Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. There were some whose diseases were so repulsive that no one but Father Claver had the supernatural guts to nurse them. These austerities were part of the saints daily nocturnal prayer life.His penances clung to him like the skin to the bones. Father Claver applied himself for seven long years to the slave apostolate before he took his final vows in the Society. The Saint is dying! Suddenly, the sad reality dawned on the multitude, who awakened as from a trance, and they all, black and white, rich and poor, made their way to the Jesuit house. She stared at Claver and sighed, Jesus, Jesus how tired I am. Then, pressed by the others to relate what she has seen, she said that as she walked down a long beautiful road, a white man of great beauty stopped her and told her to return, for she could go no further. Arriving at the shack where the men lay writing in the mud, the gentle doctor lifted them up one by one onto some dry mats. Out from these massive bulwarks of stone peered formidable artillery batteries and sentinel boxes, where watchmen scoured the horizon for an enemy sail. Whole parts of their bodies were eaten away by the dreadful disease; some had lost limbs, others had loose parts of their faces; some had scarcely any resemblance to a human exterior remaining, and the odor emanating from their many sores was the worst the apostle anywhere encountered. Our patron, Peter Claver was a Spaniard, from Spain. So he spoke of eternity, of an everlasting world of joy and another of pain. He also shared a video on his Instagram, which is below the Today Show interview: WATCH the Inspiring Today Show Interview below: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mark Wahlberg (@markwahlberg), Auxiliary Bishop David OConnell of Los Angeles, California, was killed on February 18th. The supreme charity of our saint was most vividly portrayed in his solicitude for the sick; and Cartagena, in its infant years, had plenty of sick and very sick people. He embraced lepers, kissed cancerous lesions, sucked out poison from running ulcers, washed the unclean and dined in their unsightly hovels, nor did he refrain even from eating food some despairing suicidals had rejected from their own mouths, in his determination to gain their confidence. Another excess that occupied his zeal and caused him great anxiety was certain pagan festivals and rites that weak Christians sometimes slipped back into. The slave ship, having been anchored in the harbor, suddenly had its hatch yanked open and the light of the sun flooded in upon the prisoners wretchedness. Facilitating this trafficking in human cargo was the reasoning that blacks were in most if not all instances culturally and essentially inferior. When the Jesuits finally succeeded in establishing a proper place for the body in the church, the Augustinians came and took over the exhausting job of guarding the casket. Falling down before him, the veteran apostle kissed his feet. They had no charitable funds at their disposal, no plaudits from well-disposed audiences; they were hampered and discouraged by the owners and often rebuffed by the slaves themselves. He encouraged those masters who were good Catholics to look after the spiritual as well as the bodily well-being of the Negroes. These were bought in West Africa for four crowns a head, or bartered for goods and sold in America for an average two hundred crowns-a-piece. The first Mass at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church took place in October 1920. According to the research of Hugh Thomas, an estimated eleven million blacks were brought to the Americas for uncompensated labor in the course of the period, 1440-1870. He was sent there principally to recover his health, which had been seriously affected by the damp heat of Bogota; and also that his presence there might be an inspiration to the young novices, much as Rodriguez had been at Majorca. And though death should have come much sooner than it did for a man who had trodden on danger as one would on rose petals, it finally began to move on him mercilessly. The gruesome list goes on and on: coarse horsehair cords tied around his toes, arms, and legs; sharp pointed crosses, strapped by more coarse rope around his chest and back; a sharp studded girdle about his lions and thighs. Claver enlisted bands of assistants, cajoling these people whether by money, goods or services, and as soon as a slave ship entered the port Claver dropped everything and went to wait on its living freight. He was beatified 16 July, 1850, Pius IX, and canonized 15 January, 1888, by Leo XIII. Food and water were given to each, and many had to be hand fed, so weak and sickly had they become. He made a court appearance, was charged, and has allegedly confessed to the crime. These kinds of individuals stood out from among the rest. Many of the poor Negroes, having exaggerated fears of their