Particular emphasis is placed on preparation for the AP World Language and Culture courses. Students will do some Extensive Reading according to their personal interests, reading level, and their teacher's suggestion. Ursuline Academy - Class Reunion Websites Sunday February 19, 2023 If you have an original photo of the school, please send it to URSULINE ACADEMY OF DALLAS 4900 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas, Texas 75229 469-232-1800 Students will apply these skills, in combination with their creativity, to produce solutions that will affect positive change in a technological world. In course 2725, the student can receive credit Physical Education or elective credit once PE requirements are met. Interpersonal communication, acquisition of vocabulary and mastery of basic grammar concepts are emphasized. Students work with authentic materials to make cultural connections. With a distinguished tradition of academic excellence, innovation, and service, Ursuline educates young women for leadership in a global society. AP Macroeconomics is recommended for juniors and seniors. (Freshman-Senior): Never heard of clogging? This course continues to build on the language skills learned in Arabic I. FOUNDED IN 1874, URSULINE ACADEMY OFDALLAS IS AN INDEPENDENT CATHOLIC COLLEGEPREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG WOMENSPONSORED BY THE URSULINE SISTERS.THE MISSION OF URSULINE ACADEMY IS THETOTAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE INDIVIDUALSTUDENT THROUGH SPIRITUAL FORMATION,INTELLECTUAL GROWTH, SERVICE TO OTHERS,AND BUILDING OF COMMUNITY.URSULINE ACADEMY EDUCATES (Sophomore-Senior) This course will focus on the history of music from the symphonic masterpieces, through the Age of Jazz, and concluding with Western popular music (Rock n Roll and Pop). This course may be repeated once for credit. This course will include class discussions, planning sessions for Campus Ministry programming, Bible studies, and communal prayer. Best programming practices are emphasized as students design, code, debug, and test algorithms to solve real-world applications. Arabic,to share my identity and culture and to prepare my studentsfor a global society, and Math, for its beauty and connection to the real world., I just want to be the best teacher I can be every single day for my students., "The greatest impact of being a teacher at Ursuline is the opportunity to walk with my students as they discover the person that God meant them to be. This course examines how the prison industrial complex evolved, and how the legacy of slavery, modern immigration policy, and overt and masked racism impact arrests, indictments, and sentencing. This course may be repeated one time for credit. Students for this course have demonstrated confidence in analysis, writing, and reading skills. D. ALUMNAE OFFICE Claire. The ultimate goal of this department is to develop the individual students critical thinking skills, to enable her to become a scientifically literate citizen who embraces the challenges of working in a global society. (Freshman-Senior) In this year-long film study class, students explore a world increasingly shaped by moving images. (Junior-Senior) This is a college-level course which combines extensive instruction and practice of writing with the study of American fiction and non-fiction. Students will learn the basics of Mindfulness, Meditation, and Yoga as an active stress relief. This course also focuses on developing informal speaking and writing skills necessary to write emails and application letters, read short stories and advertisements, and exchange currency. The stacked glass design is then fused by placing it inside an electric kiln and heating it until the design is fused into one piece. Students considering majors in psychology, nursing, education, fine arts, social work, information science, business, and journalism (among many others) will benefit from this course. Set Design is the art of creating a complete environment in which a theatrical work can exist. Use advanced technology as a learning tool in all areas. Part of the discipline of dance includes appropriate rehearsal and performance wear which makes an enforced dress code essential for dance class. There is no prerequisite. The course will begin with early indigenous and enslaved accounts of life in North America and continue by revisiting major events through womens eyes. This course offers students a deeper understanding of diverse and complex identities that make-up Latino/a/x communities. This is a required course for all students to complete by the end of their sophomore year, earning 0.5 of the Physical Education credit requirement. The main objective of the course is to provide students with enough vocabulary and grammatical structures so that they can communicate in the target language. Students will have a working foundation to analyze current events in the corporate world and the international economy. The course is conducted in French and students are expected to communicate in French, working toward an Intermediate-Low level of proficiency as defined by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages. (Junior) In the fall, this course guides students to better understand how Jesus is personally and visibly present in the actions of the sacraments. The English Department cultivates lifelong readers and creative, independent thinkers, preparing students to engage empathetically and meaningfully in their communities, prompting them to seek and analyze information, develop their own opinions, and skillfully convey their perspectives to othersboth verbally and in writing. No prior running experience required; all students will start at the beginner level, and workouts are designed with individual skill sets in mind. Students participating in this course must be available for a significant time commitment outside of class for meetings, rehearsals, and production work. Introduction to Philosophy will also familiarize students with