Your dreams are important messages from God! This great authority and all great authority is released from the Lord in our lives when we come into an intimate knowledge of the Son of God through a relationship with the Lord personally. The only thing is I didnt know how much He trusted me until this appearance in the summer of 1997. I know someone is thinking or saying, but the Bible says, That no man hath seen God at anytime (John 1:18) and no man can see God and live (Exodus 33:20) just as God told Moses. I asked Him questions such as, I want to know You. It was an intense level of seeking the Lord and inquiring of Him. Intimacy and a throughly knowledge of who He the Son of God was. 30 talking about this. He received these keys because he was given a revelation of who Jesus was as the Son of God. From having this dream I became very concerned about the welfare of our country. On the third tape of this series, he began to talk about the manifestations of power,and miracles that one receives after they have received a double portion of His Spirit and power. The people there were different. The Three Heavens | Miracle Service in Maryland, Apostle David E. Taylors Official Website, Teen Dies | See's Jesus | Raised Back to Life, Lose Your Life in Christ | Go to the Throne of Grace. Peace was talked about at the table but war was plotted during the 5-15 minute breaks! In this dream during my sleep the Lord appeared to me and said these words, I have now given you what Moses had. Call in and choose a free message out of 5 powerful new teachings that David E. Taylor just released! We saw the bars shut down and the mayor of that town was filled with the Holy Ghost in that move! Celebrating 30 years of ministry, David E. Taylor has made an indelible imprint throughout his community, the United States, and around the world. Then I awoke out of the dream. After this I was awakened out of the dream. David E. Taylor was born August 3, 1972, in the small town of Memphis, Tennessee. In 1989 at the age of 17, Apostle David Taylor was living a worldly and gangster lifestyle on the streets of Memphis, when Jesus Christ first appeared to him in a dream during the Christmas Season. There He was, the One I had heard about growing up. I had a knowing that the reason I was there had something to do with His concern for America. Suddenly the Holy Spirit showed me this in scriptures and He began to cause me to reminisce and think back on what had happened in my life before Jesus entrusted me with these keys to His kingdom. God has been speaking through dreams since the beginning of time! These encounters have been documented and reported by many pastors and leaders and seen in the express testimonials of Gods people for years whom the Lord has appeared to. Now while I was in college at Johnson and Wales University studying to become a chef, we stayed in rooms that were more like apartments than regular college dorm rooms. He was real! I knew from this dream that the Lord was warning me about a war that was coming to America from Russia. She began to say, Ive noticed the type of consecrated life you have, spending vast hours with the Lord, this man, when he was your age did the same. She had been reading his book called, Good Morning Holy Spirit. She said to me, You need to get this book Ive been reading, I believe it will help encourage you! And oh it did! I saw a U.S. Army truck exploding as the nuclear bombs hit our nation. As I stood there silently with Jesus, a huge nuclear rocket missile passed right in front of us with the old communistic Russian acronym, U.S.S.R. on its side. Every time His robe looks more glorious to me. . As I gazed upon Him I saw that the color of His hair was sandy-brownish and parted at the top, coming over the sides of His face, down His shoulders in waves. The Lord allowed me, through grace, to prophetically speak of this event before it actually happened to a number of people. Everything in my whole being screamed out Ive got to have that! At that time I didnt know what to quite call it. You can imagine the ecstasy I felt. When I arrived there at his room, me and some other of my staff pastors began praying for him and commanded the illness to leave his mind. The Lord does require us to live a holy and righteous life but our relationship with Him is not based totally (I must say this with balance) on how righteous we are or can be but because He is righteous. I have already given it to you, just praise Me for it during the rest of your fast. After I heard this voice I obeyed. This book only had writing on the left side with the heading GODS PLAN. The opposite side was blank with no writing at all. I was completely shaken in my whole being from His words. Dreams of warnings and admonition are not to frighten, scare or speak doom against this country but to save her and deliver her from the coming danger. When I walked up to the podium the book that the Lord had written about my whole life was already opened. The glory of God is about to settle over the whole city and St. Louis will be the kick off of the greatest move of God that the world has ever known! Dreams are important in that they serve as a classroom (or school) by God to mentor us in life, ministry or business. He will place friends or others around us and allow us to hear dreams and visions that He has given them about us. This also revealed to me the explanation of why God was using me in the miraculous realm, unlike what was happening before. I didnt know how important and how