Can this be used in canada and will you ship to canada? ftSpreader Range1 -- 102 . Agri Fab Rotary. $189.63. ft : Up to 5,000 sq. It is advisable to use a rotary spreader for a more extensive garden. Broadcast Spreader is perfect for large jobs. Bifen L/P provides controls a wide range of insects including fleas for up to 90 days. 2. If you have a small garden, opt for the handy spreader. Knowing your location can help us to better respond to your question. ft : Up to 15,000 sq. Gives you one year control on ants and 4 to 6 months . Youll notice a lawn that is uneven and spotty if you dont set your spreader to match the fertilizer you purchased, and too little product falls from the spreader. The information processed by these cookies includes data relating to you which may include personal identifier (e.g. Since you have 1 acre you will need 2 50 pound bags. There are many different options for investing in your lawn this summer to keep your You have lawn and garden needs, we have solutions! Also this is an extremely expensive product to cover mounds. ft.) using two pounds of meal to get your spreader set. 2) and distribute the product over the measured area. Approximate pounds per 1000 / acre are based on wheel to wheel coverage Group A Products 4 mph - PTO @ 2700 rpm ( 40 ft. width ) 5 mph - PTO @ 2700 rpm ( 40 ft. width ) Spreader setting lbs. We live off of a lake and in a heavily infested fire ant area. However, because of its quicker input, each fertilizer needs higher settings before using the spreader; loading up with lots of product is advisable. Once more, your set is low if the product lasts until the calculated square foot. There is no REI associated with Topchoice applications. How much top choice needed for 8600 sq. Click the link and scroll down to the Spreader Settings section of the drop down. These are the same products golf courses and professional sport turf managers use to keep their grass looking and performing its best. Then, repeat the test in another 10 10 area until the proper application rate is reached. Settings are approximate only. The broadcast spreader comes with a massive 130-pound hopper which can fertilize half an acre before it needs refilling.. Feet? Many elements, such as the model, age, calibration frequency, your walking speed, the spreaders maintenance, and weather, can affect the rate at any will fall from the spreader. Using a tape measure, accurately measure off a specific area on a hard, easy-to-sweep surface, such as a driveway. You can buy it online by adding the product to your cart. Toxicity: very low; do not apply where granules may be washed into water. Yes!!! When applying the granules in small areas, the handheld spreader is recommended to keep the granules from entering non-targeted areas. Enter your email and zip and we'll send you personalized content and special offers. Love this stuff! This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. I use Topchoice on my lawn area around the house. The product you intend to use is the primary factor. If you come up short, decrease your setting. Your email address will not be published. The Agri-Fab 45-0543 high-capacity tow behind spreader is a multifaceted tool, in that it can aerate and seed with each pass, which greatly reduces your workload. Multiply the weight of the bag by this number 32' x 31'. They applied it twice in a 6 month period and it's like they are getting stronger. Starting with the appropriate setting for your specific machine will help. Topchoice's granulated product is easy to apply with a broadcast spreader and does not require mixing. When using their drop spreader, use a setting of 9 1/2 for overseeding and 18 for new seeding. Since we have bought our new home we have had only two applications of, We bought 2.5 acres of property two years ago and the exterminator stated there were well over 200 fire ant hills at that time on the property. Note: The charts settings and the bag are merely estimates, and you need to use this as a starting point. General Comments: These fipronil containing products are very effective, but expensive relative to most baits. If using an organic product, set it at 29.5 where the maximum is 31.5. 2023 The Andersons, Inc. Privacy Terms of Use Sitemap. just wondering why you would say only treat your yard one time yearly. You will NEED a Certified Applicator's License to purchase TopChoice. You will see several numbers on your Scotts broadcast spreader. "Outstanding service with fast shipping and in supply products, well priced and backed up by an excellent company. It will be beneficial to start with the setting recommended for your specific machine. A fine bladed lawn perfect for a northen summer turf or overseeding dormant southern turf. Top choice isnt a bait, its a contact insecticide that bond with the dirt. This is especially important when applying herbicides or fertilizers. While no bait provides true (chemical) residual control, these products will kill reinvading colonies for many months. 