texts from Western and Eastern philosophers, and philosophical traditional topics such as ethics, human nature, and theory of knowledge. (Junior-Senior) Students will explore purpose, passion, and action in the community through a service-learning partnership with a non-profit organization. The Alumnae Association of Ursuline Academy was formed in 1911, and Mary Russell, class of 1895, was its first president. Beginning with AIs foundation in data science, this course explores the world of AI, its key technologies, and the concerns guiding its use. Beginning students will be recommended for private study outside of the class when necessary. As role models and mentors, they are dedicated to your success. How does Jesus' earthly life 2,000 years ago serve as a model for us today? Theory and practice will be combined to introduce the students to the principles and techniques of performing ballet, lyrical, musical theater, hip hop, jazz styles, and basic stage movement. (Sophomore-Senior) Continue your journey into the Deaf World with ASL Beginning II. No previous background in Chinese is required. Just 55 percent of students say they've been advised on required coursework for graduation, according to Inside Higher Ed and College Pulse's survey on students' experiences with advising and registration. In addition, the study of U.S. history provides the student with a better understanding of Americans role in an interconnected world. At the end of this course, students should better understand the moral reasoning of the Church's teachings and how it applies to their own lives. (Sophomore-Senior) In this class, students will build upon the basic skills learned in Ceramic Basics I and II. You May Also Like. We explore brain diseases, disorders, imaging techniques, treatments, and how the environment impacts the brain. Interested juniors sign up for an individual meeting with the Student Internship Coordinator and are matched with internships in the spring of 2023. Students learn multiple problem-solving strategies including Design Thinking, the 6 Ds, and the Engineering Design Process. Contact info . Particular attention will be given to the overall scope of salvation history, divine authorship of Scripture, and God's unfailing relationship with His people which bridges the gap between the Old and New Covenants, leading up to the Christmas story. (Senior) Students learn how engineers create, design, and test the technologies and devices of the 21st Century using math, science, computer science and creative skills. As the living Word of God and the second person of the Blessed Trinity, Jesus brings new meaning to the exploration of the Gospels. Students are encouraged to discover and understand the interconnectedness of all the earths systems and the impact that each system has on the others. Students participating in these courses should plan to devote 20-25 hours per week for all eight weeks to their course. ", "Choir gives me the chance to use my voice and sing for large groups and Theater is a fun way for me to step out of my comfort zone. Students wishing to pursue an anatomy and kinesiology project may enroll in the course for the full year. 3 spot among our midsize companies. The course seeks to foster students innate curiosity in the unknown final frontier of space as humans boldly go forth in exploration. The fundamental purpose of programming is to solve a real-world problem, and if done well, the design is elegant, useful, usable. This course is a level one introductory course for students with no previous background; for all other students with Spanish background, a placement test is required. (Freshman-Senior) Not only does running improve your endurance, strength, and fitness, but it can also improve your emotional state and strengthen your brain. Students complete the class with a portfolio of approximately four to five works of art. A designated Ursuline administrator acts as the liaison with the One Schoolhouse and shadows the progress of the students taking online courses. Concerts are scheduled throughout the year and opportunities also exist for solo and ensemble performances and honor orchestra auditions. Students will develop research and documentation skills while applying their ability to conduct interviews to obtain information and to verify facts. Rangerette students must meet requirements and criteria of the program including but not limited to absences, performances, uniform/equipment collection and/or financial commitments in order to receive credit. Ursuline Academy (Illinois), a high school in Springfield that operated from 1857 to 2007. The AP Computer Science A course curriculum is compatible with many CS1 courses in colleges and universities. This class may be taken for a Pass/Fail option. The all-girls secondary school, the oldest continuously. Independent all girls Catholic college preparatory school serving grades 9-12. At the end of this course, students will have the confidence and competence to lead a gallery walk of an exhibit they have curated using materials from Ursulines rich history. Students will provide an extension to each unit culminating in a portfolio of individual work that extends concepts with additional analysis, more complex applications, and/or creation of real-life problem solutions. Students are selected through an audition process held in May of the previous year. The course culminates with a collaborative project on how our system can be reformed to reduce crime and improve justice. Ursuline Athletics @UrsulineSports Ursuline Academy of Dallas boasts a storied athletic program with 14 sports. Parent approval required to work with various shop tools under supervision. In addition to the computer and writing skills used, students will study and practice components of photojournalism, business management, and advertising to complete the project. Through lectures, demonstrations, assignments, and critiques, students learn to create dynamic photo compositions and learn how to use the manual functions