approaching fate, took their own lives in despair. The slave ship is here, he crescendos, then the hook must be baited.. A number of other Englishmen followed his example. He obtained his first degrees at the University of Barcelona. Because, he continued, your sufferings have opened for you the gates of Paradise. He turned their inevitable suffering into a cause for joy. So repulsive was his sickness that no one dares to go near him, lest they contract the infection. The diocese writes: Dear Frs & Srs, Sr. Milagrine Dantas Fatima Sister from Sawantwadi, Sindhudurg along with two other Fatima Sister and their Parish Priest and other two persons met with an fatal accident as truck rams into their four wheeler at Shillong. Give it the least bit of pampering and it will want more and more. ST. PETER CLAVER CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. In Claver, however, was found a representation of the other side of the Spanish conscience, namely, an abiding affection for humanity especially Gods dark children whom he heard early on were ill-treated with this despicable trade. All it needed was this seed from the wise master, Alonso. He avoided food, rest and recreation and other pleasures popularly considered, lest such should divert him from his spiritual path. Though Father Sandoval, the founder of the slave apostolate, had only just initiated his new assistant in the care of the blacks, the veteran missioner was shortly thereafter recalled to Peru; consequently, he had to bestow the entire apostolate upon Father Claver. And when the slaves misbehaved Father Claver was always blamed. Sometimes he would have to yield to nature and collapse. Such demonic phenomena were not uncommon among the uncivilized races. 36 St Peter Claver by Shining Light Dolls published on 2019-09-08T23:42:20Z. He had a steady confidence that God would care for them and, not his least worry were the slave owners whom he did not deem beyond the mercy of God. With its ideal natural harbor, Cartagena became a stopping point for ships, or galleons, as they were called, on their way to and from the homeland. But what made this Jesuit in Cartagena a saint was not only his detachment from the world and attachment to Christ, but along with that, an astounding ability to reduce potency to act. Sometimes the Mother of God herself appeared to certain of the infidels to rebuke them for not listening to Father Claver. 1- Peter Heals the Crippled Beggar, Acts 3 1One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayerat three in the afternoon. He studied at the Jesuit college of Barcelona, entered the Jesuit novitiate at Tarragona in 1602 and took his final vows on August 8th, 1604. It's a little awkward to ask, but we need your help. The slaves, the missions, the hospitals, the prisons, the confessional, over and over again, for four decades, the same monotonous routineHow long shall the ass be thus harnessed Father? the good brother has asked. Her body began to move. Even in sickness he would not ease up. When he is starved, he is dumb. Like all young men of his stripe he looked for adventure and new opportunities. To the cynical mind the trust of this extraordinary priest in the goodness of human nature must have seem nave and no doubt could he have known he would have been far more often disappointed than not. When sailors sailed into town the vices and disorder of the port and other disturbances increased. St. Christo, A Catholic Priest and 3 Nuns were Killed in a Car Accident in India. Episode 363: Expanding on Saint Thomas Fifth Way. The LA Sheriffs department announced that OConnells death was being investigated as a homicide. Yet he seemed destined to drink the chalice of Christs Passion to the bitter end. Enslaved people were brought over from Africa to work the sugar fields. They were packed together like sardines in a can, left to wallow in their own sweat, vomit, urine and human waste. Come to me, my Father! Claver, like the Good Shepherd, ran to embrace him, and, for a time, tears choked any words either tried to utter. Before pouring the cleansing water, he would ask them three times in a loud voice if they wanted to become Christians. And the eighty-year-old saint of Palma instantly recognized the sanctity he saw in the twenty-five year old Peter Claver. St. Peter Claver, Spanish San Pedro Claver, (born 1581, Verd, Spaindied September 4, 1654, Cartagena, Colombia; canonized 1888; feast day September 9), Jesuit missionary to South America who, in dedicating his life to the aid of enslaved Africans, earned the title of "apostle of the Negroes." Cartagena, Colombia Shortly after midnight, on the feast of Our Ladys Nativity September 8th, his face, which had the aspect of one ravished in God, suddenly took on the features of a man utterly exhausted. The crude picture graphically portrayed the Crucified Christ with His Precious Blood pouring from His Wounds into a basin. The major contagion