1. Best Budget Option. Author: Jeffry Knapp Created Date: 3/15/2012 4:16:15 PM . 2.1 #1. With our five recommendations, here's what to look for in tow behind the fertilizer spreader. You have to calibrate each spreader. Lawn spreader settings. Fine bladed medium green turf. You can accept or reject all or update your preferences by clicking on the appropriate button below. 5,000 sq. Take turf care to the next level with our most advanced nitrogen source yet. The answer is the amount of fertilizer needed to cover 100 sq. The fertilizer or grass seed youll use should be known before anything else. You can do a test with a small area like 10' * 10' (100 sq. Best season for application: Can be used at any time of year since it is not a bait, but best if spread in early spring before fire ant mounds get too large. When using a LESCO product, find the designated setting listed on the bag and then cross reference that number to your particular spreader type using the charts below. While this is not a scientific method, it will put you in the ballpark. ft5 lbs/1,000 sq. The wrong settings can result in over- or under-application, unsatisfactory results and possible damage to the lawn or surrounding environment. Best Overall: Earthway Walk Behind Grass Seed Spreader. If the setting for your spreader is not on our package, the first thing you could do is visit the spreader manufacturer's website and see what kind of help they offer. Place enough material in the hopper to cover 1,000 square feet. Taurus Trio G delivers quick knock down of fire ants especially foragers, due to added quick acting pyrethroids in formulation, while providing long residual activity. Merit provides the industrys longest-lasting grub control Controls foliar and soil-borne fungal diseases and provides Easy to integrate into standard fairway management programs. The conversion table for the rotary spreader, one of the several Scotts spreaders, is almost identical to the conversion chart for the Scotts Elite spreader settings. Spreader settings vary, even between examples of the same model. Topchoice Insecticide is ideal for parks, campsites, sod farms, sports fields, schoolyards, landscape flower beds, and more. Ensure you mark a wide area before starting. You can adjust settings to 7.5 for evergreen autumn fertilizers or organic alternatives. After using. 40' x 25'. Heres a quick overview of the directions to help you maintain the beauty of your yard as you cover your grass with fertilizer or grass seed. For additional product information, call toll-free 1-800-331-2867. Keep in mind that labeled settings on the product bag and those listed within the charts are approximate and should be used as a starting point only. Yes it is. This product works great!! But if you have the money to spend it wont hurt anything to retreat it. RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE DUE TO TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES. Improper spreader settings may result in uneven fertilization, turf injury, inadequate pest control, and a waste of time and money. If only the mound is treated with insecticide, the scavenging ants that are in other areas of the lawn will most likely survive and build new mounds. Tips for how to get a great lawn. 4. By Murray on 06/30/2008. Accurate: Scotts Wizz Hand-Held Spreader. Agri-Fab 85 lb. It would probably kill any that contacted it, though. Do not use as an individual mound treatment. You may not have access to such information when you need it, so you can tune your spreader to apply your fertilizer in a few general ways. By R. in North Port, Florida on 09/28/2011, I just had a pest control company (not disclosing co. name) use this product on my yard. It cannot be applied more than once a year. *The guarantee is limited to the remedy of a retreatment of your property. Gives you one year control on ants and 4 to 6 months on many other insects. Topchoice Insecticide will last for up to 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label. Earthway 2150: In my opinion, the best broadcast spreader for most homeowners; I own this model. Keep in mind that it is always better to under fertilize than to over-fertilize and risk damage to the lawn. You will most likely use the 2 or 3 setting. This is a function of spreader design as well as the granule size and consistency of the product you are applying. Approximate pounds per 1000ft2/acre or 100m2/hectare are based on wheel to wheel coverage Group A Products 4 mph - PTO @ 2700 rpm (40ft/12m width) 5 mph - PTO @ 2700 rpm (40ft/12m width) Spreader Settings lbs/1000ft2 lbs/acre kgs/100m2 kgs/hectare Spreader Settings Note: This spreader model isnt very suitable for more extensive lawns. Unlike many of our neighbors we have never found a mound and have had very few fire ant issues. A comprehensive guide to growing and maintaining a beautiful healthy lawn. Topchoice Insecticide is a ready-to-use granulated product and does not require mixing. Once you are comfortable that you have the correct setting