality Control Board that any part of any batch of a drug has been found not to conform with the requirements of the Ordinance or the rules and on being directed so to do, withdraw the remainder of the batch of such drug from sale and, so far as may in the particular circumstances of the case be practicable, recall all issues already made from that batch and dispose it of in such manner as may be directed by the said Board. 1. 14. 2. 7.3.2 In-process controls Batch number. There should be no drains at all in plants and in warehouse. (8) Contraceptives. CHAPTER I - PRELIMINARY (5) A drug or any substance referred to in clause (ii) of Section 24, may be advertised to the medical, pharmaceutical and allied professions through a documentary film. (6) A licensee who for any purpose is engaged in the culture or manipulation of pathogenic spore bearing micro-organisms shall provide, to the satisfaction of the Central Licensing Board, separate laboratories, utensils and apparatus required for the culture or manipulation of such .micro-organisms, and they shall not be used for the manufacture of any other substance. (c) Recommended storage conditions and expiration date to be assigned to the specific formulation and package.. Venereal diseases. (6) The Registration Board shall, before registering a new drug for which the research work has been conducted in other countries and its efficacy, safety and quality has been established therein, require the investigation on such pharmaceutical, pharmacological and other aspects, to be conducted and clinical trials to be made as are necessary to establish its quality and, where applicable, the biological, availability, and its safety and efficacy to be established under the local conditions: (iv) the contra-indications, the side effects and precautions if any; and Weight of each rabbit. 58. 4.10 S.O.Ps Miscellaneous DETAILS OF THE FIRM Advertisements in any form to the general public.- (1) Advertisements to the general public, where permissible, shall help people to make rational decisions on the use of drugs determined to be legally available without a prescription. Labeling of drugs manufactured for experimental purposes: (l) Any d-rug manufactured for experimental purposes shall be kept in containers bearing labels indicating the purpose for which it has been manufactured. Sera. Submit your FPGEC application in the Foreign Pharmacy section of NABP e-Profile. SCHEDULE B-III 7.1.5 Avoiding mix-ups Process to apply for a Drug sales License: 1) Fill a prescribed form-5 in Drug Rules. (h) "batch records" means all documents associated with the manufacture of a batch of bulk product or finished product showing a history of each batch of product and of all circumstances pertinent to the quality of the final product; 6. GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES (GMPs) FOR LICENCE TO (J) The following equipment is required for the repacking installation of drugs and Pharmaceutical Chemicals This registration is subject to the conditions specified in the Drugs Ordinance/Act, 1976, and .the rules thereunder and to the conditions specified in the enclosure. 34. [See rule 16 (6) (b)] 6. 4.5 The contract shall describe the handling of starting materials, intermediate and bulk products and finished products if they are rejected and it shall also describe the processing of information if the contract analysis shows that the tested product must be rejected. General 4.8 Training To get a medical store license, you must complete a 2-year Pharmacy Technician B Category diploma. 6, Date of injection, CONDITIONS FOR GRANT OF A LICENSE TO MANUFACTURE BY WAY OF FORMULATION MATERIALS Note I: The foregoing provisions represent the minimum requirements to be complied with by the licensee. pharmacy license requirements in pakistan pharmacy license requirements in pakistan Examination and course Description When submitting Continuing Education correspondence, it is necessary for you to send it via email to BPL-BoardSupport@michigan.gov.. Toxicity Test: Conditions for the grant or renewal of licence to manufacture drugs by way of formulation: Before a licence to manufacture drugs by way of formulation is granted or renewed, the Central Licensing Board shall satisfy itself that the following conditions are being complied with by the applicant namely :-- Gripe Waters. Forms of licenses to sell drugs .- The licensing authority shall issue a license of a pharmacy in Form 9 and a license of a medical store in Form 10. Monitoring endotoxin 3. 6.7.2 Returned goods (15) Labelling and packing benches, SECTION -- 7 Manufacture of sterile preparations 3.3.5 Test Requirement for Finished Products Design website 8. Yes, the physician must obtain from the Board of Pharmacy a license to dispense. 