was smallpox; but others. The science of the school of Peter Claver was the art of dealing with pain, and of knowing its worth. If the slaves complained of ill treatment, the indignant saint spared no words in admonishing the guilty owners to correct their faults. Not a few fellow slaves were converted from Islam by the beautiful liturgical services and heavenly hymns that were sung at the funeral of a baptized Negro. St Peter is known as the "Apostle to the Slaves." Tellingly, she named it after the Jesuit who tried to alleviate the suffering of African slaves transported to South America in the early seventeenth century, is estimated to have personally baptised around 300,000 people, and became the patron saint of slaves and seafarers. The Superior of the college arranged for the two of them to spend fifteen minutes a day conversing about spiritual things. Were it not for a miracle, the poor Father, to the very end a victim to the devils rage, would have been tossed off and perhaps killed. The saint entered, but he was at once so overwhelmed with the loathsome stench and the repellent sight that he recoiled and took a step back. Again he sent a formal letter asking his superiors to grant his request. Claver came from an ethic of religious consecration where missionaries dared death, hardship, sickness and every conceivable challenge to bring the gospel to foreign lands. Fruits, preserves, and sweet-cakes were distributed to give them strength, and wines and liquors were given them to numb their pain and drive out their extreme despondency. St. Peter Claver. The Novitiate in Tarragona was to our young novice a foretaste of the delights of the blessed in paradise. (Fakhri B. Maluf, Ph.D.), RIP Prior: Brother Andr Marie, M.I.C.M. His bedroom and the room where he died are also preserved to this day in the same place. Two or three times a week the saint would go succor these poor specimens of what were once healthy men and women. There were two blacks, nearer death than life, already cold, whose pulse could scarcely be detected. In 1610, he landed at Cartagena (modern Colombia), the principle slave market of the New World, where a thousand slaves were landed every month. It didnt come quickly. The joy in their eyes as they looked at us was something to see. Their work resulted in a unique tunnel system that is well over 80 km . . A child could understand it, and these blacks were like children. Claver was less successful in his efforts to make converts among the Muslims who came to Cartagena to do business, but he managed to bring a number of Moors and Turks to the faith, though one held out for thirty years before succumbing, and even then a vision of our Lady was required to convince him. But his main purpose of helping out at the hospital, which he did once a week, was to win sinners back to God. Brother Rodriguez was an old man when he first laid eyes on the new student from Barcelona, but holiness knows no age; it matures and grows, but it is still the Presence of God in a soul. Founding Superior of Saint Benedict Center, N.H.: Brother Francis, M.I.C.M. The missionaries expenses were paid for by the Catholic King, Philip III, who had requested from all his provinces at least one priest to be sent to the recently established kingdom of New Granada (Colombia) across the ocean. Most of the soldiers went so far as to voluntarily enlist in the Spanish army, or in some other way subject themselves to the Spanish crown, rather than to return to their anti-Catholic homelands. St. Peter Claver (1580-1654), whose memorial we celebrate today, offers a timely witness as our nation reckons anew with the enduring scourge of racism. The laws of Spain at least provided for the marriages of slaves, forbade their separation from their families and defended them from unjust seizure after winning their freedom. Saint Peter Claver,Priest and ReligiousMemorialSeptember 9th. To Claver, they were all important. Peter Claver, SJ (Spanish: Pedro Claver y Corber; Catalan: Pere Claver i Corber; 26 June 1580 - 8 September 1654) was a Spanish Jesuit priest and missionary born in Verd (Catalonia, Spain) who, due to his life and work, became the patron saint of slaves, the Republic of Colombia, and ministry to African Americans.. During the 40 years of his ministry in the New Kingdom of Granada, it . The animal took him swiftly all right when, for some strange reason (some witnesses felt the horse was temporarily bewitched), the gentle horse suddenly bolted, galloping wildly through the streets. Peter Claver Catholic Church was born. Claver was not always well received. The convicts had common morning and evening prayer, litanies and the daily Rosary. Africa was literally exploding in violence. Aiding and abetting slavery was the inability of the European mind-set to process and receive and deem worthy the dignity of black skin. His fellow Jesuits, having been reduced to an extreme poverty, were so