of the camera including aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to create photographic works of art. By the end of this course, students will have an orientation for observing the night sky and a framework for understanding that which is beyond what we can see from our own speck of the universe. The class is designed to offer a mastery of forensic science and a firm understanding of techniques used in modern forensic labs. In this course, students will be expected to write a variety of assignments that include their own memoir, analytical essays, creative essays, fiction and non-fiction, and an independent study becoming of an Ursuline graduating senior. This theatre class is designed for those with an interest in how theater impacts and/or reflects life. Critical thinking and analysis are emphasized through this independent work. (Junior-Senior) This course offers the opportunity to investigate how science plays a vital role in the justice system and to explore exciting, real-world applications of concepts students learned in physics, chemistry, and biology. Students are introduced to the technical aspect of the language (grammar) along with a broader vocabulary base to build the four modes of communication and to develop a stronger and deeper understanding of the Arabic language and its culture. The Honors course requires special projects with written reports. In addition, the students will develop a working knowledge of dance vocabulary necessary for performance both as an individual and as a member of a dance company. This class may be taken for a Pass/Fail option. Matrices, sequences and series, probability, trigonometric identities, and analytical trig are major units of study. 8. Limits as a foundation for calculus are explored and developed. This course introduces students to the French language and culture while developing the communication skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students learn through project-based units in which they develop an understanding of data analysis, sampling, correlation/causation, bias and uncertainty, probability, modeling with data, making and evaluating data-based arguments, the power of data in society, and more. Students will develop presentational skills in compositions and presentations of social issues. Topics also include the Law of Sines and Cosines, conic sections, vectors, and complex numbers. Students continue to build their art vocabulary as they design artworks incorporating the elements of art learned in Studio Art I, and the principles of design: balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern and unity. From Intramurals to service trips, youll make friendships that will last far beyond your high school years. In the area of integral calculus, the topics explored include antiderivatives, techniques of integration, the definite integral and applications. This course cannot be used to meet the Fine Arts requirement. Students practice conceptual reasoning and learn how to present a solution algebraically, geometrically, numerically, and tabularly. | Ursuline Academy of Dallas is an independent Catholic college preparatory school for young women sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters. Integral to the program is an emphasis on mathematical processes that underlie the content: computation in problem-solving contexts, language and communications, connections within and outside mathematics, reasoning, justification and proof, and applications and modeling. ", "As someone who speaks three languages and has always valued global competence, the Global Advisory Council offers me the international connections needed to further develop my understanding of world-related topics. They will also help with the build of our productions, giving them a chance to use their skills on a largerscale in a collaborative project. The program aims to foster active participation of the students in the language and develop proficiency in communication. Students will explore the complex history, economics, philosophy, and geography of food beginning in a historical and global perspective, then diving into the food economy of the United States, the ethics of food, and ending with a local and personal look at food as culture. In addition, this course is designed to introduce students to the UA library resources, both print and online. This class is designed to give our students the confidence to design and build. Students will also engage in building essential skills needed to maintain optimal health while developing ways to promote healthy lifestyles in our diverse society. The course prepares students for the AP Language and Composition College Board exam. (Junior-Senior) AP Studio Art is designed for highly motivated students who are committed to dedicating time both in and outside of class to developing a college level art portfolio. Course work at Ursuline is designed to develop critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills. With extra intensive language practice, some students may choose to take the AP Chinese Language and Culture test. The class will culminate with a presentation where you will research a question of your choosing in a peer-reviewed science journal. Students will practice research and presentation skills as we investigate significant individuals, events, and developments in European History from the late Middle Ages through the present day. This self-directed and project-based film production class is for the motivated student who is interested in producing independent films or plans to study film further in college. MAY 2016. Recommended Articles. Become more aware of the responsibilities of global citizenship and ways you can have a positive impact on our global society. Those skills are developed using modeling, graphing, diagramming, unit analysis, symbolic algebra, and data analysis. The Orchestra meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:00 8:00 am at Ursuline Academy with credit awarded in the spring