31. (i) Country. PRACTICE OF PHARMACY AS A PROFESSION. Temperature of each rabbit noted at suitable intervals, Composition of the drug, stating quantity of each active and non-active ingredient(s) per unit or as a percent age of total formulation : 12. [See rule 30 (11)] [See rules 28 and 29(4)] Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649. Pay your fees using internationally accredited credit cards e.g. (w) "intermediate product" means partly processed material that must undergo further manufacturing steps before it becomes a bulk product; (ii) Batch number(s) Renewal of a licence: On application being made for renewal, the Central Licensing Board may cause an inspection to be made, and if satisfied that the conditions of the licence and the rules are and will continue to be observed, shall issue a certificate of renewal or otherwise reject the application and inform the licencee accordingly. Ensure contact between gas and microbial cells Liquid Paraffin Heavy. (b) if a clinical information for a drug is approved by the Drug Regulatory Authority in any of the said countries, the same clinical information shall be considered as approved for drug registration in Pakistan unless modified by the Registration Board on the basis of scientific data available to it, and such clinical information may include indication, contra-indications, side effects, precautions, dosage, etc; 7.3.3 Defective equipment 5,000 sealing unit, Name of the sample. (f) one pharmaceutical chemist or expert in quality control, to be nominated by the Federal Government; I/We . of hereby apply for the renewal of a licence to manufacture by way of on premises situated at 61. 3.3.2 Sampling 3. 17. Name and quantity of drug(s) to be manufactured for the said purposes:. (ax) "standard operating procedure" means an authorized written procedure indicating instructions for performing operations not necessarily specific to a given product or material but of a more general nature such as equipment operation, maintenance and cleaning validation, cleaning of premises and environmental control sampling and inspection, and certain standard operating procedures may be used to supplement product specific master and batch production documentation; 3.7.3 Written procedures (ag) "packaging material" means any material, including printed material, employed in the packaging of a pharmaceutical product, excluding any outer packaging used for transportation or shipment and packaging materials are referred to as primary or secondary according to whether or not they are intended to be in direct contact with the product; (2) Mixer. Date of release finished packings for distribution or sale. (e) "batch (or lot)" means a defined quantity of starting material, packaging material, or finish product processed in a single process or series of processes so that it could be expected to be homogeneous in the case of continuous manufacture the batch must correspond to a defined fraction of the production, characterized by its intended homogeneity, and to complete certain stages of manufacture it may sometimes be necessary to divide a batch into a number of sub-batches, which are later brought together to from a final homogeneous batch; Date of granulation wherever applicable. You will need to complete an Applying for eligibility to complete an Overseas Pharmacists' Assessment Programme (OSPAP) form so that we can assess your eligibility to apply for an OSPAP course. 4.2 The contract shall specify the way in which the authorized person releasing the batch for sale ensures that each batch has been manufactured in, and checked for, compliance with the requirements of the marketing authorization. 1.1 Location 4.4 Specifications for Finished Products 2. Details of Disposal Pharmacy Internship Report - Updated 2/11/20 (178.62 KB) Pharmacist Online Application Supplement Packet_- Updated 2/11/20 (146.65 KB) Pharmacy Technician Additional Employment Form -Updated 2/11/20 (16.3 KB) Pharmacy Technician Change of Employment Notification Form - Revised 2/4/2022 (108.64 KB) Pic Change Request Form - Updated 2/20/20 (75. . Boric Acid. In package inserts or leaflets the manufacturers or distributors shall ensure that the information reflected is correct. Suitability of process 3.4.3 Self inspection team (7) The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Ordinance and the rules and with such further requirements, if any, as may be specified in any rule subsequently made-in this behalf or any other condition that may be imposed at the time of grant of a licence in the special circumstances of each case. {4) Heater and exhaust system, where applicable. Validation (2) Moulding equipment. (ii) medical inspection of workers at the time of employment and periodical check up thereafter at least once a year; 19. in case of proprietorship the names) of proprietors and their address (es), in the case of firm the name and names and addresses of its partners and in the case of company the name and address of the company and its directors). 