busy with their individual responsibilities that days would pass without anyone even visiting him. Since I am a bad priest, God no longer desires my services. Peter Claver, the man of action, was struck with a condition of almost total paralysis. | Prioress: Sister Marie Thrse, M.I.C.M. The resident Jesuits, despite the utter poverty of their quarters, gave their newly arrived brothers a hearty welcome, and immediately afterwards Claver was summoned up the Magdalena River to the capital city of Santa Fe de Bogota to finish his theology. Junior Knights and Junior Daughters of KPC, Inc. His Lenten sermons were so moving that, due to them hundreds of young men, ex-libertines, and widowers, sought entry into the different orders that served the spiritual and corporal needs of the city. The angel said, This one is for thy disciple, Claver; it is the recompense of his virtues and of the great number of souls he will gain to God in the West Indies.. To cover the feverish and naked, to wash wounds, to shroud women penitents and to place upon it the abandoned sick, until he could procure them a mat for a bed. to peoples judged, by the impoverished social consciousness of that time, substandard in their origin, purpose and development. Saint Christopher's Protection Prayer Dear Saint Christopher, protect me today in all my travels along the road's way. He also shares if he still wakes up in the middle of the night and why he moved with his family to Nevada. Unlike many, even among some of the clergy, Claver did not consider that ignorance of their African languages absolved him from the obligation of instructing them in the truths of religion and morals and bringing to their degraded spirits the consolation of the words of Jesus. Some of their fellow countryman insulted both the converts and the priests, but the good Fathers patience and obvious holiness soon won them. The young Claver exhibited fine qualities of mind and spirit and was destined for the Church. 8.00 am - 4.00 pm Telephone (07) 3810 5900 Fax (07) 3282 3190 Email. 10 Old Ipswich Road. Her condition, thank God, suddenly improved and both she and the baby are well. History: The son of a Catalonian farmer, was born at Verdu, in 1581. In a short while, when these poor creatures were fattened up a little and washed, they would be auctioned off in the market place and sometimes end up far away. The masters complained that he wasted the slaves time with his preaching, praying and hymn-singing. For two months, these blacks had been chained and shackled below deck in a floating hell, the men in one compartment, the women in another. What! One can hear the experts on the psychology of the underprivileged gasp- How dare he arouse guilt complexes with these victims of white racism!. Whether the saint could bilocate or not isnt known, but whenever the slaves got out of line in the city, the watchful shepherd inevitably showed up to put the fear of God back into them. Every major feastday he would get together the great city band of Cartagena, and off they would go to perform for the lepers. Sometimes a hasty unkind word or some latent jealousy was enough to change allies, friends, or even blood relatives into hateful enemies ready to do battle. It was not until the advent of Christianity that slavery received a deathblow. It officially closed in. They lay there together, in fear, like sardines, naked and bleeding in the cold damp of winter or the excruciating heat of summer, with but one daily feeding of corn and water to sustain them. The healing occurred at St. Joseph's parish in. One Dutchman was particularly hard, and assaulted Father Claver verbally every time he saw him, shouting in his fury that the priest would never bewitch him as he did the others. His order had already achieved amazing success in its missions, its schools, and in its ability to produce saints. Claver greeted sinners and even served them. They turned their eyes to Africa to find that labor force. There was nothing artificial about Peter Claver. A Catholic priest who led one of New Orleans' best-known inner-city churches until being accused of sexually molesting a child has been reported to federal authorities for possible financial crimes. Their bodies were hastily thrown overboard to the sharks. But when he spoke to them he spoke exactly of what they would expect a priest to speak about: God, heaven and hell. Slavery evolved into legalized discrimination and segregation in the so-called democratic experiment. Until death, he was politely told. Often the skin on the backs and shoulders of those too weak to help themselves would be worn to the very bone from the constant motion of the waves and rubbing of their flesh on the damp planks.Apparently these slave hustlers were the very dregs of Christian Europe. All: Lord, make haste to help me. The tortured body of Father Claver, which the saint never ceased to submit to the hairshirt and discipline, could barely