So I want to take you back to the 1990s with this video that I found on YouTube. Rigo:Yeah, and he got cover stories in the New York Times magazine, Newsweek, and The New Republic. It's like Rushton wants to dress it up in jargon so you don't notice how hateful the premise is, but Mehler just cuts right to the chase. Rigo:Exactly, but he does it in a very polished away. That's what it was all about, they wanted to resurrect their movement to come after my son. He wanted to understand their philosophy. You know, he's really surprised. McNeil/Leher Report:Race remains one of this country's most divisive topics and a controversial book with racially charged findings hasn't helped the debate. Rigo:Right, exactly. And so, they always had first, a, a sense of assurity that they were right, and also a sense of urgency, the same sense of urgency that I felt. Decades later, it still sounds the same. Jensen was a renowned psychologist at UC Berkeley. So Cox, and Laughlin, and Draper all have a hand in this racist advocacy right up to the floor of, of the Senate, as well as over in Germany. Lisa:Hi, Rigo. Lisa:That makes sense. I'm sorry, 11 million dollars in 1920s money? Lisa:It works sort of like a bat signal, but instead of attracting superheroes, you uncover white supremacists. Barry:This kind of propaganda, and this kind of advocacy goes on for some time. I mean, uh, there's a lot of skepticism, he's getting a lot of dirty looks from people in the audience. Rigo:Exactly. Barry:It still is, but even ore so then. The American Breed: Nazi eugenics and the origins of the Pioneer Fundby Paul Lombardo, The Funding of Scientific Racism: Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fundby William Tucker, The New Eugenics: Academic Racism in the U.S. Todayby Barry Mehler, Superior: The Return of Race Scienceby Angela Saini. Rigo:When Barry Mehler said guys like Philippe Rushton aren't just Neo Nazis, they're old fashioned Nazis, he was serious. Rigo:Okay. This guy is so off his rocker. Recently, you were, uh Ferris State University suspended you for publishing a profanity based video. The user assumes responsibility for obtaining permission from the copyright holder to publish or distribute this image. Rigo: This is a clip of the film itself translated in English. Episode 4from the Innate: How Science Invented the Myth of Race series. And we just went down a whole list, and, you know, and he confirmed that he was all those people. Phil Donahue on his favorite guests over the years, Phil Donahue on not believing in censorship, Phil Donahue on being the first television program to feature male strippers, On his early years and influences; on beginning his career in journalism at a South Bend, Indiana television station, On his first job as a radio news director and the state of electronic journalism in the 1950s and early 1960s, On his marriage and family life; on the Women's Movement, On his recollections of World War II; on pondering racism, sexism and stereotypes; on the Vietnam War, On getting his first show and national exposure on, On his call in talk-radio show "Conversation Piece" and transitioning to television, On the staff of his show and the controversial topics covered; on how his talk show made him ponder religion; on his first marriage; on celebrity, On some of the controversial/confrontational guests - including Jerry Rubin of the Chicago Seven - and special telecasts of, On some of the controversial guests on his talk show: white supremacist David Duke and Nazi leader Albert Speer; on interviewing future wife Marlo Thomas, On writing the book "Donahue: My Own Story" and on producing the book "The Human Animal" - the latter in conjunction with a television project for NBC; on the emergence of color television; on fellow talk show hosts Sally Jessy Raphael and Oprah Winfrey, On the talk show genre and how it changed over the years, On retirement and pushing for televising executions, Phil Donahue on getting his first national exposure on. I want my name to be associated with my work. And even after his death, Pioneer continued the same tradition, which was the distribution of unsolicited works to various individuals in the hopes that it would influence public policy. Talk about context and urgency, that is what people understood, and that's why they were so upset at what I was doing. That is the foundation for the claims that African-American people on average are intellectually inferior to whites. In 1971, he became the chair of the Department of Anthropology and Comparative Religious Studies at the University of Southern Mississippi. Rigo:Okay, here's one. [laughs] And, you know, and he's arguing that you can't boost their IQ by, uh, any kind of environmental changes, which is kind of an absurd argument anyway to make. It was as if one person had finally realized what was going on, and he was sending out the warning signal. Associate Producer: Padmini Ragunath However, Phil's life changed after meeting Marlo Thomas on his talk show. We show that the Nigerians have longer penises. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, The Phil Donahue Show S1976E16 interviews John Wayne (1976).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1979E11 - Ayn Rand on Donahue 1979.mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1980E11 Men in Love 4_14_1980.mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1981E189 - 'Are Gays Born This Way' - WGN-TV (Complete Broadcast, 10_14_1981) .mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1982E220 - 'AIDS' - WBBM-TV (Complete Broadcast, 11_17_1982) .mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1984E69 - Boy George and Culture Club (1984).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1986E110 - May 26, 1986 (Guest - Bill Cosby).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1986E200 - October 23, 1986.mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1987E119 (most), 9_29_1987.mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1987E99- June 23, 1987 (most).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1990E17 - Tula - Show #1.mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1991E07- (January 7, 1991).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1991E210 September 24, 1991.mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1992E111 - (December 31,1992).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1992E30 - (May 6,1992).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1976E16 interviews John Wayne (1976).mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1979E11 - Ayn Rand on Donahue 1979.mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1980E11 Men in Love 4_14_1980.mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1981E189 - 'Are Gays Born This Way' - WGN-TV (Complete Broadcast, 10_14_1981) .mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1982E220 - 'AIDS' - WBBM-TV (Complete Broadcast, 11_17_1982) .mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1984E69 - Boy George and Culture Club (1984).mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1986E110 - May 26, 1986 (Guest - Bill Cosby).mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1986E200 - October 23, 1986.mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1987E119 (most), 9_29_1987.mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1987E99- June 23, 1987 (most).mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1990E17 - Tula - Show #1.mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1991E07- (January 7, 1991).mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1991E210 September 24, 1991.mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1992E111 - (December 31,1992).mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1992E30 - (May 6,1992).mkv, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Rigo:And method number two is hide the funding source. Rigo:Orthodox Jewish men and boys wear a kippah, or a skullcap every day. on the Internet. Uh, you know, I, I don't need to be credited, and if you want to discredit me, they were always able to discredit me. on the Internet. Even though, to be frank, it's also bad science. It's the Phil Donahue Show, one of the '90s most watched talk shows. WZZM:We begin tonight with that viral video filled with profanity made by a long time Ferris state university, professor. Actually, this brings something up for me. Barry:Laughlin had the in roads, uh, the contact with legislators, the machinery of propaganda, and Draper had the money, and those two things went together to make Laughlin the first president of the foundation that was formed by Draper. But unfortunately for Mehler, this was not the end of it. News archive:Some of the ideas found in the book, the bell curve are not new. Rigo:Yeah. Well, the idea of eugenics is basically a belief that the human race could or should be quote, unquote, "improved" by selective breeding. He openly endorsed it. Those are the people who are the pioneers. Lisa:But since this is Distillations, I'm guessing they're not. Innate Themecomposed by Jonathan Pfeffer. And before you try to tell me that he's still on the fringes, listen to this. Their goal was just to have a platform for their ideas to live on. Unless otherwise noted, this file is provided for educational and research purposes only. That is, until Barry Mehler starts connecting the dots. They weren't seeing the things that Barry was seeing, so Mehler goes down the rabbit hole of white supremacist literature, and what he finds shocks him even more. Lisa:So what happened to The Pioneer Fund? And by now, it's 1930s, and guess who else likes the idea of sterilizing people they deem to be inferior? Um, Literally rides on a Nazi tank, into the city of Bilbao, uh, at the time when Franco's army is laying seeds to the place, uh, only a few weeks after the infamous bombing of the, of the city of Akaka in the Basque region. I was right about the cabal in the basement. They understood that tides were turning but they weren't ready to go away. Most of it was junk race science, but some of the research and researchers were arguably legitimate so that if someone accused them of being a racist, they could point to legitimate research they funded. It gets stranger. 