4.3 The contract shall be describe clearly who is responsible for purchasing, testing and releasing materials and for undertaking production and quality controls, including in-process controls, and who has responsibility for sampling and analysis, and in the case of contract analysis, the contract shall state whether or not the contract acceptor shall take samples at the premises of the manufacturer. Entertainment or other hospitality, offered to members of the medical and allied professions shall be secondary to the main purpose of the meeting and shall be kept to a modest level. Air supply system APPLICATION FORM GRANT OF A LICENCE TO MANUFACTURE BY WAY OF FORMULATION/BASIC MANUFACTURE/SEMI-BASIC MANUFACTURE/REPACKING Proposed shelf life with storage conditions, if any : (b) Proprietory name, if any: 15,000 (ad) "new drug" means a drug that has not been commonly sold or distributed to the public in Pakistan and is introduced for the first time; (v) Drains (8) Advertisement of a drug or any substance referred to in clause (ii) of Section 24 shall include such information or any risks and other precautions as may be necessary for the protection of public health, and in the case of drug also its maximum retail price fixed under Section 12. 3.2 The contract acceptor shall refrain from any activity that may adversely affect the quality of the product manufactured and or analyzed for the contract giver. By way of basic Rs. Expenditure on advertisement: No person shall spend more than five per cent of his turnover on advertisement, sampling and other promotional activities in respect of drugs, Note: Records racer, cling various tests applied (including reading and calculation) should be maintained and necessary reference to these records should .be entered in serial No. (i) Layout (j) "bulk product" means any product that has completed all processing stages up to, but not including, final packaging; 2. By way of formulation Rs. Brights disease, cataract, glaucoma, epilepsy, [] lacomotive ataxia, multiple sclerosis, lupus, paralysis, blindness. The Registration Board after getting the said intimation shall take similar action for the same drug available from other sources within the shortest possible time; 3.1 General Reference to Analytical Report number stating whether of standard quality or otherwise. 36. Outside contractor Proposed C and F and maximum retail price (in case of imported drug) : (2) Ampoule washing and drying equipment. APPLICATION FOR LlCENCE TO MANUFACTURE DRUG(S) FOR EXPERIMENTAL PURPOSES. APPLICATION FORM FOR RENEWAL OF A LICENCE TO MANUFACTURE DURGS BY WAY OF FORMULATION/BASIC MANUFACTURE/SEMI-BA SIC MANUFACTURE/REPACKING An area of minimum of 250 square feet is required for the basic installation. Calcium Carbonate. 1. 3.4 Surfaces DRUGS FOR REPACKING APPLICATION FORM FOR REGISTRATION OF AN IMPORTED DRUG (iii) Surfaces PH of the solution wherever applicable. [See rule 2 (e)] Records in respect of each raw material shall be maintained indicating the quantity received, control reference numbers, the quantities issued from time to time, the names and batch Nos. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION EQUIPMENT FOR PRODUCTION 2. 6.9.4 Storage (6) in. 10.3.3 Recording process operation 6.4.2 Handling (ii) Details of the premises including layout plan of the factory. PROFORMA (f) the applicant shall ensure that-- Compound Effervescent Salts, [--] , Milk of Magnesia. of Pack Total quantity in terms of individual units e.g., total No. Calcium Lactate. Test Report number. Filed Officer will recommend or reject for establishment of pharmaceutical . [See rule 5 (/)] 10. (7) Steam steriliser or dry heat steriliser. Apply for insurance 11. First submit an application Central Licensing Board for establishment of a pharmaceutical unit. Central Licensing Board may from time to time permit. The scheduled narcotic and psychotropic drugs shall not be advertised to the general public in connection with fight against drug addiction and dependency. Name of drugs with quantity to be manufactured. 9. Choose a License Type or Permit Pharmacist Licensure by Examination For U.S. and Puerto Rico Graduates Pharmacist Licensure by Endorsement for U.S. Note: Copies of balance sheets to be enclosed with the application for renewal only"; and Care after final cleaning of materials Dates of coating wherever applicable. (b) the content of active ingredient(s) per dosage form or regimen; 8. 4.1 A contract shall be drawn up between the contract giver and contract acceptor that specifies their respective responsibilities relating to the manufacture and control of the product, and technical aspects of the contract shall be drawn up by competent persons suitably knowledgeable in pharmaceutical technology, analysis, and good manufacturing practices. 10. 2.1 Manufacturing operations 32. (8) In respect of new drug, records, including adequately organised and indexed files, shall be maintained containing full information regarding-- 27. Sodium Salicylate. 2. Contract production and analysis SCHEDULE E Graduates Pharmacist Collaborative Practice Certification 7.1.1 General Definitions.-- In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:-- 1. 4.9.1 Health examination General Room: Precautions against contamination 2. 3.1 Quality Control Department DISEASES, ADVERTISEMENT FOR TREATMENT OF (bb) "wholesale" means sale to a person who purchases for the purpose of selling again and includes sale to a hospital or dispensary, or to medical, educational or research institute. 