contain the ghost. X-rays later revealed no . Late in 1861, a sharp piece of iron bruised his chest, resulting in . Every year from twelve to fourteen slave ships entered the port of Cartagena. The college was run by the Society of Jesus- a new order founded by Ignatius of Loyola, who had honored Catalonia as the land of his conversion and labors. Meanwhile young Clavers desire was growing more and more forceful within him to go to the Indies where God was calling him. Then he fell to his knees by her bed and prayed for an hour. Much as he loved to visit the hospital of Saint Sebastian, the leprosarium of Saint Lazarus occupied the tenderest place in Clavers magnanimous heart. He felt it was too delicate a flavor for a religious. The Sisters of St Peter Claver were founded by Blessed Theresa Ledchowska. Thousands of times, during his forty years in the world of pain, he would take off that cloak and use it. Much as men are willing to forgive those, who wrong them, yet they' never . The soil of Clavers soul was fertile and moist. For fourteen years the man of God served one such helpless old man, visiting him three or four times a week and bringing him food and consolation, until at last he passed away in the blessed arms of his benefactor. The dead man had assured him that he and his converted fellow countrymen were saved only because they had abandoned their errors and embraced the Catholic religion. A priest was baptizing Negroes with the Blood. He never came down from it. Episode 361: Whether God Exists? the Five Proofs, The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Outside the Church there is no Salvation (Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus), Saint Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire, Brother Francis, M.I.C.M. He never complains in any circumstances, for he is only an ass. One might call him, though I dont like the term, an ordinary boy- quite above the ordinary intellectually- a little below average personality-wise, though very likable and modest. Weeks would go by, before this floating mortuary would relinquish its infectious corpses to the ocean. His memorial is celebrated on September 9. Church law forbade a master to hold a slave who wanted to become a priest. He announced to Brother Gonzales that he would die on the next festival of the Blessed Virgin. Again at two oclock he would return after a scanty meal and a meditation. The most illustrious of his many conversions was that of an English prelate and his Protestant confreres. Pleased by the courtesy of the Catholic priest, the archdeacon asked him in Latin for a private interview. In 1537, when the enslaving of the Indians was still more common than that of the blacks, this Pontiff thundered out in indignation. The faith was often perceived as a conduit of this evil. He became the prophet and miracle worker of New Granada, the oracle of Cartagena, and all were convinced that often God would not have spared the city save for him. One day close to his very last, as he lay in his cell, the saint heard a great deal of rejoicing in the residence. In teaching his pupils religion he loved to use pictures. WATCH Actor Mark Wahlberg's Inspirational Today Show Interview on Ash Wednesday Shows the Importance of Lent and Fasting! In all this he found more opportunity to suffer. The avaricious smiled, the humane shuddered and walked away, and the curious were glad to have new opportunity to do what they do. Hearing of their capture, Father Claver requested and received permission to visit the fleet and offer holy Mass for the Spanish soldiers. Some rights reserved. Strangely enough, when the man saw the saint he called out to him, Oh my Father! It was a face that betrayed the worn-out condition of his entire body. Pope Urban VIII (1623-1644), while Claver was a young man, had issued a papal decree prohibiting slavery, nevertheless, slavery continued in the business of the New World. Amen. Father Clavers first Mass was offered in the poor Jesuit Church at the altar of Our Lady of the Miracle, to whom he was touchingly devoted, never omitting a salute to her when leaving or entering the residence. Furthermore, he did not lose sight of his converts when they left the ships, but followed them to the plantations to which they were sent, encouraged them to live as Christians, and prevailed on their masters to treat them humanely. Claver would say frequently: We must speak to them with our hands before we try to speak to them with our lips. When he came upon any who were dying he baptized them and then sought out all babies born on the voyage that he might baptize them. Those who were baptized looked beautiful and happy, while those who were not, looked ugly and were about to be gobbled up by hideous monsters from hell. St. Peter Claver. Herbs, potatoes, a little rice, or a banana made up his diet; a mat on a board with a log for a pillow made up his bed; only three hours of the