write it down in a convenient place for future reference. In a nutshell, here's how to calibrate a spreader. Agri-Fab's unit is particularly wide-ranging, with a 360-degree spreader that minimizes the amount of backtracking you need to do while putting down fertilizer. Name. I just make sure that the lawn is evenly lightly covered. The main ingredient is the same that is found in Frontline topical for flea control. (Read Briggs And Stratton Oil Capacity Chart). Since we have bought our new home we have had only two applications of Top Choice Fire Ant Granules over more than a three year period. and covers 5,000 square feet: 100 sq. Then, mark off a different area and try again, mindful of the fertilizer application. Adjust the setting as necessary to spread the product evenly over the entire area. For retail sale to and use only by Certified Applicators or persons under their direct supervision and only for those uses covered by the Certified Applicator's certification. To apply Topchoice Insecticide Granules, a handheld spreader, push spreader or broadcast spreader is needed. Many factors influence product delivery rate including but not limited to regularity of calibration, operator walking speed, maintenance history of spreader, and weather conditions. Place this amount in the spreader Best Push Spreader for Large Lawns. Then, multiply the number by 100. You are prepared to provide your grass with critical nutrients by having your fertilizer ready, donning your gardening gloves, and grabbing your spreader. Brinly BS36BH Tow Behind Broadcast Spreader, 175 lb, Black. Bag, Complete Insect Killer Soil & Turf Granules I-23 lb. We feed squirrels and birds daily. Other BioAdvanced products, or products from other manufacturers, will require a different setting. What time of day is best to apply top choice? By the end, youll have enough helpful knowledge to get the best lawn by applying the right amount of fertilizer to your lawn. Best Budget: Home-X Grass Handheld Seed Spreader. One easy-to-apply granular application provides up to one year of control of fire ants, guaranteed*, Lowest dose granular, professionally applied insecticide, Provides control of fleas, mole crickets and ticks when applied for fire ants. and two side-by-side hopper portions, with the width of 18 inches each." Best Value: Scotts 76565. Another way is to set the rate a 1/2 the desired rate and cover the area in one direction going back and forth and then cover the area going back and forth at a 90 degree aspect change. Top Choice Fire Ant Control 2.4. It's specially built with a larger property in mind, so it has all the best qualities you should be looking for. It did not kill them & I have more fire ants now then before they started with Top Choice. For more information, check our
Write the control setting for your fertilizer on the bag once youve determined it, so youll remember it the next time. If you choose to use an Agway drop spreader, a setting of 17 is . Spreader settings are intended as a guide and unit calibration should still be performed to ensure proper application rates. Fertilizer spreader can be used; Taurus Trio G has quick killing pyrethroids in the formulation Disadvantages: Not a bait; Restricted use product (RUP) . You can, but for best coverage and results broadcast per instruction around your yard. Label rate is 2 pounds per 1,000 Square feet. The bags weight should be multiplied by that number. You can always contact BioAdvanced at 1-877-229-3724 or use our live chat feature at for assistance. A broadcast spreader is a good choice if you need to spread salt over a large area, such as a parking lot or patio, but it's much harder to keep the salt off lawns and out of gardens in smaller . In our guide, you can learn more about your rotary spreader, broadcast spreader, Scotts spreader settings conversion chart, and more. Before you begin, check the product package. You can only apply fertilizer and grass seed to your lawn at a specific rate. Working Days/Hours:Mon - Fri / 8:00AM - 6:00PMSat / 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Address:2739 Pasadena Blvd, Pasadena, TX 77502. Due to the active ingredient in Top Choice it will handle ant mounds once activated by rain or irrigation. High quality turf that germinates in 7 - 10 days. Will I be able to purchase this product for use on my lawn? Scotts Whirl Hand-Powered Spreader- best hand held spreaders. If your question is about more than one item, click + to add them. If kept dry, this spreader is easy to clean. Top Choice, fipronil granules are safe to use around pets, you need to allow it to completely dry before they are allowed to re-enter the space. Works great for about a year here in central Texas. Increase the setting if there is still product in the spreader. No, you are required to have a license to purchase Top Choice, as it is a restricted use product. What is the conversion table for Scotts spreader settings? Yes, Top Choice can be safely applied in yards that have pets, but it will need