much a part of my destiny and purpose in ministry this dream was for my life until these recent years! From 1989 until this point which wouldve equaled to about two and a half years, He took me through the discipleship stage, but now my life and walk with Him was taking on a drastic turn into Him commissioning me to be His servant. I was so overtaken with His love for me and His power upon me, that the more hours I spent with Him, the more I wanted to increase my time with Him. I was actually in New York before and during the time that these attacks began. In doing so, David has drawn the attention of many nations with his powerful teaching and exponential revelation of God's Word. Jesus stood in midair very quietly, dressed in a beautiful white robe. He had on the beautiful white robe that He normally wears. Required fields are marked *. Do not dismiss them or neglect them. He was 93 years of age when I was first introduced to him and he had a spiritually thriving and anointed church. So, dont tell me that this experience wasnt real and that He doesnt appear to men today. I didnt know that something this dramatic was going to happen as Im about to tell you. All I know is at that the point that I am summoned I am where He is immediately! At this time he truly repented, was converted and received salvation by invitation from Jesus personally in this dream. Watch Apostle David E Taylor every Sunday at 6 PM ET on Eternal Life TV. Their first-born was a boy they named, Kenneth. I said to myself, Ive got to have the Lord surrounding me and inside me in that dimension and in that way. So right at that moment I put the book down and cried out to the Lord saying, I want this!. As this happened I felt someone pushing on me to wake me up. In this dream during my sleep it was revealed and told to me that because there was so many sick people in America the Lord has called me to stand on the forefront with the healing ministry. The greatest move of God that the earth has ever seen is about to invade the earth this is the time and this is the hour! I shared earlier with you how the Lord brought me to Him. He introduced me to the Holy Spirit in an unusual way through his life and the life of Kathryn Kuhlman and her past ministry through his book entitled, Good Morning Holy Spirit. To God be the glory and thank God for men like him of integrity who have stayed the course in the healing ministry through insurmountable odds and great persecutions against him everywhere! Paul said, I long to see you that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift to the end ye may be established. We have come into the knowledge that God uses the doctrine of the laying on of hands through men to impart spiritual gifting to others, but we today in the church have forgotten and are not aware of how God used dreams to impart spiritual gifting to men. He began to untwist and was totally healed as he arose from his wheelchair! It looked like a massive library. When you preached today, everything in the dream happened today just as I saw it. Then she said, And I also saw that cloud of glory around you and your face was shining like a light bulb.. He was born in a family of nine children. The people who were experiencing these appearances in America ranged from his little children Joshua and Destiny (when they were seven and eight years of age) to the people in his multicultural staff, to the open appearance of the Lord in Washington State in the sight of three million people at one time over three whole regions in 2006. He then began to walk. God has purposed so much more for you than what the 21st Century Church would lead you to believe! I saw the pastor of the church preaching lying flat on his back. This was what Ive been looking for!, He describes that at the end of her service he saw a cloud of glory enveloping and surrounding her and while at the same time her face was shining like a light bulb through that cloudy mist. It was uncontrollable and the receptionist or nurse at the desk didnt know what to do. I did not even know I had a special ministry, or that I was called to a special ministry in this life. It was the pastor I was staying with. It was very early in the morning around 4:00 a.m. Officers covered the west and east. He saw the woman evangelist, Kathryn Kuhlman standing there with a glory cloud surrounding her and her face shining through the mist. Well, three months after the Lord had me use these keys, President Bill Clinton in 1999 goes to Brooklyn and gives the mayor 3 million dollars exactly like the Lord had me proclaim with the Keys of the Kingdom. Face to Face Appearances from Jesus ~ The Ultimate Intimacy, My Trip to Heaven ~ Face to Face with Jesus, The Ancient Biblical Move of Face to Face, How the Lord Brought the Healing Ministry to David E. Taylor, David E. Taylor Award from President Obama. Marie Woodworth-Etter prophesied the same thing in 1906 during the Worlds Fair in St. Louis where she stood frozen in a trance for three days. The strange thing in this dream, was that along with me another line of people formed behind Kathryn Kuhlman in a single-file line. 'Apostle' David E. Taylor's Kingdom of God Global Church Sued for Failure to Pay for $2 Million Stage Set Kim Roberts September 16, 2022 Movie Prop Rentals has sued the Kingdom of God Global Church and Joshua Media Ministries, both led by self-proclaimed apostle David E. Taylor , to recover the cost of constructing a stage set that the .
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