3 (September, 1985), Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Drag, Drag balls, Gender realignment surgery, HIV/AIDS, Self-acceptance, Talk shows, Transgender people, Transsexualism, Verbal abuse, American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), American Psychiatric Association (APA), Be All You Want to Be, Creative Design Services, Crystal Club, Dick Wolfsie, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Jerry Springer Show, JoAnn Roberts, John Felder, Merissa Sherrill Lynn, Murray Povich, Richard F. Docter, Tapestry Magazine, The Phil Donahue Show, The Thing Shop, Yvonne Cook, Battering of women, Charity, Crossdressers, Discrimination, Drag queens, Education, HIV/AIDS, Human rights, Media, Prejudices, Transgender people, Transsexual people, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Au Currant, Dr. Jeckyl & Sister Hyde, Dressed to Kill, Gay & Lesbian Health Service, Homicidal, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Pennsylvania Hospital Gender Clinic, Philadelphia Gay & Lesbian Clinic, Philadelphia Gay News, Philadelphia Inquirer, Psycho, Renaissance News, Tapestry Magazine, The Phil Donahue Show, The Renaissance Education Association, The Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Transvestian, Acceptance, Discrimination, Family members, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Art & Illusion, Fantasia Fair, The Phil Donahue Show, Hosts, Photography, Television, Transgender people, Phil Donahue, Phyllis Randolph Frye, The Phil Donahue Show, Acceptance, African-americans, Appearance, Clothing, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Discrimination, Families, Femininities, Gatherings, Gay community, Gender identity, Gender realignment surgery, Hormone therapy, Lesbian parents, Lesbians, LGBTQ+ sex workers, Marriage, MtFs, Night life, Passing (Gender), Self-acceptance, Sexual orientation, Support groups, Transgender community, Transgender parents, Transgender people, Transphobia, Caf Lambda, Helena Holiday, Lambda Community Center, Lavender Angels, Sacramento Gender Association (SGA), The Phil Donahue Show, Crossdressers, Divorce, Drag, Femininities, Gender dysphoria, Gender realignment surgery, Gender role, Health care, Letters to the editor, Masculinities, Television, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexual people, Paddy Aldridge, Phil Donahue, Standards of Care, The Phil Donahue Show, The Real Life Test, Veronica Jean Brown. So up until this point, The Pioneer Fund is secretly funding race scientists who are on the fringes who needed financial support, and a place to publish, like the Mankind Quarterly. So up until now, we've been talking about the neo Nazi propaganda that Barry Mehler gets in the mail, but what does he actually do with all the information he's collecting? You have a position at Johns Hopkins. This is why Barry Mehler was so adamant that white supremacy was such a serious problem. Rigo:So Laughlin comes up with their first endeavor. The book has 57 pages of bibliography, many from mainstream scientific journals, but some of them are far from reputable. He left most of his money to The Pioneer Fund, much to the chagrin of his close family, and The Pioneer Fund handed out more money two years after his death than in the entire period of 1937 to 1972. I'm curious about how you would respond to that. 5 (May, 1992), Counseling, Crossdressers, Gender dysphoria, Gender studies, LGBTQ+ relationships, Sexology, Transsexual people, American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), Ari Kane, Institute for Sexology, KDPR, Outreach Institute of Gender Studies (OIGS), The David Susskind Program, The Geraldo Show, The Phil Donahue Show, Theseus Counseling Service, WBUR Boston, WEEI Boston, WHDH Boston, WICE Providence, Clothing, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Discrimination, Drag, Families, Finances, Gender realignment surgery, Jewelry, Law, Prisons, Transsexual people, Be All You Want to Be, Carlo Seta, Chillecothe Correctional Institute, Christine Jorgensen, Diane Kendall, Indiana Crossdresser Society, Sally Jessie Raphael Show, The Phil Donahue Show, Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. In this episode, Harris explains his reasoning for having Murray on the show. First, I believe it is not hypocritical, though it does sometimes express erroneous views. It was clear that the anti Semitism was everywhere about me. [laughs] You'd probably groan and hope you, like, you could avoid him at a faculty mixer, right? Rigo:Of course, it had to be him. Lisa:Chapter Two: The Mankind Quarterly. Lisa:Oh my God, I'm afraid to ask, Rigo, but you're gonna tell me. And not only survive, but was able to, um, make significant contribution to our understanding of what is actually going on.
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