to be completely dry. ft. of material. DISCLAIMER: These spreader settings were established using standard equipment available from the spreader manufacturer at swath widths and speeds typically used within the industry. Let's get started. I would broadcast. Lesco High Wheel Fertilizer Spreader with Manual Deflector - 101186 - Replaces 091186. Timing of application with rainfall? We have a little over an acre and I have been using Top Choice Granules for two years and have completely eradicated the fire ants on my property - which is critical to me, since I am deathly allergic to them. If the fertilizer runs out before completing the area, decrease the setting. No more fire ant problems for at least 12 months. After you are comfortable that you have the correct setting write it down in a convenient place for future reference. I have used it for years in High traffic areas for people and animals and I never come across an ant pile or an abundance of ants. Select a low setting. Use real SOAP !! Scotts have various kinds of spreaders. Holds up to 130 pounds and can cover 25,000 sq. 4. It did not kill them & I hav, Top Choice Fire Ant Granules 50 lb Required fields are marked *. Spread the material over a 50 x 20-foot area (1,000 square feet). I have used crosscheck before and it says to use spreader setting 4 (if I remember correctly) to spread 2.3lbs per 1,000 sqft and they are roughly around the same size. ft : Up to 10,000 sq. Starting with the appropriate setting for your specific machine will help. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. ; Quali-Pro Fipronil $90/30 lbs. The following chart is meant to provide general guidance when an actual setting is not available. Apply using the suggested setting. Herd GT77 Seeders for Application of Fire Ant Bait Conventionally-formulated insecticide bait products (e.g., AMDRO, SIEGE, Logic, Award, Ascend) marketed ft. area. Spreader Setting Recommendations. Log in to Buy. / 1000 / acre 18 3.1 / 135 18 2.5 / 110 Spread the material over a 50 x 20-foot area (1,000 square feet). But your lawn doesn't care. Application of fire ant management materials: Ecological, environmental and economic impact: Extension Foundation and Innovation Collective Partner to Drive Innovation and Community Development, ICYMI, #GoodReads from Extension Foundation, NEW: National Extension Tourism network e-zine highlights successes, presents case studies, REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS: EXCITE Implementation Phase, Dr. Christine Nygren Announces Retirement from Extension Foundation as CEO, RFA: ECOP Health and Workforce Program Action Teams: Resilient Economies and Community Health (REACH), Extension Foundation Membership Available to 1994 Land-grant Universities, College of Veterinary Medicine (cooperative with AgriLife Extension & Research), Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, Can be applied in any season (best in early spring), Taurus Trio G has quick killing pyrethroids in the formulation, Slower than Amdro (except for Taurus Trio G). Best used for: Very thorough, long-lasting control for high traffic areas and high end properties. There is a difference between settings for a broadcast spreader and drop spreader given that they distribute product differently. Thanks document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We are reader-supported and this article may contain affiliate links. This calibration determines how quickly the fertilizer exits the hopper by considering the type and size of the fertilizer grains. I apply mine when rain is forecast, but you could water it in with short irrigation (20-30 minutes). Stands out for its streamlined, walk-behind design that's easy to push and resists jams, thanks to the handy clog-catching hopper screen. The settings you need will also depend on the spreader type you are using. Best Towable Fertilizer Spreader: Agri-Fab 130-Pound Tow Spreader. Agway also offers a tall fescue grass seed. Features. The key to success is remembering each year to apply Top Choice at same time. There are many fertilizer spreaders types to choose from. Agri-Fab 45-0543 100 lb. Top Choice is a restricted Herbicide. Nothing for them to eat, so they go somewhere else. Distribute the product over the measured area. However, once I get it spread just right, it keeps the fire ants at bay for at least a year. Half or quarter of that area may work as long as you remember to also adjust the desired amount of product to be applied as well. ft. Place this quantity in your manual spreader. Many variables such as walking speed, terrain, particle size, density, and spreader condition can affect these settings. To get online access, you'll first need a SiteOne Account. Earthway 2750 Handheld Spreader with a bag -20 Pounds. We have a 1-acre homesite infested with firearms and many other biting ants. Best Tow Behind. Agri-Fab 45-0462: Great choice for people with larger lawns, holds up to 130 pounds of product. 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