semester. Students are working towards Novice-High level of proficiency as defined by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages. For students continuing into Semester II, the course shifts into personalized, project-based work, where students engage in deep, sustained inquiry; authentic and iterative research; critical analysis; and rigorous reflection, revision, and assessment as they journey through a self-designed, long-term activism, design, or research project on the topic of their choosing. The course will focus on dramatic texts and their social and cultural context. Students will explore basic makeup principles,makeup through the ages, fantasy makeup design, and the creation of some basic special effects. The course is designed to build and develop a stronger understanding of the Arabic language and its culture. (Freshman-Junior) This elective course is designed to increase students' understanding of the communication process within the context of journalistic writing and page design. These models will then be used to explain and describe the world we live in. This course, integrating the learning of the past three years, uses the Gospels and Catholic Social Teaching to help students appreciate the richness of the Church's social mission. In Semester 2, the course shifts into personalized, project-based work, where students engage in deep, sustained inquiry, authentic and iterative research, critical analysis, and rigorous reflection, revision, and assessment as they journey through a self-designed, long-term activism, design or research project on the topic of their choosing. Students collaboratively explore the outcomes of behaviors such as learned helplessness and learned optimism so that they can identify practices that build resilience, compassion, and gratitude, and they have opportunities to research nuanced topics in the positive psychology literature and design activities that connect theory to lived experience. Directly or indirectly, realistically or fantastically, humans use stories to explore and question all the huge experiences, wonderful, traumatic, or damaging, that they encounter, and that can be messy. Essential to the success of the class is the willingness of students to submit their work to the critical response of their peers, as well as their ability to evaluate candidly the work of those same peers. The fee for dropping a full credit class is $1,820 and a half credit charge is $1,095. The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design using Java language. The course also examines how research is done in the social sciences and connects in a myriad of ways to other disciplines students are studying. Its mission is the total development of the individual student through spiritual formation, intellectual growth, service to others, and building of community. An authors life, partially; their experience, certainly. Students learn how to carve a block and engrave a plate as they use a printing press to transform their own creative designs, drawings, and photographs into beautiful works of art, in multiple. Students are working towards the goal of reaching a Novice-high level of proficiency or higher, as defined by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages. Youll also get a chance to put your stamp on that tradition. Students cultivate their understanding of comparative government and politics through analysis and research of data and text-based sources as they explore topics like power and authority, legitimacy and stability, democratization, internal and external forces, and methods of political analysis. This course does not fulfill the physical education credit requirement, but does fulfill an elective credit. Students will do some Extensive Reading according to their personal interests and their teachers suggestion. You must be in good standing with the DOS Office and Academic Dean in order to be considered. (Freshman-Senior) Students will explore working their heart, lungs, muscles, and mind together in this fitness journey that applies real training principles of bicycle racing, in a non-competitive environment. It introduces students to the Spanish language and culture while developing the communication skills of listening, speaking, writing, and reading. All these skills will culminate into a final project fit to hit the runway! Emphasis will be placed on the particle nature of matter, with special focus towards the role of energy in chemistry. The use of color, among other elements of design, is a hallmark of this process. Region served. Throughout the course, students investigate simulated crime and accident scenes, collect and analyze evidence and develop observation skills and deductive reasoning. Ursuline Academy (Dallas, TX) Varsity Volleyball Varsity Girls Volleyball Dallas, TX 22-23 V. Volleyball Home Schedule Roster Stats Standings Rankings Videos News More / Ursuline Academy Volleyball Ursuline Academy Volleyball OVERALL 16-19 0.46 Win % DISTRICT 5-7 4th TAPPS 6A District 1 HOME6-4 AWAY4-5 NEUTRAL6-10 PF51 PA53 STREAK1L We teach all types of tap from standard basics like Singing in the Rain to funky rhythm tap as seen in Bring In Da Noise. This class is open to all grade levels and can be taken as either Fine Artsor Physical Education graduation requirement. This course fulfills the physical education credit requirement. In this mainly project-based course students are working towards the Intermediate-Mid level of proficiency, as defined by the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages. Transmitting the Christian faith means to create in every place and time the conditions for a personal encounter of individuals with Jesus. Finally, they will have created and tested something useful of their own design or will be able to defend a position based on their own research. (Freshman) Shark Tank is an introduction to business, allowing students to explore the most popular college major for women.
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