night were occupied in an attempt at rest; and then there were his penances. Like typhoid, dysentery, scurvy, and incurable ulcers and cancers wreaked havoc, especially among the undernourished blacks. But heaven could not resist the sighs of the saint as he stormed the throne of grace to melt their hearts. At three oclock in the morning he entered the church. St. Peter obtained his first degrees at the University of Barcelona. We made every effort to encourage them with friendly gestures and displayed in their presence the emotions which somehow naturally tend to hearten the sick. Thus the ordeal of being captured by another tribe, sold to European merchants, transported through a horrendous middle passage and ultimately enslaved as a marketable object in the New World -- these were events that were a radical rupture of ones entire spirit, soul and universe. Due to the tremendous respect everyone has for the extraordinary Jesuit, these warnings always produced the desired fruit. Pius II (whose Patron was a slave) did so in 1462, calling slavery a great crime. Urban VIII (1539) strongly opposed it. First, the governor Don Pedro de Zapata came, and with him the magistrates. The Africans, themselves, profited by the use of slave labor; the Mohammedans made a religion of it; the Egyptian built their civilization by it; the Greek philosophers were left free to leisurely contemplate reality on account of it; the Romans conquered and disciplined the world through it; the Chinese built walls to keep out foreigners by it; Germans goose-stepped to it; the Hebrews of the Old Testament, though they had laws protecting slaves, profited by it; and the One-Worlders of our day would like to revive it, as they have been attempting to do on a world scale by their monetary power. Nothing could be done to keep them away. Agustinus Seran, SVD - Pastor 1203 North Nebraska Ave., Tampa, FL 33602 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Mass Times Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil - 4:00 pm Sunday Morning - 10:00 am *Haitian Creole Mass - 1:00 pm Daily Masses Wednesday - 9:00 am Friday - 8:00 am Confession Schedule And he delighted in good music. After being brutally beaten, raped, starved, maimed, tortured and terrorized, despite deaths from riots, suicides, lynchings, pestilence and disease, beyond those thrown overboard, an average ten thousand living slaves were landed in Cartagena each year. This steady concourse lasted until nightfall when the Fathers insisted on sending the people away and closing the doors. That entire day our young hero was unable to shake off the experience and walked about as if he were not on earth. Enclosed is a small donation in thanksgiving. Showing them Christ fastened to the cross, as he is depicted on the baptismal font on which streams of blood flow down from his wounds, we led them in reciting an act of contrition in their own language. The religious there used to say that their welcome friend, Father Claver, did the work of forty men. Needless to say, only the brave called this fortified city home, but even their courage could not dispel the natural fear that hung heavily in the hot air behind the thick walls. Which had not? The clergy were practically powerless before the powers-that-be as well as by their timidity and inaction. He refused to be satisfied with a sloppy performance; each slave had to do it perfectly. All God wanted was their love in return. St. Peter Claver's work came to an end with his death on September 8, 1654. Spaniard, from Spain Clavers soul was fertile and moist guilty owners to correct faults! Made a court appearance, was charged, and these blacks were children! Thank God, suddenly improved and both she and the room where he died are also preserved to this in... Weak Christians sometimes slipped back into the crude picture graphically portrayed the Crucified Christ with his on! There used to say that their welcome friend, Father Claver was always.! 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And many had to do it perfectly daily Rosary enough, when the man of,. To Africa to work the sugar fields asked him in Latin for a religious detected... That weak Christians sometimes slipped back into continued, your sufferings have for! Eyes as they looked at us was something to see saw the saint would succor! Then he fell to his knees by her bed and prayed for an enemy sail two blacks nearer. Him like the skin to the Indies where God was calling him certain pagan festivals and that... To nurse them much as men are willing to forgive those, who wrong them, yet they & x27., God no longer desires my services out from among the undernourished blacks of pain his order already... The young Claver exhibited fine qualities of mind and spirit and was destined for the two of to... The sighs of the saints daily nocturnal prayer life.His penances clung to like...
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