8. Schedule an inspection 10. Sena. (c) For pyrogens wherever applicable. [See rule (5(I)] (iii) Name of the approved expert staff. (1) Tablet machine, single punch or rotary. Advertisements shall also indicate, where applicable, appropriate limitations to the use of the drug. (4) Folding and pressing machine for gauze. 15. (3) When a licence is cancelled or suspended, an entry to that effect shall be recorded on the licence. (b) The licensee shall allow a member of the Central Licensing Board or of a Provincial Quality Control Board or an Inspector to enter, with or without notice, the premises where the drugs are manufactured and to satisfy himself that the manufacture is being conducted for experimental purposes. (All weighings and measurements shall be checked and initialled by the competent person in the section). (2) The Central Licensing Board shall, before cancelling or suspending a licence under sub-rule (1), provide an opportunity of being heard to the licensee. 27. 4, Date of receipt of sample. 7. 2,500 Programme participants are normally referred to as 'pharmacy interns'. 3.4.6 Follow-up Action Licensing authority: For the purpose of Section 18 of the Ordinance the Secretary to the Government of Province in the Health Department shall be the licensing authority for that Province. (aj) "production" means all operations involved in the preparation of a pharmaceutical product, from receipt of materials, through processing and packaging, to its completion as the finished product; Description of bill of sale, invoice, bill of lading or other document (if any). ENCLOSURE OF THE APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF A DRUG (3) If the Central Licensing Board, after' such further enquiry, if any, as it may consider necessary, is satisfied that the requirements of the rules have been complied with, it may issue a licence in Form 2. (2) If a person is conducting a part of the process of the manufacture on behalf of another manufacturer in accordance with the permission granted under sub-rule (1), and he is not responsible for the quality of the final product, the Central Licensing Board may not require him to establish an independent quality control laboratory for such products. 28. 6. There are, in addition, other categories such as drugs miscellaneous pharmaceuticals such as Ferries Ammonii Citras. 20A. STATEMENT SHOWING QUARTERLY PRODUCTION TO BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE Provided further that duration of a licence issued under rule 21 shall be two years unless earlier suspended or cancelled. (iii) any foreign qualification the quality and content of the training of which are comparable with those described in sub-clause (i) or sub-clause (ii) and is approved for the purposes, of this sub-rule by the Central Licensing Board: Provided that the Central Licensing Board may, in the case of manufacture of drugs included in Schedule C, permit the manufacture of such drugs under the active direction and personal supervision or a person holding a degree in medicine or veterinary sciences of a university in Pakistan or any other institution recognised by the Federal Government, with at least three years experience in the manufacture, testing and analysis of biological products which are intended to be produced: Staff must not be allowed to go home wearing the same clothing they wore at work; emergency showers and eye washing facilities must be provided in the premises. 4. 11. 6.6.2 Reprocessing 4.1 Capacity 6.3.3 Reference numbers (b) contra-indications. (c) infants. (5) Filling equipment, (a) To ensure that sealed ampules are leak-proof, Signed (7) Liquid filling equipment. May include compounding Non-Resident Certificate regarding sale and G.M.P. REQUIREMENTS OF PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 20. Dosage from of the drug: The following equipment required :- (3} Granular Gentian Violet. Benzoic Acid. 6. [See rule 31 (10)] By way of basic Rs. Changes, if any, in information furnished at the time of initial registration or last renewal [See rule (31)1] Proposed route of administration: Care for biological indicators 551(1)//93, dated 3. Don't have an Account? (4) Compressing machine. (3) Scientific data in the public domain shall be made available, on request, to prescribers and any other person entitled to receive it as appropriate to their requirements. Disciplinary and criminal history for owners and officers of the pharmacy. 4.9 Weighing Area Board of Pharmacy a license Type or pharmacy license requirements in pakistan Pharmacist Licensure by Examination for U.S. and Puerto Rico Pharmacist! For owners and officers of the Pharmacy council of Pakistan ( PCP.... Rule ( 5 ) Filling equipment for owners and officers of the premises including layout plan of premises... Procedure given by the competent person in the Foreign Pharmacy section of NABP e-Profile dosage from the... To that effect shall be recorded on the licence and Puerto Rico Graduates Pharmacist Licensure by Endorsement for U.S are. Of drug ( s ) to ensure that sealed ampules are leak-proof, Signed 7! Pharmacy a license Type or permit Pharmacist Licensure by Endorsement for U.S,,! 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